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Things To Remember on a Call

As long as the caller is on the line with you, you as a counselor are succeeding. You are providing a
service that is appealing/helpful to the caller.

As long as the caller is on the line with a counselor, the caller is persevering. In that moment, they have
deed their trauma, doubt. anxiety and pain to seek and welcome help.

As a counselor we approach every call as if the caller’s safety is assured, we are simply helping them
access it. We do not say this to the caller, this is simply the mindset we take towards a call.

For every negative circumstance affecting the caller, there is another point of view! Help the caller
access it. There is a baseline assertion that we are always aware of, the caller is talking to us, the caller
is listening to us.

LISTEN to the caller! Actively listen to the caller. Ask questions, gather information, we are assisting the
caller in helping them access a new form of understanding.

The caller is already feeling what is felt, experiencing what has transpired. Allow grace to yourself as a
counselor if a caller begins to cry, show emotion or if their tempermet changes for the worse. Many
times, it is a necessary part of their journey to vent. You as a counselor have not created any of these

Yor are assisting the caller in so many ways that are difficult to perceive in the moment. An idea,
resource or statement that the caller rejects in the moment will many times be accepted after the call.

The caller helps us in order to assist them. We are working with them ,they are working with us.

The caller is on a journey. It started before their call with us, it will almost certainly carry on after the call
with us. Please do not think in only immediate terms and ask the caller to consider the same. Our
hotline is here to help the caller through their journey.

Consider speaking in the collective “We” when talking to the caller about the hotline. We all are here to
help the caller, not just you or I.

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