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Marca con una X si incluiste todos los elementos descritos aquí. Los elementos aquí descritos
se tomarán en cuenta para tener un total de 10 puntos en el producto integrador.

Evaluación SI NO
Las fotos son lo X
suficientemente claras y
nítidas Y tomadas en la
posición correcta.
Incluí verbos regulares e X
irregulares en mi párrafo
resaltados en un color.
Mi descripción fue escrita en X
forma de párrafo (no de
oraciones) donde gramática
del pasado continuo fueron
Tengo evidencia de las notas X
tomadas en clase y ejercicios
del libro.
La tarea fue entregada en X
tiempo y forma.
Revisé la puntuación, uso de X
mayúsculas y minúsculas en
mi párrafo.
Incluí verbos con las 3 reglas X
de gerundios
Subrayé el uso de al menos 8
verbos en pasado continuo.
Mi párrafo contiene al menos X
100 palabras sin incluir título o
mi nombre.
No hice uso de traductores. X
(sólo de diccionarios como

Contesté la lista de cotejo X

para mi evaluación.
Incluí las notas y ejercicios X
realizados en clase.
My trip to Mexico City
Juan Pablo González Castro.

Last February I traveled to Mexico City, I did several activities in a few days, first of all it
is worth mentioning that it was my first plane trip and I really enjoyed it. I visited places
such as Teotihuacán, Alameda, Chapultepec, Xochimilco, and the Museum of
Anthropology and History. As an anecdote, I remember that I was walking along the “road
of the deads” in Teotihuacan and there was a lot of sun, so I decided to buy a hat that I still
keep, but I was so hot and tired that on my way back to Mexico City I was asleep all the
way and not I woke up until I got to the hotel, I wasn´t sick, just very tired. Despite my
fatigue, I was reading to take an exam returning to Guadalajara, although I was walking and
enjoying the trip, I continued to be responsible for my educational activities. Is also worth
mentioning that I cycled a lot of the trip since I paid a two-day membership to rent
government bicycles and I really enjoyed riding on Reforma avenue which is very
beautiful, I took many photos and ate delicious food. I keep a very special memory of that
trip, I really enjoyed it.

-Yellow: Simple past

-Blue: Past continous
-Green: Geround verbs

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