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A very interesting review of the early fire resistance of building construction,

history of fire tests2 was presented at and thus we resort to service testing as
the Fire Test Symposium sponsored by exemplified by the fire test. In one sense
ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Tests of it is desirable to use a specimen as long
Materials and Construction in 1961. and high as a typical room in a building
The concepts that underlie the present so as to duplicate more nearly actual
standard method for wall and partition conditions. Costs and practical limita-
assemblies are basically the same as those tions on test facilities, on the other hand,
that formed the foundation of the early would dictate relatively small specimens.
test methods. Over the years a number The test requirement on specimen size
of changes and refinements have been is a compromise of these considerations
incorporated, but they have not altered and is the basis for nearly all fire re-
the fundamental principles. sistance ratings for present-day con-
To follow the thinking involved in the structions. As a result of the extensive
present method, we consider a typical use of the test method based upon the
building under fire conditions and then minimum of 100 sq ft, it is important
extract a representative section of the to recognize that results from fire tests
construction to conduct the fire test. on specimens of much smaller dimen-
The specimen size presently considered as sions cannot be equated directly to the
being representative for walls and parti- results from standard tests.
tions has a minimum area of 100 sq ft The second essential element of the
and neither dimension less than 9 ft. fire test, of course, is the makeup of the
The construction system must have a fire intensity and severity. The time-
reasonable degree of structural stability temperature curve shown in Fig. 1 de-
in order to withstand the differential scribes the fire used in the standard tests.
thermal stresses even if not required for The fire condition was arbitrarily set as
load-carrying capacity. In addition, it typical of some of the more severe fires
must contain thermal insulation to resist observed in the field.
transfer of heat. The specimen size is an It should be recognized that with the
essential element of the test method. establishment of these two essential ele-
No widely accepted theoretical means ments of the test method, the test need
has yet been devised to evaluate the no longer be related to any actual build-
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering ing or any real fire. Rather, the test
and Director, Building Research Laboratory, gives a measure or index by which to
Engineering Experiment Station, The Ohio compare one construction system with
State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Harry Shoub, "Early History of Fire all other construction systems under
Endurance Testing in the United States," one standard set of fire conditions. If it
Symposium on Fire Test Methods, ASTM is argued that some assemblies will per-
STP No. 301, Am. Soe. Testing Mats., p. 1
(1961). form better than others under a more

Copyright" 1963 by ASTM International


severe condition, this test will not dem- bearing walls are required to be tested
onstrate that fact. If it is argued that the under loaded conditions. In view of this,
test condition is more severe than actual load-bearing wall specimens may not be
conditions and that a given assembly attached or restrained along their vertical
will perform adequately under a real edges in the test frame. This prevents a
fire, this is really immaterial, for the portion of the test load from being trans-
basis of comparison and acceptance is ferred to the exterior frame. Non-load-
contained in this test method. Any one bearing specimens may be attached to
of the potentially infinite number of the test frame along all four edges.
other conditions to which an assembly The one aspect of the pretest proce-
could be exposed is extraneous. In the dure not yet considered is the require-
broad sense, it is not important that the ment for conditioning the specimen. In

2 500

2 000

I 500



1 2 3 4 5 6
TIME, hr

FIG. 1.—Standard Time-Temperature Curve.

test simulate some real condition, but order to approach a realistic condition
that the test be reasonable. We are secur- in the assembly before fire exposure, it
ing a comparative index and are not is necessary that the construction attain
measuring an absolute quantity. Build- a large portion of its final strength. If it
ing code officials and others charged with contains moisture, it should be condi-
the responsibility of establishing the fire tioned until it has reached a reasonably
endurance requirements of buildings for air-dried state approaching that in serv-
various occupancy must bear this in ice. In this regard, it is presently re-
mind. quired that the interior or dampest
section of the assembly attain an equi-
T E S T S OF W A L L AND PARTITION librium moisture content with air of 70
ASSEMBLIES per cent relative humidity or less. This
Wall and partitions are classified as to is a rather complex condition to describe,
their function in a structure either as and Committee E-5 still has certain
load-bearing or non-load-bearing. Load- aspects of this requirement under active



consideration. In view of the state of the fire test. The first of the limits
flux, this requirement will not be con- reached determines the endurance period.
sidered in detail here. It is sufficient to During the progress of the test, the
say that in order to obtain a compatible deflection of the wall toward or away
index of fire endurance, each of the many from the fire is measured and recorded.
variations of assemblies utilizing water Visual observations relative to steam
as an element of its chemical composi- and smoke emission, cracks, spalling,
tion must be on a common base with and discoloring of the specimen are
respect to excess moisture. likewise noted. Neither the deflection
nor the visual observations of them-
CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE— selves are cause for an end point of the
OR E N D POINTS test but are recorded for information
Endurance Test:
Hose Stream Test:
The fire endurance test is continued A further requirement the assembly
using the standard time-temperature must meet if the indicated endurance
curve and these temperatures are re- period is 1 hr or more is a fire and hose
corded every 5 min. The assembly under stream test. Conceptually, the endurance
test is expected to contain the fire and test determines how long the construc-
resist the transmission of heat. To meas- tion system will withstand an unattended
ure the heat transfer, at least nine ther- raging fire. The fire and hose stream test,
mocouples are mounted on the unexposed on the other hand, purports to determine
face. When the average temperature if the assembly can withstand a fire of
rise on these nine thermocouples exceeds shorter duration followed by a hose
250 F above the initial temperature, the stream similar to that used by firemen
endurance period for the test construc- when they arrive to fight the fire.
tion is considered ended. If one of the A duplicate specimen of the assembly
thermocouples on the unexposed face is normally constructed for the fire and
indicates a temperature rise in excess of hose stream test. The fire portion of the
325 F above the initial temperature, the test is similar to the fire endurance test;
endurance period is likewise ended. This however, no deflection data are recorded
thermal transmission criterion is an and the thermocouples on the unexposed
arbitrary limit intended to present ex- surface are not used. The duration of the
cessive heat transfer through the as- fire portion has been set at one half of the
sembly. The basic thought is to prevent demonstrated endurance period. More
ignition of any possible inflammable commonly, however, the time is taken as
material stored in an adjacent area. one half of the usual classification periods
In addition, the construction must of 1 hr. If hr, or 2 hr. For constructions
prevent passage of flame or hot gases. that endure the fire for over 2 hr, the fire
Cotton waste is used to determine when portion of the fire and hose stream test is
and if flames or hot gases are transmitted. set at 1 hr. The fire intensity for this test
The cotton waste may also be used to is in accordance with the standard time-
indicate excessive conducted heat at temperature curve for the period in-
locations not represented by the thermo- volved. At the end of the fire exposure,
couples. If the assembly is designed for a the frame containing the test assembly is
load-bearing condition, the assembly moved away from the furnace and the
must also sustain the design load during hot surface is hit with a hose stream from



a smooth bore l|-iii. fire nozzle held nor- identifiable characteristics, a complete
mal to the face of the wall and at a dis- description of the assembly or erection
tance of 20 ft. The nozzle pressure is 30 procedure, time-temperature data both
psi for assemblies with resistance periods in the furnace and the unexposed surface,
up to 4 hr and 45 psi for assemblies of deflection data, and a chronological log
over 4 hr resistance period. The duration of the visual observations noted during
of hose stream application varies from 1 the test. In addition, it is desirable to in-
min for a 1-hr partition to 6 min for an clude details of the test facility, test pro-
8-hr assembly. The hose stream is played cedure, and criteria for acceptance.
on the construction in vertical and hori- Numerous photographs of the test assem-
zontal passes over the entire surface. bly taken at intervals throughout the
In order to qualify for classification in test are also helpful.
accordance with the endurance period, One important point should be kept in
the test construction must withstand the mind. The fire test was designed to com-
hose stream test without breakthrough of pare various construction systems under
the water stream. If the assembly is de- standardized conditions to evaluate their
signed as a load-bearing construction, it performance and ability to contain rag-
must sustain the design load throughout ing fires in a building. The test does not
the test and in addition must endure the determine the suitability of a construc-
dead load of the test construction plus tion for use after the fire, and any at-
twice the design live load within 72 hr tempt to extrapolate the salvage value
after the hose stream test without struc- should be approached with caution, if at
tural failure. all.
An alternate procedure exists for the
hose stream test wherein the submitter
may elect to have the fire endurance
specimen subjected to the hose stream There are two additional test methods
immediately following the fire endurance generally similar to those of walls—fire
test. All of the other aspects of the fire tests of door assemblies and fire tests of
and hose stream test are followed, how- window assemblies. Typically the door or
ever, including double loading, if applica- window assembly is constructed within a
ble. I t is obvious that the alternate pro- masonry wall and the wall furnace fa-
cedure is a more severe condition since cility is used to perform the test. Tem-
the assembly has been exposed to the fire perature transmission is not a criterion
for the full endurance period instead of or end point condition of either of these
just half of this time. A number of types tests. The integrity of the door assembly
of construction can successfully pass the is the prime consideration and limitations
alternate procedure. are set for the movement of the door
The foregoing covers the salient points from its original position or out of the
of the fire test procedure for wall and frame. For window assemblies, the speci-
partition constructions. The report of re- men must not be loosened from its fasten-
sults issued for a fire test is a very im- ings and the major portion of the glass
portant document, possibly more so than lights must remain in position through-
reports of many other types of tests be- out the hose stream test.
cause of the number and diversity of
those who must review and evaluate the
results. The major items in the report in- As noted previously, fire tests are a
clude a detailed description of the ma- type of ad hoc testing. We must resort to
terials together with their measurable or such programs due to a lack of under-



standing of the fundamental characteris- pects of a multiphase problem, yet this is

tics of building materials to provide fire the way we learned to walk—one step at
protection and an inability to evaluate a time.
rationally the complex behavior of com- There is a crying need for an increased
posite assemblies when subjected to fire research effort in the area of fire protec-
exposure. A number of approaches^* to tion. In many aspects the building indus-
this problem have been taken and some try at large and the fire safety area in
have merit as a possible solution. Most particular have not kept pace with the
of the methods are aimed at a specific rapid advancements made in other areas
aspect of the fire problem, usually the of science and technology. We need to
heat transfer phase. Even this is a most comprehend better the fundamental con-
complex analysis considering all of the cepts involved from both an academic
variables involved. As yet, very little en- viewpoint and a practical viewpoint.
couragement has been given to research Unfortunately, too few are interested in
efforts in this direction and practically no understanding the basic concepts of fire
acceptance of the proposed analyses has safety as a field of academic interest. It is
been granted. Unquestionably, the tech- expensive to conduct test upon test, and
niques advanced to date are limited to the time required to schedule test pro-
simplified conditions and individual as- grams is severely handicapping develop-
' T. Z. Harmathy, "A Treatise on Theoreti- ment of new materials and constructions.
cal Fire Endurance Rating," SSymposium on Those of us in the research and testing
Fire Test Methods, ASTM STP No. SOI, Am.
Soc. Testing Mats., p. 10 (1961). field must keep an open mind to new
* R. H. Neisel, "Prediction of Temperature avenues of attack and those in the field
Rise in Fire Testing of Walls and Partitions,"
ASTM BULLETIN, No. 239, July, 1959, p. 66. of building regulations must be ready to
^A. F. Robertson and Daniel Gross, "An evaluate, accept, and utilize rational
Electrical-Analog Method of Transient Heat- techniques to provide eflicient and eco-
Flow Analysis," Journal of Research, National
Bureau of Standards, Vol. 61, p. 105 (1958). nomical fire protection in buildings.



M R . R . C . LEVYI—The tests described laboratory personnel. There are others

do not provide the necessary information in which the provisions are spelled out in
with regard to doors for the building terms of a relationship to the specimen
official nor for the Underwriters' Lab- or test conditions rather than in absolute
oratories on constructions presently be- terms. The comments that follow will
ing used as fire-resistive assemblies. In call attention to certain basic provisions
particular we are concerned with the of Methods E 119; Mr. Bletzacker ably
lack of information with regard to fire described their application to tests con-
door installations in wallboard or metal ducted in the facilities at the Ohio State
lath and plaster assembhes, studless University Engineering Experiment Sta-
assembfies, and the many other types of tion.
wall constructions presently in use. The For example, the duration of the hose
walls themselves have been thoroughly stream application is not only a function
tested, yet we have no method of assur- of the fire endurance of the specimen b u t
ing that the frame is anchored properly also of the area of the wall or partition.
to the wall since the standard test is for Whereas the Ohio State University staff
fire doors in masonry walls. would apply the hose stream to a 1-hr
Underwriters' Laboratories, for in- wall of 10 by 10 ft size for 1 min,
stance, cannot label a frame for other the National Bureau of Standards staff
than masonry wall installation. I n would apply it to a 16 by 10 ft wall for
practice, we must require a certification 1.6 min because Methods E 119 specifies
from the manufacturer that the frame is 1 min per 100 sq ft exposed area for 1-hr
the same as a labeled frame for a masonry walls. Either procedure would be in full
wall, and then hope that the anchorage compUance with Methods E 119.
to the other type of wall is proper. Test Methods E 119 does not apply the
procedures should be evolved for fire limiting rise criteria to duplicate walls
door installations in the more common of prior to the hose-stream test, b u t neither
the many assemblies used in construc- does it preclude the recording of unex-
tion, and presented to the building official posed surface temperature data. Such
in order that a satisfactory anchorage for temperature data must be taken in the
the fire door frame may be achieved. case of the alternate procedure whereby
M R . J. V. RYAN2 {by letter).—As Mr. the hose stream is applied to the same
Bletzacker points out, a number of specimen used for the full fire endurance
provisions of ASTM Methods E IW test. I agree with Mr. Bletzacker that
leave room for interpretation by the this alternate is a more severe test. How-
' Superintendent, Bureau of Building In- ever, Methods E 119 does not indicate
spection, City and County of San Francisco, that the results obtained by one proce-
San Francisco, Calif. dure should be given any more weight
^ Fire Research Section, National Bureau of
Standards, Wasliington, D. C. than those obtained by the other.
' Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construc- The use of cotton waste to check on
tion and Materials (E 119-61), 1961 Book of
ASTM Standards, Part 5, p. 1135. hot spots which are not associated with



a crack or other opening through the typical building under fire conditions and
specimen is neither called for nor forbid- then extract a representative section of
den. This appears justified since the the construction to conduct the fire test."
question is whether or not heat is getting Generally speaking, there is no typical
through the wall at a sufficient rate to building. Rather what is considered in
cause ignition of cotton waste. The pres- fire tests is a portion of a building. In this
ence of a crack may provide the path for instance we are considering the walls
heat transfer and greatly increase the and partitions and their abihty to pre-
chances of ignition, but the possibility vent the spread of fire throughout the
of ignition without a crack should not be building. The spread of fire through walls
ignored. There is a need for specification and partitions is accomplished in two
of the physical properties of the cotton ways: (1) by the ignition of combustible
waste, the duration of application to the material on the opposite side of the wall
suspected area, and other factors that exposed to fire or, in other words, heat
might be expected to influence the re- transmission through the wall; and (2) by
sults. collapse of the wall. Therefore the fire
Another point of considerable impor- tests of walls and partitions determine
tance in connection with the passage of the effectiveness of an assembly of ma-
flames or hot gases through cracks in terials to restrict the horizontal spread of
the specimen is that of pressure. Many fire in buildings.
of the recently constructed fire test In connection with the discussions on
furnaces tend to operate with the pres- the size of the test specimen, it was
sure in the combustion chamber slightly found essential to use the smallest as-
below that of the outside atmosphere. sembly that would produce reahstic re-
Under these conditions, cool air would actions of structural elements when ex-
be drawn into the furnace through cracks posed to fire. Actually, it appears evident
that were large enough to permit pas- from field experience that very good
sage of flame if the pressure in the furnace judgment was used by our predecessors.
were higher than that outside. Therefore In certain instances larger size assemblies
the size of the crack should be the would appear to be more realistic. For
governing criterion until ASTM Com- example, consider the relationship of
mittee E-5 on Fire Tests of Materials the standard fire test to the expected
and Construction can provide a tech- performance of fire walls. The purpose
nique whereby the pressure differential of fire walls is to subdivide large area
through a crack can be standardized buildings into reasonably smaller areas
during cotton waste application. so that each area is considered a separate
MR. RICHARD G. GEWAIN* {presented building in itself. Fire resistance ratings
in written form).—The author has pre- as determined by the standard fire test
sented an interesting paper on fire en- do not provide an adequate basis for
durance tests of walls and partitions; specifying minimum thickness of fire
however, a study of the voluminous data walls. Briefly, the standard fire test is
developed by authorities in the fields of made on a sample wall about 10 ft
fire testing and fire protection gives a square and must withstand the standard
clear understanding of the purpose of the exposure fire and bear its rated load, if of
fire test procedure. load-bearing construction, for 4 hr, and
The author states that "we consider a withstand the hose stream test.
* Engineer, National Board of Fire Under- It is obvious that a fire test as de-
writers, New York, N. Y. scribed will not measure the ability of a



wall many times the size of the test committee at the ASTM Annual Meeting
panel to stand up against fire exposure in June 1906 included a test procedure
over more or less its entire area. Walls for fireproof floor construction. This
expand when heated. For example, a procedure was adopted as standard on
brick wall 55 ft high heated to 1850 F, Sept. 1, 1907. A year later a fire test for
the temperature at the end of a 2-hr fire fireproof partition construction was out-
test, will expand in height approxi- lined by this committee. This procedure
mately 5.9 in. Considering that a wall was adopted as standard on Aug. 16,
may be and usually is exposed to this 1909.
temperature on one side only, the forces The activities of Committee P, which
tending to overthrow it are quite ap- in the meantime had become Committee
parent. In severe building fires it is com- C-5, were resumed about 1917, and a
mon to see walls curl and fall as the re- complete new standard was evolved
sult of such expansion on the heated side. and adopted Aug. 26,1918 and was desig-
Also of considerable importance is the nated C 19 - 18, Standard Specifications
ability of such walls to withstand the for Fire Tests of Materials and Con-
impact from collapsing floors and falling struction. The principal changes in this
objects. new ASTM standard consisted of the
When a wall is called upon to stop a combination of the two specifications
spreading fire that is reaching or has into one, the elimination of detailed
attained conflagration proportions, it specifications of the test structure, the
must have stabihty against collapse or introduction of the time-temperature
curve, and the classification of results.
overturning far in excess of that pre-
sented by certain types of construction The procedure for fire and water tests
that develop a 4-hr rating in the standard on partitions prior to 1918 required a
test panel 1 4 | ft long and 9J ft high
fire test, if it is to serve its purpose.
which constituted one side of the test
In the absence of any test that will
structure. The panel was subjected to a
actually measure the kind of performance
continuous heat from a wood fire for at
required in fire walls it is necessary to
least 1 hr, maintaining an average
specify some wall thickness on the basis
temperature of at least 1700 F during
of experience and performance in actual
the last half hour of the test.
fires in addition to a 4-hr fire resistance
During the period 1905 to 1918 many
different time-temperature curves were
Concerning the discussion on the time-
considered. The curve selected in 1918
temperature curve, it should be made as a result of study by representatives
clear that the standard test fire, or time- of various technical organizations was
temperature curve as it is presently re- considered representative of conditions
ferred to, was selected after careful study encountered in fires in most ocupancies.
and is considered to be realistic in terms Beginning in 1922 the Bureau of
of what can be expected in actual build- Standards began a study to determine
ing fires. the intensity of building fires. Full-scale
On May 24, 1905, under the auspices fire tests involving buildings of brick
of the ASTM, Committee P on Fireproof- walls and wood joist floor construction
ing Materials was organized with Ira H. and buildings of fire-resistive construc-
Woolson of the School of Mines, Colum- tion indicated that the time-temperature
bia University, as chairman and Rudolph curve provided an average condition
P. Miller as secretary. The report of this encountered in actual building fires. Mr.



S. H. Ingberg reported the Bureau of E 119 which were well taken. He pointed
Standards investigation of the Severity out, for instance, that the hose stream
of Building Fires in Quarterly, National exposure specified is on the basis of time
Fire Protection Assn., Vol. 22, No. 1, per 100 sq ft of exposed area; therefore,
July, 1928. Also reference should be made in those laboratories that have test
to the paper presented by R. E. Carlson* assemblies larger than 100 sq ft the hose
at this session which further supports the stream exposure must be extended in
validity of the time-temperature curve. time duration on the basis of the ratio
MR. A. J. BARTOSIC^—Are there small- of actual area to the 100 sq ft minimum
scale wall tests? If so, what type of cor- area. At The Ohio State University the
relation exists with the 100 sq ft test? specimen size for walls and partitions is
ME. RICHARD W . BLETZACKER (au- 100 sq ft; therefore, no conversion is
thor's closure).—The author is indebted required.
to each of the discussers for their pointed Mr. Gewain has taken issue with cer-
and pertinent comments on this paper. tain statements in the paper which he
The point Mr. Levy brought out is an feels are not supported by facts. He has
important and timely one. The long- discussed a number of aspects of the test
standing practice has been to conduct pointing out areas of applicability as well
fire endurance tests ou only one specimen as areas of nonapplicability. In general,
whether it be a wall, floor, door, or where the author may have led a reader
window. A second specimen for the hose to draw an impression that the test
stream test may be used where ap- method might not be apphcable, Mr.
plicable. Under these circumstances it is Gewain has presented discussion tending
quite natural in the case of door as- to validate the application of the test
semblies (or window assemblies) to limit method. And, in certain areas where
the area of concern to the door or window the author may have led the reader to
assembly alone. Therefore, these assem- conclude that the test method would be
blies are usually installed in masonry applicable, Mr. Gewain has pointed out
constructions. In the window test instances of nonapplicability. The author
method, ASTM Method E 163,' masonry sincerely appreciates the comments made
or reinforced concrete frames are speci- by Mr. Gewain, primarily because they
fied. Thus, the anchorage system used in lend balance to the over-all presentation
the test might not be appropriate for of the subject. Uncjer a given set of
every type of construction used in the conditions Mr. Gewain's comments are
field. The author agrees that the present well founded. Under another set of con-
provisions of the test methods and cur- ditions, the author would contend that
rent practices impose serious problems his comments are equally well founded.
which must be considered by building The question, then, is not which is correct
officials in the evaluation of test results. but rather that neither of these discus-
Serious study of Mr. Levy's point should sions is actually based on fact but on
be undertaken by ASTM Committee E-5. deduction from past experience, fire
Mr. Ryan elaborated on a number of research data, and engineering judg-
points contained in the ASTM Methods ment. The application of test results,
therefore, should consider the actual
^Seep. 121. circumstances of use of the construction
* Legal Department, Rohm & Haas, Phila-
delphia, Pa. system.
' Methods of Fire Tests of Window Assem- Mr. Bartosic asks whether there are
blies (E 163), 1961 Book of ASTM Standards,
Part 5. small-scale wall tests and what, if any,



correlation exists witii the standard ASTM tests for building code approval.
ASTM fire test. This question can only As to the correlation between the small-
be answered in the afiirmative. Small- scale tests and the standard ASTM tests,
scale tests and test facilities do exist. the author is not aware of any published
They are not, however, in compliance or substantiating data. It is not likely
with or performed under the jurisdiction that there is a one-to-one correlation
of any test method promulgated by
between these tests and, further, it is
ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials. not likely that there will be a linear
These small-scale tests are performed proportionality between the small-scale
primarily as a tool for research and and ASTM tests when performed on the
development programs. They are not wide spectrum of construction systems
intended for use in lieu of the standard presently in use.



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