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One of the most advantageous impacts that an aging population can directly contribute to

the wider community is their voluntary work. Indeed, It is undeniable that there are sizable
numbers of senior charity groups willing to provide assistance and support for the local
community. Their works involved the major aim at public improvement such as food delivery
and children tutoring. These tasks could be considered as intensely laborious since the
seniors themselves are willing to dedicate their own good and deliberately put off their
benefits for a greater improvement of community.

Another important benefits brought by elderly people is that they are an integral part of their
family connection, especially with the children. While, it is commonly believed that kids are
instictively bonded to their mother and dad. The grandparents , however, are also caregivers
for their grandchildren when their parents are away. As a result, rousing an indivisible love
between the chidren and their grandparents.

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