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• Smallest Individual unit in a program is known as Token
• Python has following tokens:
– Keywords
– Identifiers
– Literals
– Operators
– Punctuators
– Keywords are the words that have special meaning reserved by
programming language.
– They are reserved for special purpose and cannot be used for
normal identifier names.
– E.g. in, if, break, class, and, continue, True, False
– Identifiers are fundamental building block of a program.
– They are names given to variable, functions, objects classes
– Python is case sensitive i.e. it treats upper case and lower case
letter differently.
– Naming Conventions:
• Contain A-Z, a-z, _
• Name should not start with digit
• It can start with alphabet or ( _ ) underscore
– Literals are data items that have fixed value.
– Python allows several kinds of literals:
• String literals
• Numeric literals
• Boolean literals
• Special Literal None
• Literal Collections
String Literals
• The text enclosed in single or double quotes.
• There is no character literal.
• Example ‘a’, ‘anant’, “HelloWorld”
• Python allows non-graphic characters in string values.
• Non-graphic characters are represented using escape
sequence. \n for newline, \t tab space, \r carriage return
String Types in Python
• Strings are declared in two ways :
– Single-line String: enclosed within single or double quotes. It must terminate in
one line.
• Text1=“Computer”
• Text2=‘Science’
– Multiline String: text spread over multiple lines in one single string.
• It can be created in two ways
• By adding backslash at end of each line
• By enclosing the text in triple quotation mark
Size of Strings
• Size of string can be
determined by len( ) function.
• It tells the count of the
characters in the string.
• In multiline comments
backslash is not counted.
• In multiline comments with
triple quotes EOL character
at end of line is counted.
Numeric Literals
• Integer: positive negative numbers without decimal
• Floating Point: Real numbers with decimal points
• Complex Number: are in form a+bj , where a and b are floating point
numbers and j is √-1 . Where a is real part and b is imaginary part.
Boolean literals
Special Literal None
• True and False are the two Boolean Literals
• Special literal None represent absence of value
• None also indicates end of List
• They are built-in constant literals of Python
• Operators are the symbol, which triggers some computation when applied on operand.
– Unary Operator: those operators that require only one operand.
• Unary Plus +
• Unary Minus –
• Bitwise Complement ~
• Logical Negation not
– Binary Operator: those operators that require only two operand.
• Arithmetic Operator +,-,*,/,%
• Bitwise Operator &,^,|
• Shift Operator >>,<<
• Identity Operator is , is not
Relational Operators
• Less Than
• Greater Than >
• Less Than or Equal to <=
• Greater than or Equal to >=
• Equal To
• Not Equal to !=
Logical Operators
• Logical AND and
• Logical OR or
Assignment Operator
• Assignment =
• Assign Quotient /=
• Assign Sum +=
• Assign Product *=
• Assign Remainder %=
• Assign Difference -=
• Assign Exponent **=
• Assign Floor Division //=
Membership Operator
• Whether variable in sequence in
• Whether variable not in sequence not in
• Punctuators are the symbols used in programming language
to organise the statements of the program.
• Common Punctuators are
Barebones of Python Program
• Components of Program are

Expression: legal combination of symbols to represent a value.

A=5 b=b+9

Statement: Instruction that performs certain action.

Print(“Hello”) if(a>90):

Comments: Additional information regarding the source code which is not executed.

Single Line Comment: begins with #’

Multiline Comments: enclosed in triple quotes(‘’’) called docstring

Functions: block of code having name , and can be reused by specifying the name in the
program, whenever required.

Block and Indentation: Group of statement which are part of another statement or function.
Variable and Assignments
• Named Label whose value can be changed and processed
during the program run.
• Creating Variable: Name Anant
– Name=‘Anant’ Age X 9
– Age=9
– Age=30
• Python do not have fixed memory 30
locations, when the value changes
they change their location
• lvalue: expression that can come on lhs of an assignment.
• Rvalue: expression that can come on rhs of an assignment.
Dynamic Typing
• The process in which the variable pointing to a value of certain
type, can be made to point to the value of other type.
Dynamic Typing

• Caution: keep the data type in mind

while changing.
• type( ) function is used to determine the
of object.
Dynamic Typing vs Static Type
• In Dynamic Typing the datatype attached with the variable
can change during the program run Whereas in Static
Typing the data type defined for the first time is fixed for
the variable.
• Python Support Dynamic Typing
Multiple Assignment
• Python allows Multiple assignments.
• Assign same value to multiple variables.
– x = y = z = 20
– here x, y, z has same value 20

• Assign multiple values to multiple variables.

– x , y , z = 20, 40, 60
– here x, y, z has value 20, 40 and 60 respectively
Example of Multiple Assignment
Variable Definition
• Variable is created or defined when the first value is assigned to it.
• Variable is not created until some value is assigned to it.
Simple Input and Output
• input( ) function is used for taking value for a variable during runtime.

• When dealing with numbers we face this kind of error.

Reading Numbers
• To overcome the above error we need to convert the
string type object to integer or any desired numeric type.
• input( ) function always returns a value of string type.
• Use int( ) or float( ) function to convert the type string to
int and float respectively.
Possible Errors while Reading Numeric Values
• When converting variable to int/float we need to make sure that the value
entered is of int/float type.

• If we enter rashmi for age then rashmi cannot be converted to int.

Output Through print Statement
• print statement has number of features
– Automatic conversion of items to string type.
– Inserting space between items automatically as default value of
sep (separator ) is space.

– It appends a newline at the end of the each print line.

sep and end argument in print statement
Data Types
• Python offers five built-in core data types
– Numbers( int, float, complex)
– String
– List
– Tuples
– Dictionary
• Integers Numbers
– Integers Signed: positive and negative integers(Whole Numbers)
– Boolean: Truth Values False(0)/bool(0) and True(1) /bool(1)
• Floating Point Numbers: precision of 15 digits possible in Python
– Fractional Form: Normal Decimal Form, e.g. 325.89, 300.845
– Exponent Notation: Represents real numbers for measurable quantities. E.g. 3.500789E05,
1.568789E09, 0.254E-07
• Complex Numbers: Python represents complex numbers as a pair of floating
point numbers. E.g. A+Bj. J is used as the imaginary part which has value √-1.
• a=1.6+4j real part=1.6 imaginary component=4
• b=0+5.2j real part=0 imaginary component=5.2
a.real and b.real gives the real part
a.imag and b.imag gives the imaginary part
• Any number of valid characters within quotation marks.
• It can hold any type of known characters like alphabets, numbers, special characters etc.
• Legal String in Python are “Raman”, ‘rocket’, “we2345@”,”%&$#”
• String as a sequence of Characters
– String is stored as individual characters in contiguous location
Forward Indexing 0 1 2 3 4 5

p y t h o n

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Backward Indexing
– Length of the string can be determined using len(string).
– Individual letter of a string cannot be changed because the String is immutable.
name*2+=‘g’ # Not Possible
name=‘Computer’ #Possible , we can assign string to another string
• List in Python represents a list of comma-separated values of any data
type between square brackets. Mutable Data Type
*‘a’, ‘b’,’c’,’d’+
*‘rat’, ‘bat’,’cat’,’dog’+

>>>List=[1,2,3,4,5] >>>print(List) [1,2,3,4,5]

>>>List[0]=20 >>>print(List) [20,2,3,4,5] #changes the 1 element

>>>List[3]=8 >>>print(List) [20,2,3,8,5] #changes the 4 element
• Tuples in Python represents a list of comma-separated values of
any data type between round brackets. Immutable Data Type
A=(‘a’, ‘b’,’c’,’d’)
B=(‘rat’, ‘bat’, ‘cat’, ’dog’)
• Dictionary in Python represents unordered set of comma-separated key :
value pair within { }, with the requirement that within a dictionary, no two
keys can be the same.
A=,‘a’:1, ‘b’:2,’c’:3,’d’:4-

>>> A*‘d’+
Immutable Types
• The immutable types are those that can never change their value in place.
• Immutable Data Types are
– Integer
– Floating Point Number
– Boolean
– String
– Tuples
>>>a=10 >>>print(a) 10
>>>a=20 >>>print(a) 20
Note: We see that the above code is changing the value of the variable, values are not
changing in place. Variable names are stored as references to a value-object, each time
you change the value, the variable’s reference memory address changes.
Mutable Types
• Mutable types are those whose values can be changed
in place.
• Mutable Data Types are
– List
– Dictionary
– Sets
• Thus Mutability means that in the same memory address
, new value can be stored as and when you want.
• Expression is the valid combination of operators, literals and variables.
• Expression is formed by atoms and operators.
• Atoms are something which has value. E.g. Literals, identifier, string,
list, tuples, sets and dictionary etc.
• Types of Expression
– Arithmetic Expression: a+5-6
– Relational Expression: x>90
– Logical Expression: a>b or 6<p
– String Expression: “computer” + “science”, “web” *3
Evaluating Arithmetic Expression:
• During evaluation if the operand are of same data type then the resultant will be of the
data type which is common.
• Incase, during evaluation if the operand are of different data type then the resultant will
be of the data type of the largest operand. We need to promote all the operand to the
largest type through type promotion.
• Implicit Type Conversion/Coercion
– Implicit conversion is performed by the compiler without programmer’s intervention.
• Division operator will result in floating point number, even if
both operands are integer type.
Type Casting
• Python internally changes the data type of some operand , so that all
operand have same data type. This is called Implicit Type Conversion.
• Explicit Type Conversion/ Type Casting: user defined conversion that
forces an expression to be of specific type.
– Type casting is done by <datatype> (expression)
• Amt= int(amount)
• Different data types are int(), float(), complex(), str(), bool()
Types of statements in Python
• Smallest executable unit of the program.
• These are instructions given to the computer to perform any kind of action,
data movement, decision making, repeating actions etc.
• They are of three types
– Empty Statement: Statement which does nothing. In Python empty statement
is a pass statement.
– Simple Statement: Any single executable statement is a simple statement.
– Compound Statement: Group of Statement executed as a unit. It has a header
line and a body.
• Header line: It begins with the keyword and ends with a colon.
• Body: consist of one or more Python statements ,indented inside
header line. All Statement are at same level of indentation.
Program to find the Eligibility for voting
# Voting Eligibility
age=int(input("Enter your age")) //Simple Statement
pass //Empty Statement
if age>17 :

print('Eligible to vote')
else : Compound
print('Not Eligible to vote')
if Statement
• In Python, if Statement is used for decision making. It will run
the body of code only when IF statement is true.
• When you want to justify one condition while the other condition
is not true, then you use "if statement".
if expression
a = 33
b = 200
if b > a:
print("b is greater than a")
What happen when "if condition" does not meet
a = 33
b = 200
if b > a:
print("b is greater than a")
print(“a is greater than b")
• WAP to input a number and check whether the number is
greater than 100.
• WAP to input a number and check whether the number is
negative or positive.
• WAP to input a sales and calculate the discount on the following
criteria, if the sales is greater than 3000 then 10% discount and
less than 3000 or equal to 3000 then 5% discount.
• WAP to input three numbers and print the largest of the three.
• WAP to input a number and check whether the given number id
odd or even.
• WAP to check whether the given year is leap year or not.
WAP to check whether the given year is leap year or not.
year=int(input("Enter year:"))
if (year % 4) == 0:
if (year % 100) == 0:
if (year % 400) == 0:
print(year, "is a leap year")
print(year, "is not a leap year")
print(year, "is not a leap year")
print(year, "is not a leap year")
How to use "elif" condition
• By using "elif" condition, you are telling the program to print out the third
condition or possibility when the other condition goes wrong or incorrect.
x,y =8,8
if(x < y):
st= "x is less than y"
elif (x == y):
st= "x is same as y"
st="x is greater than y"

• WAP to input a number and check whether the number is greater than
100, equal to 100 or less than 100.
• WAP to input a number and check whether the number is negative, positive
or zero.
• WAP to read two numbers and an arithmetic operator and display
the computed result.
• WAP to print whether the given character is uppercase or lowercase
character or digit or any other character.
• WAP to read temperature and convert it into degree centigrade or
Fahrenheit depending on users choice.
Repetition of Tasks -- A Necessity
There are many situations when we need to repeat certain task or
functions some given number of times or based on certain condition.
What is Loop?
• Loops can execute a block of code number of times until a certain condition is
met. Their usage is fairly common in programming. Unlike other
programming language that have For Loop, while loop, do while, etc.
• To carry out repetitive task python provides following
looping/iterative statements:
– Conditional Loop while
– Counting Loop for
The range( ) Function
• The range( ) function of Python generates a list which is special
sequence type.
• Range function works in three forms:
– range( lower limit, upper limit)
range( l, u) will give l, l+1, l+2…………..u-1
range(3,7) will give 3,4,5,6
range(13,7) will give empty list
Default step value is +1
– range( lower limit, upper limit, step value)
range( l, u, s) will give l, l+s, l+2s…………..u-1
range(3,17,3) will give 3,6,9,12,15
range(13,7,2) will give 13,11,9,7
– Range(number)
range( n) will give 0,1,2…………..n-1
range(7) will give 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
Operators in and not in
• in operator tests if a given value is contained in a sequence
or not and return True or False.
The for loop
for <variable> in <sequence>:
statements to repeat
WAP to print natural numbers from 1 to
n, n is entered by the user.
WAP to print even numbers in the
range 1 to n, n is entered by the user.
WAP to print table of n,
where n is entered by the user.
• WAP to print sum of n natural numbers,
where n is entered by the user
• WAP to print the factorial of the given
number, where number is entered by the user.
• WAP to input sales of the month and
calculate the average sales of that month.
The while loop
while <logical expression> :
loop body

Anatomy of a while Loop

• Initialization
• Test Expression
• The Body of the Loop
• Update Expression
initialization expression
test expression

Body of Loop
Update expression
WAP to print natural numbers from 1 to n,
n is entered by the user.
WAP to print even numbers in the range 1 to n,
n is entered by the user.
WAP to print table of n,
where n is entered by the user.
Loop Else Statement
• Both the loops of Python has else clause. The else of a loop
executes only when the loop end normally( i.e. only when
the loop is ending because the while loop’s test condition has
become false and for loop has executed the last sequence)

• Note: The else clause of the Python Loop executes when

the loop terminates normally, not when the loop is
terminating because of break statements.
Jump Statement
Jump Statement
• You might face a situation in which you need to exit a loop completely when an
external condition is triggered or there may also be a situation when you want
to skip a part of the loop and start next execution.
• Python provides break and continue statements to handle such situations and
to have good control on your loop.
The break Statement:
• The break statement in Python terminates the current loop and
resumes execution at the next statement
The continue Statement:
• The continue statement in Python returns the control to the beginning of the while
loop. The continue statement rejects all the remaining statements in the current
iteration of the loop and moves the control back to the top of the loop.
Nested Loop

• one loop inside another loop

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