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Academic Writing

Prof. Juan D. Murillo


Simple, Compound, Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences

—Emanuel Morales Colorado

A. A simple sentence contains an independent clause. Write 5 examples of Simple sentences.

1. His students always had the strike option to fall back on.

2. The city nearest the epicenter bore the brunt of the earthquake.

3. Alejo’s still angry about being repeatedly passed over for promotion.

4. All our tinned food can be easily found in the larder.

5. We would like to have gone to your birthday party last night!

B. A compound sentence consists of one of the following:

1. Lina was not particularly engrossed in drawing, for she was constantly told to be a dunce.

2. She wants to own her own company, and she wants to earn a decent living.

3. Dario wasn’t grossly mistaken, nor was he entirely right!

4. Alexis didn’t tell us anything about the accident, but his mother did know everything!

5. In life, you are a taker, or you are a giver.

6. He is a fairly attractive individual, yet he is a knucklehead!

7. The children were soaked to the bone, so they had to change their clothes.

Academic Writing
Prof. Juan D. Murillo
Write a compound sentence using a semi-colon.

8. I completely forgot to take my dog out for a walk today; it ended up peeing in the house!

Combine these sentences correctly into compound sentences.

9. I did all of my assignments. Later I had time to relax.

I did all of my assignments, and later I had time to relax.

10. I don't like eating vegetables. It's important that I do so.

I don't like eating vegetables, but it's important that I do so.

C. Complex Sentences:


Directions: Create a complex sentence by adding a dependent clause to the independent clause.

1. Pedro studied hard because he was reluctant to retake the same subject for a third time!

2. Although she didn’t study anything, Ana took the test.

3. Jonathan will go to the party unless a better proposal comes up.

4. Chris stayed after school since he was asked to do so.

5. Carlos took a picture so that he would never forget how happy he was.

6. Once she had read that wholly remarkable book, Isabel knew the answer.

7. Camila wrote an essay as she was hell-bent on venting her displeasure with her new teacher.

Directions: Write three complex sentences that begin with dependent clauses and three complex
sentences that end with dependent clauses. *You may only use these words once each!

Academic Writing
Prof. Juan D. Murillo
Dependent clauses at end:

8. Social sciences class was initiated once the clock 5:00 p.m.

9. She was lying there, lifeless, as if she had been smothered to death.

10. At sunset, they had a promenade along the beach where they had first met one another.

Dependent clauses at beginning:

11. Because she was feeling a nagging pain in her shoulder, she decided not to attend physical
education class on Monday.

12. Before the academic semester came to an end, she was fully aware of her failure.

13. In the event that your classes are cancelled, you will be duly informed with plenty of time so as to
make the adequate adjustments.

D. Compound-complex sentences:

Below each sentence, write the order as in the examples above. Example: (Independent Clause,
semi-colon, dependent clause, Independent Clause)

1. (DC, IC , coordinating conjunction IC)

After she reached home, we talked for a while, and she started to cry.

2. (IC DC , coordinating conjunction IC)

She put a big face on her face because she didn’t want me to worry, but, in reality, her heart was

3. (IC , coordinating conjunction IC DC)

He served the table every night, and he didn’t complain at all as he was a good caring husband.

4. (IC , coordinating conjunction DC, IC)

Anne didn’t drink any beer last night, for whenever she did so, she ended up in the hospital.

Write four different compound-complex sentences using semi-colons.

Academic Writing
Prof. Juan D. Murillo

5. (DC, IC ; IC)

Although Tom kindly payed me a visit on Friday, I noticed he didn’t want to come on the spot; he should have
never been obliged to come!

6. (IC DC ; IC)

I fell head over heels in love with Ennio Morricone’s music once I happened to listen to some of
his compositions; he is by far the greatest Maestro I have ever known!

7. (IC ; IC DC)

Her legs seemed to have recovered a great deal; she had physical therapy sessions every morning from 8:00 a.m.
to 9:00 a.m. until she could walk again!

8. (IC ; DC, IC)

Her daughter spoke ill of all her neighbors; as they never invited her to the parties they would
normally throw, she was green with jealousy!

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