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(DABS-I Study)
ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition, HYDERABAD – 500 007
Mother & Child Schedule


1 Type of PSU
1. Urban 2. Rural
2 State (Refer to coding list)
3 District (Refer to coding list)
4 PSU Number
5 Household Number
6 Name of Head of the Household
7 Address
8 Mobile Number
10 Date of Interview
11 Interviewer Name Code:
[This schedule is to be administered to the mother of the child 0-23 months]

Interviewer’s Name___________________ Interviewer’s Code___________

Q.No. Questions Response Code Skips

1 Child ID [CAPI: Autogenerate]
Name of the mother:
2 [Select from the drop-down menu (App will auto-populate the names of all women (>14
years) from the HH roster)]
Name of the index child:
3 [Select from the drop-down menu (App will auto-populate the names of all children (0-
23 months) from the HH roster)]
Date of birth of the child: DD/MM/YYYY
[App will auto-populate from HH roster]
Age of the child in months
[App will auto-calculate]
Sex of the child Male 1
[App will auto-populate from HH roster] Female 2
If 1 and
child is
skip to
9, if 1
7 Birth order of the child
skip to
Birth interval
Date of birth of the preceding child [living
8 or died] DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY
[Auto-calculate from DoB of the index child
– DoB of the preceding child]
Details of the last pregnancy
[This section is to be administered to the mother of the child less than12 months
(check Q.No.8)]
Did you attend antenatal care check-ups Yes 1 If 2, skip
when you were pregnant with [name]? No 2 to 24
How many weeks pregnant were you when ----
10 you first received antenatal care for this [weeks of gestation]
pregnancy? Record 98 if don’t know
Anganwadi centre 1
Where did you receive antenatal care for
Sub-centre 2
this pregnancy?
11 Govt. hospital 3
[Multiple options]
Private hospital 4
Others [Specify] 96
How many times did you receive antenatal
__ __
12 care during this pregnancy?
[Record 98 if Don’t know]
[Check MCP card/medical records]
As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the
following done at least once?

Yes No DK
13 Haemoglobin estimation
a (Was a sample of your blood taken 1 2 98
b Given deworming tablet 1 2 98
c Ultrasound/Sonography (USG) 1 2 98
During this pregnancy, were you given an Yes 1 If 2 or
14 injection in the arm to prevent the baby from No 2 98, skip
getting tetanus? (TT injection) Don’t know 98 to 16
During this pregnancy, how many times did
you get a tetanus injection?
During this pregnancy, were you given or Yes 1 If 2, skip
did you buy any iron folic acid tablets? No 2 to 19
During the whole pregnancy, for how many Number of DAYS
days did you consume the tablets? __ __ __
Fear of side effect 1
Black stool 2
What was the reason for the low
Constipation 3
consumption/no consumption of IFA
Vomiting 4
18 tablets?
Nausea 5
[App will display this question, if the
Forgetting 6
response to Q17 is <100 days]
No supply 7
Others (Specify) 96
Were you diagnosed with any of the Anemia 1
following when you were pregnant with Gestational Diabetes 2
19 [Name] Gestational Hypertension 3
[Check hospital records] Others [Specify] 96
Multiple options None 99
Did you receive any supplementary Always 1
20 nutrition from the Anganwadi centre during Sometimes 2
this pregnancy? Never 3
Did you receive any financial assistance for
Yes 1 Skip 24
21 delivery care including JSY and other local
No 2 if no
relevant schemes?
What was the total amount that you
22 Rs. ___ __ __ __
What was the total amount that the woman
23 Rs. __ __ __ __ __
is eligible for?
Particulars of the last delivery
[App: This section is to be administered to the mother of the child 0-23 months]
Home 1
Sub-centre 2
24 Where did you give birth to [NAME]? Government hospital 3
Private hospital 4
Others [Specify] 96
Normal 1
25 Type of delivery Caesarean 2
Others [Specify] 96
26 Who conducted the delivery? Elders/ Dai/TBA 1
Doctor 3
Not recorded 0
1st day 1
2 day 2
When was the birth weight of [name] rd
27 3 day 3
4th day 4
5th day 5
After 5th day 6

Grams: __ __ __ __
How much weight [name] had at birth Mark the source of
(grams)? information for birthweight:

Yes 1
29 Was [name] ever breastfed?
No 2

How long after birth did you start Immediately 000

breastfeeding (NAME)?
30 less than one hour 00
If less than 24 hours, record hours
Otherwise, record day
Yes 1 If 1 or
31 Did you feed colostrum to [NAME]? No 2 98, skip
DK 98 to 33
Difficult to digest 1
What was the reason for not feeding Not good for the health 2
colostrum? The child could not suck 3
Others [Specify] 96
In the first two days after delivery, was
[NAME] given anything other than breast
milk to eat or drink – anything at all like Yes 1
water, infant formula, etc? No 2
[Infant formula, animal milk, juice, glucose
water, honey, any other holy water, etc.]
Milk other than breastmilk
Plain water 2
Sugar/glucose water 3
34 What was (NAME) given to drink? Fruit Juice 4
Infant formula 5
Honey 6
Medicine 7
Others [Specify] 96
Only breast milk 1
Breast milk and plain
water 2
Breastfed and non-milk If
liquids 3 response
What type of feeding is being given to
35 Breastfed and animal milk or is 6,
[name] currently?
formula (no solid or semi- Skip to
solid foods) 4 37
Breastfed and solid or semi-
solid foods 5
Not breastfed 6
Was [NAME] breastfed yesterday during
Yes 1 response
the day or at night?
36 No 2 is 2 or
[This question is to be displayed if the
DK 98 98, Skip
response to Q35 is 1 to 5]
to 38
How many times did you feed breast milk to
37 [Name] during the previous day?
[minimum 10 minutes per feed] __ __
Did [NAME] drink anything from a bottle Yes 1
38 with a nipple yesterday during the day or at No 2
night? DK 98
At what age (months) did you start giving
complementary solid, semisolid, or soft
39 __ __
food to [Name]?
[Record 99 if not started]
Up to what age (months) did you feed the
child only with breast milk?
[Only breast milk, without any additional
40 food or liquid, even water, with the
exception of oral rehydration solution, __ __
drops, syrups of vitamins, minerals, or
Details of current feeding practices
[This section is to be administered to the mother of the child 6-23 months]
Now I would like to ask you about liquids that [NAME] had yesterday
during the day or at night.
Please tell me about all drinks, whether [NAME] had them at home, or
somewhere else. Yesterday during the day or at night, did [NAME] have…?
[Skip this section, if response to Q. No 35 is 1]
Yes No DK
41a Plain water? 1 2 9
Infant formula such as Nestle LACTOGEN
1 Baby Milk Powder, Aptamil Gold
Formula Milk Powder, Dexolac Infant
Formula Milk Powder, Nestle NAN PRO 1 If 2 or 9,
41b Milk Powder, Enfamil A+ Milk Powder, 1 2 9 skip to
Similac Infant Milk Powder, Nestlé Nan 41c
EXCELLAPRO 3 Milk Powder, Lactodex
Starter Milk Powder, etc.
[insert local names of common formula]?
How many times did [NAME] drink
41b_1 formula milk?
If more than 7, record “7”
If number of times not known, record “9”
If 2 or 9,
Milk from animals, such as fresh, tinned or
41c 1 2 9 skip to
powdered milk
How many times did [NAME] drink milk?
41c_1 If more than 7, record “7”
If number of times not known, record “9”
Was the milk or were any of the milk drinks
41c_2 1 2 9
a sweet or flavoured type of milk?
If 2 or 9,
Curd/Yogurt drinks such as [insert local
41d 1 2 9 skip to
names of common types of yogurt drinks]?
How many times did [NAME] drink
41d_1 curd/yogurt?
If number of times not known, record “9”
Was the curd/yogurt drinks sweetened or
41d_2 1 2 9
Chocolate-flavoured drinks including those
41e 1 2 9
made from syrups or powders?
Fruit juice or fruit-flavoured drinks
41f including those made from syrups or 1 2 9
Sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks or energy
41g 1 2 9
41h Tea, coffee, or herbal drinks? 1 2 9
Was the drink/ were any of these drinks
41h_1 1 2 9
41i Clear broth or clear soup? 1 2 9
41j Any other liquids? [Write name] 1 2 9
41j_1 Was the drink sweetened? 1 2 9
Now I would like to ask you about everything that [NAME] ate yesterday
during the day or the night. I am interested in foods your child ate whether
at home or somewhere else. Think about when [NAME] woke up yesterday.
Did (he/ she) eat anything at that time? If “yes” ask: Please tell me
everything [NAME] ate at that time. Probe: Anything else? Record answers
using the food groups below. What did [NAME] do after that? Did he/she
eat anything at that time? Repeat this series of questions, recording in the
food groups, until the respondent tells you that the child woke up this
morning. If a mixed dish is mentioned: Probe: What were the main
ingredients in [MIXED DISH]?
Yes No DK
If 2 or 9,
42a Yogurt, other than yogurt drinks? 1 2 9 skip to
How many times did [NAME] eat yogurt?
42a_1 If more than 7, record “7”
If number of times not known, record “9”
Cereals and millets
(eg: Porridge, bread, roti, rice, any millets
42b 1 2 9
noodles, pasta or [insert other commonly
consumed grains])
42c Vegetables with rich Vitamin-A 1 2 9
(eg: Moringa (as vegetable), Pumpkin,
carrots, or any other vegetables that are
yellow or orange inside
[insert other vegetables that are sources of
vitamin A])
Starchy roots and tubers
(Eg: Potatoes, banana, white yams, radish,
42d tapioca, cassava or [insert other commonly 1 2 9
consumed starchy tubers or starchy
tuberous roots that are white or pale inside]
Dark green leafy vegetables, such as [insert
42e commonly consumed vitamin A-rich dark 1 2 9
green leafy vegetables]
Other Vegetables
Any other vegetables, such as cucumbers,
42f 1 2 9
gobi, etc [insert commonly consumed other
Fruits rich in Vitamin A such as ripe
mangoes, ripe papayas, apricot,
42g passionfruit, etc 1 2 9
[insert other commonly consumed vitamin
A-rich fruits]
Other fruits
Any other fruits, such as grapes,
42h 1 2 9
watermelon, guava, etc [insert commonly
consumed fruits]
Organ meats
42i Liver, kidney, heart or [insert other 1 2 9
commonly consumed organ meats]
Processed meats
42j Sausages, canned meat or [insert other 1 2 9
commonly consumed processed meats]
Other meat
42k Any other meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, 1 2 9
goat, chicken, duck, etc.
42l Eggs? 1 2 9
42m Fresh fish, dried fish or shellfish? 1 2 9
Pulses, legumes, nuts and oilseeds
Redgram dal, Beans, peas, lentils, nuts,
42n seeds or [insert commonly consumed foods 1 2 9
made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts, or
Ghee, paneer, butter, Hard or soft cheese
42o such as [insert commonly consumed types 1 2 9
of cheese
Confectioneries and Sweet foods
42p such as chocolates, candies, pastries, cakes, 1 2 9
biscuits, or frozen treats like ice cream, etc.
Fried and salty foods
Chips, crisps, puffs, French fries, fried
42q dough, instant noodles or [insert other 1 2 9
commonly consumed sentinel fried and salty
42r Other solid, semi-solid or soft foods? 1 2 9
[List all other solid, semi-solid or soft foods
that do not covered above]
How many times did your child eat any
solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday
42r_1 during the day or night as a meal?
If 7 or more times, record “7”. __ __
If number of times not known, record “9”
Immunization Particulars
[Ask for the MCP card and check]
[This section is to be administered to the mother of the child 12-23 months]
Age Name of the Status Date of
vaccine Immunization
Yes……1 [DD/MM/YY]
Birth BCG
6 weeks OPV-1
10 weeks OPV-2
14 weeks OPV-3
9-12 months MR-1
16-23 months
MCP /immunisation Card /
health records 1
Source of information for immunization
44 Anganwadi record 2
Parents recall 3
Others [Specify] 96
Vitamin A supplementation details
[CAPI: This section is to be administered to the mother of the child 12-23 months]
[Ask for the MCP card and check]
During the last one year, did [name] receive Yes 1 If 2, skip
Vitamin A supplementation? No 2 to 49
No. of doses of Vitamin A received during
No. of doses: __
46 the past 1 year?
[Record 98 if DK]
Sub centre 2
47 Where was the last dose administered? Government Hospital 3
Private hospital 4
Others [Specify] 96
48 Who administered the last Vitamin A dose?
Govt Doctor 3
Others [Specify] 4
Not offered 1
What was the reason for not receiving Not aware 2
Vitamin A supplementation? Fear of side effects 3
Others [Specify] 96
IFA and deworming details
[This section is to be administered to the mother of the child 6-23
During the last one month, did [name]
Yes 1 If 2, skip
50 receive Iron and folic acid
No 2 to 52
No. of bottles of Iron and folic acid (IFA)
51 syrup received during the past 1 month?
__ __ __
[Record 98 if DK]
During the last one year, did [name] receive Yes 1 If 2, skip
Deworming syrup? No 2 to 54
No. of doses of Deworming syrup received
53 during the past 1 year?
[Record 98 if DK]
In the last 3 months, did (NAME) receive If 2,
Yes 1
54 supplementary nutrition from the Skip to
No 2
anganwadi/ICDS centre? 57
Almost daily 1
If 1,
Does [Name] consume the ICDS At least once a week 2
55 Skip to
supplementary nutrition regularly? At least once a month 3
Never 9
Supply not regular 1
Child not liking 2
56 Reasons for not consuming Not healthy 3
Sharing with others 4
Others [Specify] 9
Never 1
In the last 3 months, how many times has Once 2 If 1, End
57 (NAME)'s weight been measured by the Twice 3 the
anganwadi worker? Thrice 4 schedule
More than thrice 9
Did the anganwadi worker discuss the Yes 1
child’s nutrition status with you? No 2


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