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To be frank, I never partake this festival. But here I am. You can imagine the panic.

So, before I
left for this meeting, my loyal friend ChatGPT, gave me some keywords on April Fool’s Day,
“pranks, jokes, humor, irony”, etc. So, irony seems to be a very good one.
It’s the first English Table this semester. I will never forget the topic they chose, Valentine’s Day.
Just as I never partake April Fool’s, I never partake Valentine either. However, I found there’s a
difference. Not to be involved in A. Fools doesn’t give me extra intelligence, but not to be
involved in Valentine does prove that I have successfully remained single for three quarters of
my university life, one of my highlights.
Tyrion Lannister, my favorite character in Game of Thrones said, “Life is full of these little
ironies.” So probably we’ll see more. Happy April Fool’s Day!

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