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Velika Azalia, Amalia Putri, Arpan Kurniawan, Aulia Rahma Kursani, Rossa Nurmalinda

Jakarta State University, Rawamangun Muka, 13320. Indonesia

Corresponding Author. E-mail:, Telp: +6281386620438

Abstract : The theory of the relationship between the brain and talent and intelligence is an
important topic in the education of gifted children. Gifted children have more abilities than
children their age in various fields, such as intellectual intelligence, creativity and academic
skills. Their success cannot be separated from the influence of the child's brain which has more
capacity than children in general. The aim of this literature review is to analyze and present
research results related to the relationship between the brain and giftedness and intelligence. The
method used in this research is through searching the literature, namely journals. The results of
this literature review make us as prospective special education teachers more familiar with gifted
and talented children. This literature review will provide insight into how the brain works and
brain capacity in gifted and talented children. It is important for educators and researchers to
develop knowledge about gifted children so that they can encourage the potential of gifted and
talented children.
Keywords: Gifted, children, talented, brain, intelligence


Questions about the relationship between brain, talent, and intelligence continue to
agitate human curiosity from generation to generation. Since ancient times, philosophers and
scientists have speculated about how this mysterious organ in our head affects our ability to learn,
create, and achieve success.

In modern times, advances in neuroimaging technology have opened new windows in the
brain world. Scientists can now observe brain activity in real time, map its neural structure, and
even predict a person's cognitive abilities based on brain activity patterns. This leads to a deeper
understanding of how the brain affects our talents and intelligence.

But the relationship between these three concepts is not simple and linear. Talent and
intelligence are not separate entities that can be measured and located in a specific area of the
brain. It is a complex phenomenon involving interactions between genetic factors, environment,
and life experiences. The brain serves as the stage in which these elements interact to create a
person's unique potential and abilities.

This article encourages readers to delve deeper into the mystery of the relationship
between brain, talent, and intelligence. Discover how brain structure and function affect our
ability to learn, solve problems, and achieve achievements.


The research used in this article is literature review. Literature review relating to or
expanding new or previous research results, or update recent research findings with the aim of
finding evidence of whether progress can be made from research findings through
comprehensive research. This is a framework for obtaining information. Search articles using
multiple sources from databases available at , publishing and perish, research gate,
e-scholarship, and other publications.
The criteria for articles used as data are those that have a published year of the last five
years, from 2018 to 2023.
Since this literature review aims to explore the relationship between brain, talent, and
intelligence, the author wants to hear perspectives and perspectives from national and
international perspectives. From the results of identifying and selecting article data in this way,
10 articles, six international articles and four nasional articles were obtained.

Chart 1. Literature data search scheme

The data collection scheme used in this literature includes the following steps:

1. Identify research objective : Establish clear goals of the literature review: analysis and
presentation of research findings related to the theory of the relationship between brain
and talent and intelligence.
2. Literature search : Browse a variety of related literature, including scientific journals,
books, and research reports. We did a search using keywords in accordance with research
themes, such as "concepts and brain theories related to talent and intelligence", "nerve
science of talent and intelligence", and "brain and intelligence".
3. Literature selection : Conduct literature selection according to given criteria. The criteria
may include the year of publication, topic relevance, source accuracy and reliability, and
the research methods used.
4. Literature evaluation : Evaluate each selected literature in detail. Identify and record
important information such as important discoveries, research methods, and explanations
of the relationship between brain and talent
5. Preparation of abstract : The main findings of the analyzed literature are summarized in a
summary. This summary includes information on the purpose of the literature review,
specific theories about brains with talent and intelligence, and conclusions from the
literature review.
6. Preparation of conclusion : Incorporating findings from the analyzed literature into
conclusions that present theories from various experts on the relationship of the brain to
talent and intelligence. Summarize the results of each literature and then put together.

This method is used by researchers to discover, analyze, and present relevant literature on the
relationship between the brain and talent. Literature review provides valuable insights for the
educational world and researchers to understand effective strategies to support the development
of gifted children.

The results of the literature review on ten articles consist of six international articles and
four national articles. Each result was found to produce a topic related to the theory of brain-to-
brain relationships with talent and intelligence.

The findings in the first article are that this study highlights recent advances in genetic
studies that allow identification of brain cell populations associated with intelligence and specific
genes that can explain the structure and function of the brain area involved in intelligence. This
study emphasizes the relationship between intelligence and brain size, as well as the distributed
intelligence properties in various areas of the brain such as the frontal and temporal lobes. In
addition, this paper emphasizes the importance of understanding how genes benefit cellular
functions that support intelligence. This study addresses the potential of genetic studies to
provide insight into cellular properties that contribute to intelligence and highlight the need for
further research in this field.

The content of the second article was to discuss the effects of neuroscience testing on
talent selection, the historical context of brain science in socio-political debate, visualization of
brain activity, and its implications for social practice in sports coaching.

The content of the third article was to show that Neuroscience can have a relationship
between the cognitive processes present in the brain and the behavior that will result. Fitri 2017,
meaning that every command processed by the brain will activate important areas of the brain.
This neuroscience is a new educational system that studies the nervous system that exists in the
human brain. Neural and brain systems are physical principles for human learning. Unfortunately,
educators sometimes neglect the Neuroscience system, which can cause the learning atmosphere
to be passive and less optimal.

The content of the fourth article is that this paper concludes that there is a strong relation
between intelligence and creativity albeit not absolute. But creativity and intelligence don’t
always demonstrate a strong corellation between them in a satisfying manner due to IQ scores.
Low IQ affects low creativity, but higher IQ isn’t always followed by high creativty. The authors
mention here that smart children with high IQ often follows with high creativity i.e. faster
thinking, smart and agile in acting, highly competitive, able to control emotion, and motivated to

The content of the fifth article is that it provides a comprehensive description of the
relationship between human intelligence and brain tissue. It covers topics such as the definition,
measurement, and structure of human intelligence, the correlation between brain size and
intelligence, the Pareto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT), and the role of frontoparietal
networks in supporting cognitive function and intelligence. In addition, it discusses the use of
neural imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) in studying brain connectivity and its relation to intelligence. This article
emphasizes the need for further research to understand the complex relationship between brain
tissue and intelligence, and is based on extensive research and analysis.

The contents of the discovery in the sixth article are research studies comparing the brain
structure of intellectually gifted children and typically developing children using MRI scans. It
was found that gifted children had larger subcortical structures and more connected white matter
microstructural organizations in areas associated with explicit memory and IQ, and that the white
matter microorganism was more interconnected in areas associated with explicit memory and IQ.
Developing children usually have more connected and larger subcortical structures in areas
associated with implicit memory. This study suggests that there may be a balance of implicit and
explicit memory system development that can phenotypically express with different cognitive
profiles. These findings may have implications for educational intervention and support for
children of all types and learning abilities. The study also attempted to validate the findings using
an external dataset. References included in the study cover a wide range of topics including brain
structure, cognitive function, talent, and talent.

The contens of the discovery in the seventh article There is no agreement on the definition
of intelligence. Intelligence can be given a narrow and broad. In the narrow sense, intelligence is
achievement in school. In a broad sense, intelligence is achievement in various fields of of life.
There is also no consensus on factors that contribute to intelligence. Some research results
suggest that intelligence is acquired by heredity, but some heredity, but some other studies also
show that intelligence can be modified. Many agree that intelligence is a combination of heredity
and modification. Intelligence is related to talent, creativity and achievement. Intelligence is
related to with aptitude because a gifted child is children with very high intelligence. Intelligence
is related to creativity although creativity cannot be identified using intelligence tests.
Intelligence is also related with achievement. Variations in achievement can be predicted from
variations in intelligence. The theory of intelligence continues to evolve. The development of the
theory began with Lewis Terman, Charles Spearman, Sternberg, Lewis L. Thurstone, James P
Guilford to Howard Gardner. Intelligence is measured using intelligence tests. The commonly
used measure is IQ so intelligence tests are commonly known as IQ TEST. The IQ measure is
the ratio between age intelligence to calendar age. Although experts disagree on the concept of
intelligence, they fully agree that intelligence is a concept that is important to understand,
especially in the world of education. A good understanding of intelligence will help provide
optimal services in education. By Therefore, the study of intelligence is very therefore the study
of intelligence is very important to continue to be developed. The importance of studying about
intelligence relates to efforts to understanding the concept and how it is measured. Adequate
measurement of intelligence is still leaves controversy because of the difficulty of concept. The
concept different concepts will result in differences in how to measure it. How to intelligence
measurement will continue to develop in line with the development of the concept. Although
there is no consensus on how to measuring intelligence, given the important role of intelligence
in education, efforts to identify intelligence must be done through a measurement process. Must
be done through the measurement process. This it is necessary for intelligence data to have a
strong foundation.

The contens of the eighth articele the factors that influence a gifted child's relationship
with the brain involve various aspects, including:

1. Heredity (Genetics): Studies on the correlation of intelligence test scores between

children and parents show the influence of heredity on a person's level of mental ability.
The brain, as the main organ involved in intelligence, is influenced by genetic factors
inherited from parents.

2. Environment: A good environment produces good intelligence. Factors in the

environment, both favorable to brain development and intelligence, can play an important
role in shaping a gifted child's potential.
3. Physical Condition: Brain health is affected by overall physical condition. Good
nutritional conditions, optimal health, and normal physical development support optimal
levels of mental ability.

4. Emotional Climate: Emotions in the environment in which the child is raised can affect
mental development and the relationship with the brain. A positive emotional climate can
help optimize brain potential and intelligence.

This, the relationship between a gifted child and his/her brain is affected by a complex
interaction between genetic factors, living environment, physical conditions, and emotional
climate. A holistic approach that takes into account all these aspects is important to understand
and optimize the potential of gifted children.

The content of the nineth article was the brain network structure of gifted children is more
integrated Gifted children learn more quickly and effectively than other children, perhaps
because of influencing neurophysiological differences How brain structure relates to intelligence.

The content of the tenth article was Research results in this article suggest that from the
MRI data we can identify gifted children. However, due to the scarcity of children’s MRI data,
it’s difficult to identify gifted children through MRI

Table 1. Data analysis metrics for articles used in review literature

Author, Title, Journal Method Desaign Result

Natalia A. Goriounova dan Literature studies library The article "Gen, Cell, and
Huibert D. Mansvelder. Genes, studies Brain Area of Intelligence"
Cells and Brain Areas of explores the biological basis
Intelligence. Frontiers in Human of human intelligence from a
Neuroscience. neurobiological perspective.
This research investigates the
areas of the brain involved in
intelligence through brain
imaging studies and aims to
identify genes associated with
intelligence through genetic
studies. This research
highlights recent
developments in
understanding the biological
basis of intelligence,
including advances in genetic
studies that have identified
brain cell populations
associated with intelligence
and specific genes that
contribute to the structure and
function of the brain area
involved in intelligence.
These studies show that
intelligence is related to the
size of the brain and is
distributed in various areas of
the brain, such as the frontal
and temporal lobes. These
findings also suggest that
high IQ scores are related to
larger and more complex
neurons in the temporal
cortex. These neurons process
synaptic inputs with higher
temporal accuracy, resulting
in more efficient information
transfer. Additionally,
individuals with higher IQ
scores have been found to
maintain faster action
potential during neuron
Overall, This study provides
evidence that intelligence is
related to the properties of
certain brain cells and genes
that contribute to the structure
and function of the brain area
involved in intelligence.
These findings have
significant implications for
understanding the biological
fundamentals of human
intelligence and how genes
support intelligence-related
cellular functions.
Magnus Kilger dan Helena Critical analysis and discussion This paper discusses the use
Blomberg. Brain science and the of brain science and
identification of talent: The neuroscience testing in the
‘neurofication’ of talent identification and selection of
selection. Research Gate. talent, particularly in sports.
This paper emphasizes the
increasing influence of
neuroscience testing in talent
selection and the shift
towards objective
measurement of cognitive
executive function (CEF)
through brain testing. The
authors argue that while
neuroscience testing has been
central to talent selection,
there is a need for a critical
investigation into the claims
of truth produced in this field
and its implications for social
This paper explores the
historical context of brain
science in socio-political
debate, and explores the
historical context of brain
science. It highlights its use
in solving various social
problems. It is said that
knowledge of the brain has
been central to finding
potential criminals, children
at risk of failing school, and
highly talented individuals.
The authors analyze examples
of popular science textbooks
on neuroscience in talent
selection and discuss how
representations of brain
activity are legitimized and
test results translate into facts
about brain function. These
tests were then used as a
prerequisite for sports
success, turning the selection
process into an objective and
scientific process.
The discussion also discusses
the visual appearance of brain
science findings, emphasizing
the strong legitimacy of the
research results that come
with visualizing brain
activity. This paper concludes
by examining the
implications of brain science
and neuroscience testing in
talent selection, questioning
the claims of truth made by
neuroscience and discussing
the consequences for sports
coaching practices.
Rizky Amelia, E. Kus Eddy Library research Research results in this article
Sartono, Chairil Faif Pasani. suggest that Neuroscience can
Kajian Neuroscience dalam have a relationship between
Perkembangan Ilmu Sekolah the cognitive processes
Dasar. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan present in the brain and the
dan Pembelajaran Sekolah behavior to be produced. Fitri
Dasar. 2017, meaning that every
command processed by the
brain will activate important
areas of the brain. This
neuroscience is a new
educational system that
studies the nervous system
that exists in the human brain.
Neural and brain systems are
physical principles for human
learning. Unfortunately,
educators sometimes neglect
the Neuroscience system,
which can cause the learning
atmosphere to be passive and
less optimal.

In this article, we show that

passive and stressful learning
(instructors only sit while
listening to the teacher's
explanation) will be lacking
in honing students' brains.
The suggestion indirectly
stated in this article is to
make classroom learning
more enjoyable. Doing
questioning in class, students
are invited to do ice breaking
for a while so that the
learning atmosphere is more
relaxed will help activate
brain areas so that learning is
much more maximized.
Delpitasari Barutu, Rahmadani, Quantitative descriptive Brain is a very fundamental
Nur Azizah Rangkuti (2021). part in the process of
Menjelaskan Otak, Seni, Sains, thinking. Brain is the center
Kreativitas, dan Karakter. of human’s concsiousness.
In this paper, the authos
explain about cognitive
ability or the ability to
understand and comprehend
through learning and
This paper concludes that
there is a strong relation
between intelligence and
creativity albeit not absolute.
But creativity and intelligence
don’t always demonstrate a
strong corellation between
them in a satisfying manner
due to IQ scores. Low IQ
affects low creativity, but
higher IQ isn’t always
followed by high creativty.
The authors mention here that
smart children with high IQ
often follows with high
creativity i.e. faster thinking,
smart and agile in acting,
highly competitive, able to
control emotion, and
motivated to learn.
Colom, R., Karama, S., Jung, Clinical Research The article "Human
R. E., & Haier, R. J. (2010). intelligence and brain
Human intelligence and brain networks" provides a
networks. comprehensive overview of
the relationship between
human intelligence and brain
networks. It covers topics
such as the definition,
measurement, and structure
of human intelligence, the
correlation between brain size
and intelligence, the Parieto-
Frontal Integration Theory
(P-FIT), and the role of the
frontoparietal network in
supporting cognitive
functions and intelligence.
Additionally, it discusses the
use of neuroimaging
techniques such as functional
magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) and diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) in studying
brain connectivity and its
relationship to intelligence.
The article emphasizes the
need for further research to
understand the complex
relationship between brain
networks and intelligence,
and is based on extensive
research and analysis.
Kuhn, T., Schonfeld, D., Original Research This study used MRI scans to
Sayegh, P., Arentoft, A., compare the neuroanatomy of
Jones, J. D., Hinkin, C. H., intellectually gifted and
Bookheimer, S. Y., & neurotypical children. As a
Thames, A. D. result, intellectually gifted
Neuroanatomical Differences children have larger
in Memory Systems of subcortical structures and
Intellectually Gifted Children more robust white matter
and Typically Developing microstructural organization
Children: A Comparative in areas associated with
MRI Study. Human Brain explicit memory, whereas
Mapping. neurotypical children have
greater subcortical structure
and more robust white matter
microstructural organization
in areas associated with
implicit memory. were shown
to be more connected and
have larger subcortical

This study suggests that

intellectually gifted and
neurotypical children have
different memory system
sizes and networks, indicating
different neurodevelopmental
trajectories and learning

This study also attempted to

validate the results using an
external dataset. This study
suggests a developmental
balance between implicit and
explicit memory systems that
may be phenotypically
expressed in different
cognitive profiles, and
therefore for children of all
learning types and abilities.
May impact educational
interventions and supports.
The references included in
the study cover a wide range
of topics, including brain
structure, cognitive function,
talent, and aptitude.

Purwanto, Intelegensi. Review of literature There is no agreement on the

concepts and their definition of
measurement intelligence. Intelligence can
be given a narrow
and broad. In the narrow
sense, intelligence is
achievement in school. In a
broad sense, intelligence
is achievement in various
fields of
of life.
There is also no consensus on
factors that contribute to
intelligence. Some research
results suggest that
intelligence is acquired by
heredity, but some
heredity, but some other
also show that intelligence
can be
modified. Many agree that
intelligence is a combination
of heredity
and modification.
Intelligence is related to
creativity and achievement.
Intelligence is related to
with aptitude because a gifted
child is
children with very high
intelligence. Intelligence
is related to creativity
creativity cannot be identified
intelligence tests. Intelligence
is also related
with achievement. Variations
in achievement can be
predicted from variations in
The theory of intelligence
continues to evolve. The
development of the theory
began with Lewis
Terman, Charles Spearman,
Sternberg, Lewis L.
Thurstone, James P Guilford
to Howard
Intelligence is measured
using intelligence tests. The
commonly used measure is
so intelligence tests are
commonly known as
IQ TEST. The IQ measure is
the ratio between age
intelligence to calendar age.
Although experts disagree on
the concept of
intelligence, they fully agree
that intelligence is a concept
that is
important to understand,
especially in the world of
education. A good
understanding of
intelligence will help provide
optimal services in education.
Therefore, the study of
intelligence is very
therefore the study of
intelligence is very important
to continue to be developed.
The importance of studying
about intelligence relates to
efforts to
understanding the concept
and how it is measured.
Adequate measurement of
intelligence is
still leaves controversy
because of the difficulty of
concept. The concept
different concepts will result
in differences
in how to measure it. How to
intelligence measurement will
continue to develop
in line with the development
of the concept.
Although there is no
consensus on how to
measuring intelligence, given
the important
role of intelligence in
education, efforts to identify
intelligence must be done
through a measurement
must be done through the
measurement process. This
It is necessary for intelligence
data to have
a strong foundation.
Abdulah, Intelligence and literature study The factors that influence a
aptitude and their This literature study analyzes gifted child's relationship
implications in learning intelligence and with the brain involve various
aptitude and its implications aspects, including:
in teaching
1. Heredity (Genetics):
Studies on the correlation of
intelligence test scores
between children and parents
show the influence of
heredity on a person's level of
mental ability. The brain, as
the main organ involved in
intelligence, is influenced by
genetic factors inherited from

2. Environment: A good
environment produces good
intelligence. Factors in the
environment, both favorable
to brain development and
intelligence, can play an
important role in shaping a
gifted child's potential.

3. Physical Condition: Brain

health is affected by overall
physical condition. Good
nutritional conditions,
optimal health, and normal
physical development support
optimal levels of mental

4. Emotional Climate:
Emotions in the environment
in which the child is raised
can affect mental
development and the
relationship with the brain. A
positive emotional climate
can help optimize brain
potential and intelligence.

Thus, the relationship

between a gifted child and
his/her brain is affected by a
complex interaction between
genetic factors, living
environment, physical
conditions, and emotional
climate. A holistic approach
that takes into account all
these aspects is important to
understand and optimize the
potential of gifted children.
Sole, J., Josep M., et Original Research The brain network structure
all.(2019) . Structural brain of gifted children is more
network of gifted children has integrated Gifted children
a more integrated and learn more quickly and
versatile topology effectively than other
children, perhaps because of
differences How brain
structure relates to
Xuning, Binghua, Hao, et Original Research Research results in this article
all.(2022). Graph Empirical suggest that from the MRI
Mode Decomposition-Based data we can identify gifted
Data Augmentation Appelied children. of gifted children
to Gifted Children MRI the results are known gifted
Analysis children have a high IQ and
outstanding performance in
various task such a spatial
numerical, resoning, verbal
and memory.
Intelligence can be seen as
the ability to recognize and
understand reality and use
knowledge and experience to
solve problems such as
memory, observation,
imagination, thinking, and
judgment. Gifted children are
regarded to have higher
intelligence and perform
better in attention, language,
mathematics, verbal working
memory, shifting, and social
problem-solving. At the same
time, gifted children
demonstrate high working
memory capacity and more
effective executive attention.
They also have significant
differences in cognitive
flexibility function and
problem-solving and


The conclusion from the literature review as stated in the aim is to know more deeply the
relationship between the brain and gifted and talented children. The results of a literature review
of ten articles found various influences on the relationship between the brain and brain capacity
on the abilities of gifted and talented children. By knowing the brain capacity and abilities of
gifted children, teachers can maximize the child's abilities.


Based on a literature review regarding the relationship between the brain and gifted and
talented children, there are several suggestions and recommendations that can be implemented.
First, parents as the closest people to their children can stimulate their children's brains in various
ways. This includes nutritional intake, inviting children to talk/asking questions, and giving
children the opportunity to make choices. Furthermore, teachers that children meet at school can
also stimulate children's brains by programming children's thinking skills through mind mapping
activities, lateral thinking, brainstorming and creative problem solving, etc. The learning system
must also be changed to not only use one brain but refer to the development of the two left and
right parts of the brain. Because both are very important, so they must be developed. This brain
stimulation is not only carried out by teachers and parents, but children can also stimulate their
brains by reading, writing, etc. This stimulus will improve the quality of brain work thereby
increasing children's intelligence.

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Velika Azalia is the lead author of this scientific article. The writer was born in Jakarta
on July 2, 2005. He is a graduate of SMK majoring in Accounting and is currently studying at
the State University of Jakarta, undergraduate of Education Khsusus, Faculty of Educational

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