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Doon International School


Code: 402

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Table of Content

S.No. Name of Practical Page Remarks


Create a the following database table in Open Office base in design view
ItemNo Iname Price Qty

12 Pen 10 17

13 Eraser 5 15

14 Notebook 20 20

15 Pencil 25 12


 Click on create table in design view option available under task and a table design
window will appear.
 Specify the field name and data type for the field to be created by selecting the
appropriate type under field type drop-down.
 Set the desired field as primary key .
 The table will be created


Create the database table in using Table wizard:

 Click on tables  use wizard to create table.
 Create table window will appear.
 Click on the select fields and choose category select the desired table and then
click on next button.
 Select the desired fields as per the requirement and click on > > next button to add
the predefined columns or select << previous button to remove the fields from the
selected field box and Click on next button.
 Set the properties of all the fields as per your requirements and click on next button.
 Set the desired field as primary key click on next button
 The table will be created.


Insert and edit the records in a table, also write its SQL query.

 Select the desired table and double click on it.

 The table will open in data sheet view in which new data can be inserted and
existing data can be updated
 To edit the data either click on edit icon or double click on the data in the cell of the
table and to do the desired modifications.

SQL Query:

Insert into Items values (12, “Pen”, 10, 17);

Write any five SQL queries:

 Click on create query in SQL view

 A window will appear which in which we can write the type the query and and executed
using F5 function key


1. Write a query to change the quantity of an item number 13 to 25.

Update item
Set Qty=25 where ItemNo=13;

2. Display the total amount of each item the amount must be calculated as the
price X quantity for each item.

Select priceXQuantity as Amount from item;

3. Display the names of the item whose price is 10.

Select Iname from item where price=10;

4. Display all the records in ascending order of price.

Select * from item Order By price ASC;

5. Display total count of items.

Select count(*) from item;


Create a form to insert the records in a table.


 Click on Use wizard to create form option under task group.

 The form wizard dialogue box appears
 Select the desired fields to be displayed on the form and click on right arrow
 Click on next button
 Choose the desired style of the form from the list and click on next button
 Select the data entry model and click on next button
 Specify the name of the form and click on surface finish button


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