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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test

1. Istanbul is a city ____ you can literally see growing bigger and bigger with each year.
A) where
B) when
C) who
D) which
E) whose

2. Every month the queues at the traffic lights on the way to Istanbul get longer and
longer, ____ is extremely frustrating, and people can’t help wondering what it is going
to be like ten years from now.
A) where
B) which
C) what
D) that
E) how

3. The World Cup fans pelted policemen with stones after a police motorist, ____ had
tried to force through a crowd, struck and injured a supporter.
A) which
B) that
C) who
D) where
E) when

4. The River Danube, ____ flows through Germany, Hungary, Austria, Serbia,
Romania and borders Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Ukraine, is the longest and the
most important river in Central Europe.
A) that
B) when
C) where
D) whose
E) which

5. From the Black Forest, ____ it rises, the Danube flows a distance of 2,850 kilometres
to the Black Sea.
A) when
B) why
C) which
D) where
E) that

6. During the World Cup, dozens of officers patrolled the main avenues of Paris, ____
cafes overflowed with football fans.
A) where
B) when
C) which
D) that
E) who
7. My brother John, one of ____ strongest fears when he was young was of heights,
surprisingly, became a pilot.
A) which
B) whose
C) when
D) that
E) where

8. The chief advisor, by ____ the president had been betrayed, had ambitions of
becoming the president himself.
A) when
B) where
C) which
D) that
E) whom

9. ____ like the Greek letter “omega”, Coffin Spring is nothing new in orthodontics.
A) Shaping
B) To be shaped
C) Shaped
D) To shaped
E) To shape

10. Hawaii’s soil, ____ is composed of volcanic lava, ash and sandy stone, is so fertile
that it yields eleven tons of sugar per acre, ____ is the largest yield on Earth.
A) that / that
B) where / why
C) what / which
D) which / which
E) whose / where

11. She came from New England, ____ people chop their own wood, so she found
breaking down the door when they’d locked themselves out very easy.
A) when
B) why
C) whom
D) where
E) which

12. Students ____ haven’t yet collected their student identification cards are reminded
that they have to do so before the end of the month.
A) where
B) when
C) who
D) why
E) whose

13. The heart, ____ main function is to pump blood around the body, is greatly
affected by the food we eat.
A) where
B) whose
C) when
D) which
E) that

14. The original inhabitants of Hawaii were probably Polynesians, ____ sailed from the
islands of South
East Asia, perhaps as nearly as 400 AD.
A) who
B) where
C) when
D) why
E) whose
15. My friend Tom Ellis, ____ words are always carefully chosen, had never
considered entering politics before.
A) when
B) where
C) whom
D) which
E) whose

16. Much of the pure gold that exists in the world is stored by governments in
underground vaults, ____ it is kept under very strict security measures.
A) when
B) which
C) that
D) whom
E) where

17. It’s estimated that in the 21st century seventy-five per cent of the world’s population
will be living within one hundred kilometers of the sea, ____ is frightening, especially
when we consider the environmental effects.
A) what
B) which
C) where
D) that
E) when

18. The Earth, ____ resources are limited, should be respected and cared for;
otherwise, she will not be able to sustain the total world problem.
A) when
B) whom
C) which
D) whose
E) that

19. I know I’ve put my passport in a place ____ I thought it would be safe, but now I
can’t remember it.
A) which
B) that
C) where
D) whose
E) when

20. My son will have to catch a bus in order to get to the school ____ he’s enrolled in.
A) what
B) how
C) that
D) where
E) why

21. Even the people travelling around the world and working abroad, eventually feel a
longing for the country in ____ they grew up.
A) where
B) which
C) how
D) that
E) whose

22. When our car broke down on the way to Ankara, the mechanic ____ helped us
knew exactly ____ the problem was.
A) whom / which
B) that / when
C) which / how
D) whose / where
E) who / what

23. The story ____ I was told by Leslie last night was really funny.
A) that
B) who
C) why
D) when
E) where

24. The conditions for the laborers ____ work at Brazil’s gold mines, ____ 78 tons of
gold are mined each year, are very poor.
A) who / when
B) that / which
C) which / that
D) that / where
E) whose / how

25. Even on New Year’s Eve, ____ most of us are celebrating, the ambulance service
staff are working.
A) where
B) when
C) which
D) whom
E) that
26. The Jurassic period, from 190 to 136 million years ago, was the period during ____
most of the major groups of dinosaurs evolved.
A) when
B) that
C) which
D) why
E) what

27. Ferdinand Marcos, ____ to leave the Philippines after allegations of stealing foreign
aid and treasury money, died in exile in Hawaii.
A) forcing
B) to force
C) to have forced
D) having forced
E) forced

28. The film Great Expectations is based on the novel by Charles Dickens, with ____
work I am quite familiar.
A) whom
B) which
C) that
D) whose
E) what

29. One of the most controversial issues ____ lately is whether it should be legally
acceptable for a relative or doctor to help end the life of a terminally ill patient
____ intense pain.
A) discussing / suffer
B) discussed / suffering
C) being discussed / to suffer
D) discuss / having suffered
E) to discuss / suffer

30. Our psychology professor has a strange theory shedding light on the reason ____
football violence is increasing.
A) whose
B) why
C) that
D) what
E) which

31. Hawks, ____ eagles in the same bird family, greatly range in size.
A) having resembled
B) to resemble
C) resembled
D) to have resembled
E) resembling
32. Until the 20th century, the chief raisin producers were Turkey, Iran and Greece. By
mid-century, however, the United States had taken the lead in production, with
Australia ____ second.
A) ranking
B) rank
C) to rank
D) be ranked
E) to have ranked

33. In the picnic area, we found a shady bank, ____ we stopped and ate our sandwiches.
A) where
B) what
C) when
D) which
E) that

34. This brand of orange juice is quite nice, but not as tasty as the freshly squeezed
orange juice ____ at our local supermarket.
A) to be sold
B) selling
C) sold
D) having sold
E) to have sold

35. Our defeat, for ____ some players blame themselves, was caused by bad luck and
not by our lack of capabilities.
A) whom
B) which
C) where
D) why
E) what

36. The students ____ had enrolled for the course were disappointed when they found
out that it had been cancelled.
A) which
B) whose
C) whom
D) that
E) when

37. I think we should hire him because he is a talented young man _____ abilities
include fluency in three languages.
A) whose
B) of which
C) who
D) with whom
E) where

38. The result of our first match in the World Cup, _____ was very exciting, was not
what we were hoping for.
A) when
B) whose
C) which
D) where
E) that

39. The school ____ to me by my friend is offering new courses in September.

A) to recommend
B) having recommended
C) to be recommended
D) recommending
E) recommended

40. Most of the people the police ____ about the robbery ____ anything suspicious in
the area.
A) to question / not having seen
B) questioning / didn’t see
C) having questioned / not to see
D) questioned / hadn’t seen
E) to have questioned / not seen

41. Their existing customers, several of ____ were very interested in the new product,
were invited to a presentation.
A) which
B) whom
C) that
D) where
E) whose

42. All of our current customers, ____ showed an interest in the new product, attended
the meeting.
A) when
B) that
C) who
D) where
E) whose

43. Formerly ____ as Siam, Thailand is one of the most popular tourist spots in Asia.
A) to know
B) known
C) knowing
D) knew
E) having known

44. There are many daily newspapers in England, many of ____ are owned by two large
media companies.
A) that
B) what
C) whom
D) which
E) where

45. Students ____ a foreign language can always benefit from visiting the country ____
language they are trying to learn.
A) to study / where
B) studied / in which
C) studying / whose
D) to be studied / that
E) being studied / why

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