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Definition of Research Objectives of Research

Research is a systematic and The theoretical objective is about making

intellectual process that aims to new theories or laws to understand things
answer questions or solve problems better. The factual objective is more
for which there are no readily about finding new facts and telling the
available answers. It involves the story of things that happened in the past.
collection, analysis, and Lastly, the application objective is about
using what we already know to solve real
interpretation of data to arrive at
dependable solutions. Research problems and make things better in
emphasizes the need for a scientific practical ways. So, research can be all
about theory, facts, or making things
method, critical thinking, hypothesis
formulation, and the testing of
conclusions. Its goal is to advance
RESEARCH work better in the real world.

knowledge, promote progress, and

help society address challenges
through a rigorous and scholarly
Characteristics The researches are classified
broadly into two categories:

Research is a systematic and thorough

Importance Fundamental Research:
Explores underlying principles and
investigation aimed at discovering new theories to extend scientific
facts or verifying existing ones in any knowledge without immediate
Research methodology is
field of knowledge. It involves repeated applications in practice.
fundamental to the research process,
observation and examination of
as it provides a systematic and
phenomena from various perspectives. Action Research:
structured framework for conducting
The process is characterized by Addresses practical problems
research effectively and efficiently.
objectivity, logical reasoning, critical directly, seeking immediate
Highlighting structure and
analysis, and the accurate solutions and improvements in
organization, credibility and reliability,
interpretation of findings. real-world situations through
and efficiency and effectiveness.

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