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A. Theoritical Framework
Theoretical frameworks are relevant theories related to references cited
from divers printed documents to give researchers and readers with alternative
answers to problems that are being studied theoretically (Syafi’i, 2019). At the
very least, theoretical references aim to facilitate researchers, especially in
various ways:
1. Focusing the aspects of research discussed
2. Sharpen the problems that the problem we have seen and experienced
in around us
3. Find out new approaches in overcoming or providing solutions to
4. Provide the researchers with improvements to the outline of the study
5. Providing the researchers with several facilities in determining
research instruments, and interpreting data obtained and analysis.

B. Relevant Research
Relevant research is the research that will probably lead to the scientific
advancemets the author is referring to in the article. Reviewing relevant
research is intended to avoid plagiarism from the results of previous
researches (Syafi’i, 2019).
Reviewing previous research can help you on write your research paper. With
relevant research you will get clear ideas and information about the design of
research conducted by previous researchers.
C. Operational Consept
Operational Research is the science of rational decision-making and the
study, design and integration of complex situations and systems with the goal
of predicting system behavior and improving or optimizing system
performance (Hamdy, 2012).

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