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Basic C Program

1.Write a program in C language to to print "Hi C World"

2. Use of Arithmetic operators in C.
3. Write a program using C language to find the sum of two
4. Write a program using C language to calculate the area
of a triangle.
5. Write a program in C language to calculate the area of
6.Write a program in C language to convert the Fahrenheit
scale temperature in Celcius scale
Conditional Statemente

7.Write a C program to find the maximum number between

8.Write a C program to whether a number is
negative,positive or zero
9.Write a C program to whether a number is odd or even.
10. C Program to check whether a character is vowel or
11. C program to find all roots of a Quadratic equation
12. Letter Grade Marks in C Program
13. C Program to check a number is Prime or Not.
Switch Case

14. C Program to check vowel or consonant using switch

15. C Program to create simple calculator using switch
Loop Exercise

16.C program to find sum of natural numbers from 1 to n.

17. Write a c program to find out the sum of series
18. C Program to finf GCD & LCM of two Numbers.
19. C program to find multiplication table.
20. C program to find fibonacci series up to nth term.

1 Dimentional Array:

21. C program to declare, initialize,input & print array

2 Dimentional Array:
22. C Program to add two matrics.
Function & Recursion, Pointer

23. C program to find sum of two numbers through

24. C Program to calculate factorial of a number using
25. C program to print address of the variable.
26. C program to swap two numbers using call by reference.
27. C Program to add two number using pointer.

29. String all library function exercises.

30. C Program to find total number of alphabets,digits or
special character in a String.

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