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Inquiry Through Literacy

Task 1: Complete the sentences using conjunctions –and, or , but

1. I like to eat, sing __________ dance.

2. I like cooking ____________ I do not like washing dishes.

3. I can eat pizza __________ burger for dinner.

4. I will go to the beach _________ park.

5. I like to play football ________ not basketball.

Task 2: Circle the adverbs in the following sentences:

1. Jack quickly walked to his car.

2. Rose sang sweetly.

3. Ria danced gracefully during her performance.

4. She read the book quietly.

5. He drove the bus carefully.

Task 3: Read the comprehension carefully and answer the following questions:

Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. He flies around the world on a sleigh which
is driven by reindeers. He goes down the chimney every year to surprise us. He
brings presents for us every year. He puts the gifts under the Christmas tree. He
enjoys having milk and eat a lot of cookies.
a. Where does Santa live?
b. Who flies on a sleigh?
c. What does Santa Claus enjoy eating?

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