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Lab programs list

1. Write a C program to perform arithmetic operations

2. Write a C program to find the result of relational operators
3. Write a C program to find sum of digits.
4. Write a C program to find largest among three numbers using conditional operator.
5. Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series.
6. Write a C program to find roots of quadratic expression.
7. Write a C program to find given number is palindrome or not
8. Write a C program to find given number is prime number or not.
9. Write a C program to print Pascal triangle.
10. Write a C program to perform arithmetic operations using switch.
11. Write a C program to find key element is available or not in array using linear search.
12. Write a C program to sort array elements.
13. Write a C program to perform binary search operation.
14. Write a C program to find addition of matrix.
15. Write a C program to find multiplication of matrix.
16. Write a C program to find given string is palindrome or not without using string handling
17. Write a C program find no of words, characters, and digits in given string.
18. Write a C program to read 5 student details using structures.
19. Write a C program implement nested structure.
20. Write a C program to find difference between structure and union.
21. Write a C program to find factorial of given number using recursive function
22. Write a C program to find difference between call by value and call by reference.

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