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Mrs Abraham – Arriving at 11:05am tmr for judging


Step 1:
Start with a base of leafy greens
- Start off with a base of leafy greens. Some option include : spinach, kale, arugula,
mixed baby greens (mesclun mix), romaine, leaf lettuce, swiss chard, sprouts,
microgreens, etc.

Step 2:
Top with variety of veggies protein, carb + healthy fats
- Veggies / protein / whole food carbs / healthy fats

Step 3:
Finish it off with delicious add – ons
- To make a healthy nourish bowl, simply: Start off with a base of leafy greens. Top
with a variety of nutrient dense veggies, protein, carbs and healthy fats. Then bring it
all together by drizzling or scattering on some delicious add-ons. Get creative and
have fun – the options are endless.

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