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MCQ :1 Head and Neck

Choose the one best answer for each question

1. Anterior scalene fissure

a. contains subclavian vein
b. is located between anterior scalene muscle and middle scalene muscle
c. contains subclavian artery
d. contains brachial plexus
e. contains both sublclavian vein and plexus

2. Cervical plexus is formed by fibers of following spinal nerves:

a. C1-C6
b. C2-C5
c. C3-C5
d. C1-C4
e. C2-C4

3. Prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia

a. is the deepest layer of cervical fascia
b. forms carotid sheath
c. is pierced by ventral roots of cervical nerves
d. encloses trachea and thyroid gland
e. attaches to oblique line of thyroid cartilage

4. Fibers forming parasympathetic root otic ganglion derive from

a. greater petrosal nerve (from CN IX)
b. lesser petrosal nerve (from CN IX)
c. greater petrosal nerve (from CN VII)
d. lesser petrosal nerve (from CN VII)
e. chorda tympani (from CN VII)

5. Glossopharyngeal nerve does not innervate

a. tympanic cavity
b. tongue
c. pharynx
d. carotid sinus
e. nasal septum

6. Greater petrosal nerve

a. leaves facial nerve at its genicular ganglion
b. it other name is deep petrosal nerve
c. provides secretory fibers for lacrimal sac
d. transmits sympathetic fibers for pterygopalatine ganglion
e. is associated with otic ganglion

7. Lesion of inferior laryngeal nerve will affect function of the following muscles except:
a. posterior cricoarytenoid
b. vocalis
c. lateral cricoarytenoid
d. oblique arytenoid
e. cricothyroid

8. Temporomandibular joint
a. is monoaxial joint
b. has not any intraarticular structures
c. is a classic example of the hinge joint
d. articular fossa forms one of its articular surfaces

9. Structures of the eye which develop from the chorid are

a. iris
b. lens
c. ciliary body
d. retina

10. Which statements concerning the ear are true:

a. inner ear is located in tympanic cavity
b. malleus articulates with stapes
c. base of stapes is located in the round window
d. scala tympani is filled with perilymph

11. Parasympathetic innervation of submandibular gland derives from:

a. superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk
b. facial nerve
c. mandibular nerve
d. glossopharyngeal nerve
e. oculomotor nerve

12. Which structure does NOT form the limitation of the posterior chamber of the eye:
a. ciliary body
b. cornea
c. iris
d. lens
e. suspensory ligament

13. Lacrimal gland

a. is innervated by branches of the ciliary ganglion
b. drains its secretion through Shlemm’s canal
c. It is located in superior medial part of the orbit
d. Has parasympathetic innercation from facial nerve
e. Its draining duct opens into nasal cavity

14. Which of the following nerves passes along posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
a. accessory nerve
b. lesser occipital nerve
c. transverse cervical nerve
d. greater auricular nerve
e. subclavicular nerve

15. Which of the following statements are not true about dural sinuses
a. inferior petrosal sinus connects cavernous sinus with the internal jugular vein
b. dural sinuses are connected with extracranial veins by diploic veins
c. cavernous sinus is connected with the pterygoid plexus by the inferior ophthalmic
d. straight sinus drains blood from the inferior saggital sinus and great cerebral vein
e. superior petrosal sinus connects cavernous sinus with the superior sagital

16. Which of the following structures drain into the inferior meatus of the nose:
a. ethmoidal sinuses
b. frontal sinus
c. maxillary sinus
d. nasolacrimal duct
e. sphenoidal sinus

17. Which structure can not be found in carotid triangle

a. inferior thyroid artery
b. internal jugular vein
c. hypoglossal nerve
d. occipital artery
e. ansa cervicalis

18. Which of the following statements is not true:

a. osseous labyrinth consists of vestibule, semicircular canals and cochlea
b. in organ of Corti fluid vibrations are transformed into electrical impulses
c. base of stapes is located in round window
d. cochlear duct is filled with endolymph
e. endolymphatic duct ends in the blind sac under the dura mater

19. On which part of the tongue receptors of sour taste are located
a. radix of tongue
b. tip of tongue
c. lateral margins of tongue
d. dorsal surface of body of tongue in midline
e. dorsal surface of body of tongue anteriorly to terminal sulcus

20. Which of the following sentences is not true about auditory tube
a. its function is to equalize pressure on tympanic membrane
b. its pharyngeal opening is located on lateral wall of nasopharynx
c. its pharyngeal opening is widened by tensor veli pallatini muscle
d. its superior part is occupied by tensor tympani muscle
e. its internal opening is located within the inner ear

Match clinical manifestation (A-E) with appropriate peripheral cranial nerve palsy:

21. CN IX
22. CN VII
23. CN III

A. Deviation of the tongue to the side of palsy

B. Drop of palatoglossal fold on the side of palsy
C. Dropped angle of the mouth on the side of palsy
D. Eyeball rotated medially and superiorly
E. Dropped upper eyelid

Possible right answer MCQ:1

1 A
2 D
3 A
4 B
5 E
6 A
7 E
8 D?
9 ?
10 ?
11 B?
12 B
13 D
14 B
15 E
16 D
17 A
18 C
19 C
20 E
21 B
22 C
23 E

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