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Alaiza Jane P.


Health System Sciences – Ang Kwento Ni Rosario

Bakit namatay si Rosario?

4 b

2 a

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rosario's story reflects the devastating impact of poverty in the Philippines. As the youngest child in a poor
family, she faced numerous challenges exacerbated by an already struggling healthcare system. Tragically,
children like Rosario experience high mortality rates due to inadequate access to proper medical care. In search
of better opportunities, her family made the difficult decision to leave their province and settle in an urban city.
However, with limited resources, Rosario's father worked long hours in a factory while her mother, Lucy, a high
school graduate with a heart condition, lacked the skills needed to adequately care for and nourish her children.
Despite their financial limitations, Rosario's parents still sought assistance from a private hospital, despite not
being able to afford it. Regrettably, this only made her condition worse, and she was unable to recover, ultimately
leading to her passing in just one week. Even now, the healthcare system continues to be a cause for concern.
It is widely recognized that medical care alone does not determine a person's health. Other factors such as
access to food, adequate heating, housing conditions, and a safe work environment are equally if not more
important than medical care. Despite the Universal Health Care Law aiming to provide healthcare for all, why is
it still difficult to access health facilities and receive services? The issue lies in the demand for health due to
socioeconomic inequalities. In poorer countries where the focus is on infrastructure and national security, the
well-being of its people often goes neglected. Taking responsibility for one's own health is crucial and prevention
is far superior to cure, especially for individuals in lower socio-economic brackets.

In Rosario's case, her survival and well-being are closely tied to her parents' ability to provide for her. This
includes factors such as adequate food and necessary medication. The figure above illustrates that a person will
experience a higher level of well-being at point b compared to point a. This is due to better health and increased
consumption at point b. In general, the further an individual is from the origin 0, the higher their overall well-

Various factors, such as healthcare resource allocation and the effectiveness of government policies, will impact
Rosario's well-being, but affordability may not be enough for her to maintain good health. For better accessibility
to critical healthcare services, prioritizing primary care facilities and preventive measures through government
investments could positively influence Rosario's situation. Better management of common childhood illnesses
and early detection of health issues can result from this, alongside vaccinations. The positive impact on Rosario's
health outcomes can be seen from effective policies aimed at enhancing healthcare access and quality. Investing
in education and nutrition programs are pivotal for Rosario's overall well-being which can lead to healthy physical
and cognitive development. Maternal and child health policies, nutrition programs, and immunization campaigns
promote better health and development. Resources allocation can benefit Rosario beyond healthcare. Access
to sufficient education and nutrition can improve overall health. Rosario could benefit from lowered rates of
tuberculosis and vaccine-preventable diseases if resources go towards initiatives to prevent and manage
communicable diseases. Nevertheless, in the absence of adequate or well-directed resources, healthcare
accessibility for children like Rosario challenges them. Developmental delays, preventable illnesses, and
malnutrition occur at higher rates due to various circumstances. A child's condition is influenced by many factors
such as socio-economic status, geographic location, and healthcare system efficiency. Family and community
support can either help or worsen resource allocation's effect on a child's welfare. Being aware of individual
reactions to policy changes is also critical. Policies addressing primary care accessibility must consider how they
may alter healthcare-seeking patterns. Is it feasible that preventive care will be prioritized, consequently easing
the prevalence of illnesses? These challenges can influence our healthcare agendas and can help tailor policies
to the unique needs of all individuals, especially children, to achieve positive health outcomes.

A. Core and priority for health program development

For any society to flourish, a primary need is ensuring the overall health of families and children. The
first step towards this goal is taking a more comprehensive approach to developing health programs.
One of the main things in these programs should be maternal and child care. Here, prenatal care and
birth attendants play a critical role in making sure the delivery goes smoothly and healthy beginnings
are nurtured. Another thing that plays into this is immunization schedules and checking up regularly,
which greatly helps in preventing diseases. By using this holistic strategy, it promotes physical health
as well as a path for sustainable growth. Nutrition and early childhood development are key
components of family and child programs. Giving access to nutritious food while promoting
breastfeeding forms a solid base for our kids’ future physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. On top
of that, educational resources for parents lets them understand their kid’s unique needs better. When
parents are informed, it fosters an environment ideal for growth within those crucial years.

B.Problem-tree analysis of the case

C. Objective-tree analysis of the case

Overall Enhance Healthcare Access and

Objective: Quality for Rosario and Her Family

Strengthen Empower and

Intermediate Increase Financial Healthcare Educate Families on
Establish Support
Affordability of Programs for Families
Objectives: Healthcare Services Infrastructures and Healthcare
in Poverty
Services Navigation

Reduce Financial Establish a Social
Specific Barriers to Healthcare
Expand and Upgrade Comprehensive
Support System for
Objectives: Healthcare Facilities Health Education
Access Families


The demand for health: theory and applications ADAM WAGSTAFF, Journal of Epidemiology and Community
Health, 1986, 40, 1-11

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