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CHEMISTRY : Acids,bases and salts

 Acids
1. Acids taste sour.
2. They are corrosive in nature.
3. They turn blue litmus paper to red litmus paper.
4. They have Hydrogen ions(H+ ions)
5. They conduct electricity.
Lemon Citric acid
Apple Malic acid(C4H6O5)
spinach Oxalic acid(C2H2O4)
Tamarind Tartaric acid

 Bases
1. They taste bitter.
2. They give soapy touch.
3. They are corrosive in nature.
4. They turn Red litmus paper to Blue litmus paper.
5. They have hydroxide ions(H- ions)
6. They conduct Electricity.

Caustic soda Sodium Hydroxide(NaoH)

Caustic potash Pottasium hudroxide(KOH)
CHEMISTRY : Acids,bases and salts

Milk Of magnesia Magnesium

Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2
Ammonium Hydroxide NH4OH

 Indicaters
1. Indicaters are the substances which change their colour
when acidic or basic substance is added to them.
2. There are two type of indicaters : (i)Natural indicaters
(ii)Synthetic indicaters.
3. Natural indicaters are the substances which are indicaters
and available in nature.
Examples:Termeric,china rose,Cabbage and Litmus are
Natural indicaters,now let us learn usage of each.

It is used by appling paste of turmeric on paper.It turns
yellow in colour when acidic substance is added to the
turmeric and it changes into red in colour when basic
substance is added to the turmeric.

(ii)China rose
It is used by soaking the petals of china rose.It turns
Magenta in acidic substance and Green in basic substance.

(iii)Litmus paper
CHEMISTRY : Acids,bases and salts

There are two types of litmus paper are (i)red litmus paper
(ii)Blue litmus paper.Red litmus paper turns into blue
when basic substance is added to it.Blue litmus paper
changes into red when acidic substance is added to it.

For all indicaters when nuetral substance is added there

will be no change in color.

 Synthetic indicaters are the indicaters which are man-

made.Thus,we call them artificial indicaters or Synthetic
Examples:Phenolphthalein,Methly orange.

(i)Phenolphthalein turns colourless in acidic substance and

turns pink in basic substance.

(ii)Methly ornage turns orange when basic substance is

added to it.It turns red when basic substance is added to
CHEMISTRY : Acids,bases and salts

For all indicaters when nuetral substance is added there

will be no change in color.

Competative window of class 10th,11th and 12th classes

Do you know?
Nuetralisation reaction let you define.
Is Base and acid are good for our health?

Compound & Elements

Compounds – Compounds are chemical substances made up of
two or more elements that are chemically bound together in a fixed
Elements – Elements constitute the simplest chemical substances
in which all the atoms are exactly the same.

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