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Name: _________________________________________

Class & SEM: ___________________________________

Subject: _______________________________________
S.N Practical Name Topic Sign

1 C Program to Find Area And Circumference of Circle

2 Write a C Program to Display The Size of Different Data Types
3 C Program To Find Character Is Vowel Or Not
4 C Program to Check Uppercase or Lowercase or Digit or Special Character
5 C Program For Check You Are Eligible For Voting Or Not
6 Largest of Three Numbers in C Using Nested if Else
7 C Program to Reverse a Number Using FOR Loop
8 Program of Armstrong Number in C Using For Loop & While Loop
9 Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers Using the While Loop
10 Write a C Program to Print the Multiplication Table of N
11 Find the GCD of Two Numbers Using Loop
12 Fibonacci Series Program in C Using DO While Loop
13 C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit And Vice Versa
14 C Program to Print Day of Week Name Using Switch Case
15 Write a C Program to Find the Grade of a Student Using Switch Case
16 Write a C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using Switch Case

17 Insert an Element at a Specific Position in an Array in C Program

18 C Program for Remove Duplicates Items
19 Print "I AM IDIOT" Instead of Your Name Using an Array
20 Delete Element from an Array at a Desired or Specific Position
21 String Palindrome Program in C With Explanation
22 Write a program in C to print the first 50 natural numbers using
23 Write a program based on call by value and call by function in c
24 Write a program in C to swap two numbers using a function.
25 Write a program in C to check if a given number is even or odd
using the function.

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