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Lists of Program for Practical Exam of BCP date: 07/12/23

1 Design and test a C program to swap 2 numbers using a third variable and without using a third
2 Design and test a C program to compute volume and surface area of a sphere.
3 Design and test a C program to convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.
4 Design and test a C program to find maximum of two numbers
5 Design and test a C program to find minimum of two numbers
6 Design and test a C program to find Largest of Three numbers
7 Design and test a C program to find smallest of three numbers
8 Write a C program to check whether given number is odd or even using if…else
9 Write a C program to find smallest number out of 3 numbers.
10 Write a C program to check whether given year is leap year or not.
11 Write a C program to calculate sum of 1 to 100 using for While loop.
12 Write a C program to compute factorial of a given number using for loop.
13 Write a C program to add all digits of a given number using for loop. (i.e. 135 =>
14 Write a C program to calculate sum of all odd numbers between 1 to 20 using while loop.
15 Write a C program to check given number is palindrome or not using while loop.
16 Design a C program to check given number is Armstrong or not using while loop.
17 Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to n term using do...while loop.
18 Write a C program to check given number is Prime or not.
19 Write a C program to print a right triangle pattern of asterisks (*) with a user-defined
number of rows. For example, if the user enters 5, the output should be:
20 Write a C program to print a right triangle pattern of numbers in ascending order. For
example, if the user enters 4, the output should be:
21 Write a C program to print a square pattern with alternating symbols of asterisk (*) and
dollar sign ($). For example, if the user enters 4, the output should be:
22 Write a C program to find the sum and average of elements available in one dimensional
23 Write a C program to find the maximum element from given one dimensional array.
24 Write a C program to count the Number of vowels and consonants present in a given
25 Write a C program that swaps the values of two numbers using pointers.

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