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Chapter 3: Gender Issues in the Economy

3.4 Gender Communication and Technology

Gender communication and technology refer to the relationship between gender and the use of
technology to communicate. This relationship is influenced by societal and cultural factors that
shape gender roles and expectations, as well as by technological developments that impact how
people communicate with each other.

One of the main issues related to gender communication and technology is the gender bias in
technology design and development. As technology has traditionally been dominated by men,
this can lead to gender biases and stereotypes being integrated into devices or software. For
example, voice-activated assistants such as Siri or Alexa have been criticized for perpetuating
gender-based stereotypes by using female voices and appearing as submissive or docile.

Moreover, there are differences in communication styles between men and women, which can be
exacerbated by technology. Women tend to use a more collaborative and relationship-oriented
communication style, while men might use a more directive and transactional one. For example,
women may feel more comfortable communicating via email rather than face-to-face or over the
phone, which can create barriers to collaboration in the workplace.

Another issue related to gender communication and technology is the online harassment and
gendered violence that women face. Women are disproportionately targeted by online
harassment, which can take many forms such as threats, stalking, doxing, and revenge porn. This
can have a chilling effect on women's participation in online conversations and communities, and
can even prevent some women from pursuing careers in technology or related fields.

However, technology can also provide opportunities for women to advance their careers and
make a positive impact. For example, women can use technology to create online communities,
promote their work, and expand their networks. Moreover, technology can provide a means for
connecting with others who share similar experiences, and for advocating for gender equality and
women's rights.

In conclusion, the relationship between gender and communication technology is complex and
multifaceted. While technology can perpetuate or exacerbate gender biases and stereotypes, it
can also be used to challenge and transform them. Understanding the ways in which gender and
technology interact can help us to create more inclusive and equitable communication practices,
both in the workplace and in society at large.
However, here are some points that could be included in a presentation on Gender
Communication and Technology:

1) Gender Bias in Technology: Technology has traditionally been dominated by men, leading to
gender biases in design and development. This can result in devices or software being less user-
friendly for women, and integrating gender stereotypes into data or algorithms.

2) Gender Differences in Communication Styles: Men and women often communicate

differently, with women tending to be more collaborative and relationship-oriented while men
focus on providing information and making decisions. Technology can exacerbate these
differences, as women may be less comfortable with certain communication tools or channels.

3) Online Harassment and Gendered Violence: Women are disproportionately affected by online
harassment, which can take many forms including threats, stalking, doxing, and revenge porn.
This can have a chilling effect on women's participation in online conversations and

4) Intersectionality and Technology: Gender is just one aspect of a person's identity, and
technology can impact people differently based on other factors such as race, sexuality, or
disability. This intersectionality must be taken into account when studying gender and

5) Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Technology: While women are underrepresented
in technology fields, there are also opportunities for them to use technology to advance their
careers or make a positive impact in their communities. However, there are also systemic barriers
to overcome, including unequal pay, lack of mentorship, and discrimination.

6) Future Trends in Gender and Technology: As technology continues to evolve, so will the
relationship between gender and technology. Some potential developments include more AI
assistants with gender-neutral voices, increased use of virtual reality for empathy-building and
diversity training, and the potential for technology to mitigate some of the harms of gender-based
Overall, exploring the relationship between gender and technology is crucial for creating a more
just and equitable society. By understanding the ways in which technology can both reinforce
and challenge gender norms, we can work towards a future where everyone has equal access to
the benefits and opportunities that technology offers

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