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Assignment II

Directions: Read the passage and answer the follow questions. Make sure to use clear and
precise with your responses on the Free-Response questions.
Last Saturday, Paul’s dad took him camping in forest that no one went to. When they got
to the campsite, Paul could hear the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling. His dad then
unloaded the truck and set up a tent to get ready for nightfall. During night time, they heard the
sound of footsteps coming from outside the tent.
1. What might have been a reason why Paul and his dad went on a camping trip?
A. It was summer vacation
B. They had a family emergency
C. Paul’s dad had a business rip
D. They ran out of food at home

2. What might be causing the footsteps that Paul and his dad heard?
A. A car
B. Another person
C. An animal
D. A plane

(1) Alizeze didn’t like to take a lot of naps. (2) The first time she took a nap for more than 2
hours was when she returned home from school after Tennis practice. (3) She really loved Tennis
and had decided to join the team at the beginning of the Semester. (4) She really liked her
Teacher, Mrs. Alizizi. (5) From then on, she started taking naps every single day she came home
from Tennis practice.
3. What sentence does not belong in the paragraph?
A. Sentence 3
B. Sentence 4
C. Sentence 5
D. Sentence 1
Minson likes to practice his instrument a lot. In 2018, he would practice for three hours everyday
when he got home from school. One day, his brother- Anson- told him to stop practicing. Minson
didn’t like this and slapped Anson. Anson started crying and told their mom what happened.
Their mom then punished Minson and Minson started crying too.
4. Give 3 words to describe how Minson felt when Anson told him to stop playing.
Give the correct form of the word from the word bank.
1. Joshua knew that his brother was _________ a doctor when he grew up. (become)
2. Sam knew that her _________ made her smarter than everyone else in the room. (intelligent)
3. Isaac wanted to _________ his girlfriend by making her breakfast. (impress)
4. Bob has ____________ on music to make him happy. (dependent)
5. Minson’s brother is very __________ toward his friends. (annoy)

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