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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


I. Objectives
Recognize the sound devices ( onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance )
Differentiate the sound devices onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance
Analyze sounds devices ( onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance )

II. Subject Matter

Topic: . Sound devices ( onomatopoeia , alliteration, assonance)
Materials: Charts/paragraph, pictures, cartolina strips, activity sheet,
Reference: EN5LC-Ie – 2.11.1 / 2.11.2/ 2.11.3
Focused Skill: Analyzing
Value: Presence of mind

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Drill
3. Review of previous lesson
4. Identify the statement below whether it is a simile, metaphor and

________________ 1. Your skin is as white as a snow.

________________ 2. The sun smiles at me in this morning.
________________ 3. Her mother anger is a lion that chasing a prey.
________________ 4. She looked at me like a sharp knife.
________________ 5. The mountain is crying for loss of its trees.

B. Motivation
Teacher will present a picture to the class and the learners will give their
point of view about the pictures.
C. Presentation
Teacher present a song using of alliteration to the learners.

D. Discussion
1. Today we discuss about the sound devices using onomatopoeia,
alliteration, and assonance.
 What is onomatopoeia?
- Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its
I could hear the crowd murmur as the news spread.
 What is alliteration ?
- Alliteration happens when words that start with the same sound are
used close together in a phrase or sentence. The sound is usually
a consonant and the words don’t have to always be right next to
one another.
- One of the fun features of alliteration is when it becomes a tongue
Example: She could feel her son’s sweet smell of success.

What is assonance ?
-Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another
repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant
- The silken tent.
2. Modeling
The teacher will give more sample of sound devices ( onomatopoeia ,
alliteration, assonance)
a. Which example /sentence imitates its sound ?
b. Which sentence start with the same sound are used close
together in a phrase or sentence?
E. Guided Practice
The teacher will present new sentences to analyze the sounds devices.
Arrange it on the table below.
1. The sheep went, “Baa.”
2. Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep during the movie.
3.We light fire on the mountain
F. Independent Practice
Group Activity
Analyzing the sound devices used in the sentences.
I lie down by the side of my bride.
Hear the lark and harkens to the barking of the dark fox gone to ground.
It's hot and it's monotonous.
The crumbling thunder of seas.
Try to light the fire.
The horse’s hooves clip-clopped on the cobblestones.
Those clucking chickens are driving me crazy!
If you’re going to cough, please cover your mouth.
The prisoner was terrified to hear the crack of the whip.
We roasted marshmallows over the crackling fire.
Group 1: List down the sentences sound devices ( onomatopoeia )
Group 2: List down the sentences sound devices ( alliteration )
Group 3: List down the sentences sound devices ( assonance )

G. Generalization
1. What is an onomatopoeia? Alliteration? assonance
2. Differentiate these sound devices.

H. Application
Teacher will show a picture to learners and the will construct a sentence
using of sound devices given.

onomatopoeia alliteration assonance

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read and analyze the sound devices used in the sentences
( onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance ).
________________ 1. The early bird catches the worm.
________________ 2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
________________ 3. Go and mow the lawn.
________________ 4. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
________________ 5. Quack, quack went the ducks as we threw them our stale bread.
________________ 6. The light of the fire is a sight.
________________ 7. It was lovely to wake up to the tweet of the birds outside my
bedroom window.
________________ 8. Go gather green leaves in the garden.
________________ 9. Go slow over the road.
________________ 10. Come and close your closet.

V. Assignment
Construct 3 sentences in each sound devices. ( onomatopoeia, alliteration,
assonance )



Prepared by:

Grade V-Teacher

School Principal I
I. Objectives
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation
Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet,meta cards
Reference: EN5OL -Ie – 3.9
Focused Skill: Speaking
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Look at the picture . Try to analyse which of them are using the formal and informal English based
on the situation portrayed .

Say: What can you say about the picture?

Can you tell something about this?
Based on their actions. Which do you think shows the formal and informal
conversation ?
B. Explaining the students What to Do
Say: Today we discuss about using formal and informal English based on their task and situation.
Say: How do you differentiate the formal and informal English ? Formal English - we use it when
writing essays for school, cover letters, to apply for jobs or e mails and letters at work.
Example:represent , Finally Informal English – we use it with friends, children and
Example : stand for, In the end
C. Modeling
The teacher will give more sample of formal and informal English.
Refer to LM.Say: What have you noticed about the samples of the formal and informal English?
Which of the two do you want to use ?
D. Guided Practice
The teacher will present new sample of formal & informal English.
Direction: Write F if the words state formal English and IF for informal English.
____1 . Go up ____ 4. ASAP
____2.Therefore ____ 5.negative
____3. Totally
E. Independent Practice
Group Activity Formal English Informal English
Complete the table below .
Group 1: Abbreviation
Group 2: Letter of Expression
Formal English Informal English

Hi Robert
Truly Yours,

Group 3: Slang Formal English Informal English

F. Closure
Right answer
When do we use
formal English ? informal English?
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Arrange the words in the table below
Example: bad - negative
Completely loaded
Smart You can call me if you need anything.
Rich intelligent
I look forward to having from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Hope to
hear from you soon. totally

Formal English Informal English

1. 1.
2. 2.


I. Objectives
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures;
- Conjunctions
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Conjunctions
Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet
Reference: EN5G- Ie- 8.3 /8.4
English for All Times 5 Language p. 36-41
Focused Skill: Speaking and Writing
Value: Honesty
III. Procedure
A.Setting the Stage
Directions :Listen carefully as your teacher reads letter of excuse from her student.
- Who were absent from their classes?
- Why was Joyce absent and was able to go to school?
- Did Joyce explain clearly their reasons to be excuse?Why?
A. Explaining the students What to Do
Say :Have you been absent from your class before? When was that? Why were you absent? Tell the
class when you were absent and why. Use these patterns:
I was absent last __________________.
I was absent because _______________.
You have learned that related ideas or thoughts can be joined by the conjunctions and, or,
and but . Compound sentences are then built.
Other conjunctions can also be used. This is to show a clear and precise
relationship between ideas or thoughts. These are as follows :
because when if unless so
so that where although since

When these conjunctions are used, another kind of sentence is built. This sentence is called a
complex sentence.
A. Modeling
Directions: Look at how the ideas below can be combined into complex sentences. Can you explain the
meaning of each combination ?

You rest and sleep. You have a bad cold.

1. You rest and sleep because you have a bad cold.

2. You rest and sleep if you have a bad cold.
3. When you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.
 Which sentences tell why you have to rest and sleep?
 Which tells a condition for you to rest and sleep ?
When combining two ideas into one sentence, think how they are related
To each other. Then, choose a conjunction that will clearly show that relationship.
B. Guided Practice
Directions: Can you combine the ideas in this paragraph clearly ? Use the appropriate
conjunctions and form complex sentences.

We wanted to go camping. We love the outdoors. We packed our supplies. We boarded the
bus. We sang. We would not feel bored and sleepy.

Did you come up with these complex sentence ?

1. We wanted to go camping because we love the outdoors.
2. After we packed our things, we boarded the bus.
3. We sang so that we would not feel bored and sleepy.
E. Independent Practice
Group Activity

Group 1
Directions: Go around the classroom. Ask classmates to answer the questions or to complete the
statements below.Record every answer.
Group 2
Directions :Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas in each sentence.
Group 3
Directions: Complete each into a complex sentence. Add another idea appropriate to the
given conjunction.
F. Closure

Use conjunctions like, because, so that, when, where, if, although, among others, to express clear
A complex sentence is made up of two or more ideas combined using the said conjunctions.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Combine the given ideas into a complex sentence. Use appropriate conjunctions like
because, if, although, unless, so that, before, after, when, were among others.

Example : I like gardening. I love green plants.

Answer: I like gardening because I love green plants.

1. I like farming. It is a man’s work.

2. I started gardening. I was seven.
3. I used pots made of small cans. I was still young for a garden pot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer. My plants grew healthy and robust.
5. I save some of my earnings in the bank. I can buy my favorite reading books.
I. Objectives
1. Analyze a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements ( rhymes, sound devices, imaginary and
figurative language )
2. Distinguish among various types of viewing materials.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Analyzing a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements

Materials: chart, poems,activity sheet
Reference: EN5RC – I e – 6 / EN5VC – I e 6
Developing Reader Power 5 p. 35-37
Focused Skill: Analyzing
Value: Appreciate all the creatures of God.

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Presenting some lines from several poems.
Slides Presentation
B.Explaining the students What to Do
Say :Here are some lines from several poems. Can you tell the meaning of the underlined words ?
What do the underlined words describe ?
Figurative Language describes things in new ways. This kind of Language goes beyond what words actually
mean. Poets often use figurative language meanings.
III. Modeling
Directions: Read the poem. The Night will never stay, by: Eleonor Farjeon
 What do you call the underlined word?
 How did the poet describe the moon?
 Can moon really do what the poet’s suggest?
IV. Guided Practice: MEXICAN PALM By: Emilie F. johnson
My tree is like a duster reaching high.
Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.
How the author describes the tree?
E. Independent Practice
Group Activity
Directions :Study the following lines from some poems. Identify the figurative language used. Tell the
meaning of the figurative words in everyday language.
Group 1: Group 3:
Where carts are blue
Slowly,silently now the moon
And barns are red,
Walks the night in her silver shoon
And the road unwinds
This way and that , she peers and sees
Like a twist of thread.
Silver fruits upon silver trees.
Group 2:
They seem like animal eyes in the dark
That are stealthily searching for prey;
And the road is afraid for it wriggles its tail
And hurriedly slithers away.

F. Closure
Figurative Language describes things in new
ways. This kind of Language goes beyond
what words actually mean. Poets often use
figurative language meanings.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Study the lines from poem. Identify the figurative language used. Tell the meaning of the
figurative words in everyday language.
Butterfly, butterfly, light a summer air
Darting up, floating down, drifting everywhere
Are the fairies using you.
As an airplane for a fairy crew ?

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