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Converting E-Waste and Electronic Waste into Fuel

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1.1 Background

Electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste, refers to discarded electrical or electronic

devices that have reached the end of their useful life or are no longer functioning properly. It
encompasses a wide range of items such as computers, smartphones, televisions, printers, and
other consumer electronics. E-waste is characterized by its potential environmental and health
hazards due to the presence of toxic substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, and flame
retardants, which can leach into soil and water when improperly disposed of. The rapid
advancement of technology and the increasing consumption of electronic devices have
contributed to the growing global concern surrounding e-waste management, calling for proper
recycling and responsible disposal methods to minimize its negative impact on the environment
and human well-being (UNEP, 2021).

Fuel is a substance that is used to produce energy through combustion or other chemical
reactions. It is typically consumed to power various types of engines, machinery, and devices.
Fuels can be classified into different categories such as fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, natural gas)
and renewable fuels (e.g., biofuels, hydrogen). Fossil fuels are derived from ancient organic
matter and have been the primary source of energy for industrial and transportation sectors for
many years. Renewable fuels, on the other hand, are derived from sustainable sources and offer a
more environmentally friendly alternative. The utilization of fuels is crucial for meeting energy
demands in various sectors, but it also poses significant environmental challenges such as
greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, highlighting the need for transitioning to cleaner and
more sustainable fuel sources (Encyclopædia Britannica, n.d.).

Producing fuel from electronic waste is an emerging field that aims to address both the
growing problem of electronic waste and the increasing demand for alternative energy sources.
While there are various technologies and approaches being explored, one promising method is
the conversion of electronic waste into fuels through processes such as pyrolysis, gasification, or
hydrothermal liquefaction. Electronic waste contains valuable components and materials that can
be recovered and used as a feedstock for fuel production. These materials may include metals,
plastics, and organic compounds present in electronic devices. Through specialized processes,
these components can be transformed into liquid, gaseous, or solid fuels.

This approach not only provides a potential solution for managing electronic waste but
also contributes to the diversification of energy sources. By converting electronic waste into fuel,
it reduces the reliance on traditional fossil fuels and helps in mitigating environmental impacts
associated with their extraction and combustion.While the technology for producing fuel from
electronic waste is still in development, research and pilot projects have shown promising
results. These initiatives focus on optimizing the efficiency of the conversion processes,
improving the quality and energy content of the produced fuels, and addressing any
environmental concerns associated with the process (Li, H., & Lin, K. (2019)).

1.2 Problem Statement

The improper management of electronic waste (e-waste) poses significant environmental

and health challenges worldwide. The rapid growth of technology and consumer demand for
electronic devices has led to a substantial increase in e-waste generation. The conventional
disposal methods such as landfilling and incineration are not only inefficient but also contribute
to environmental pollution and resource depletion. In this context, the conversion of e-waste into
fuel has emerged as a potential solution. However, several challenges need to be addressed to
effectively implement this conversion process. These challenges include inadequate e-waste
collection systems, inefficient separation and sorting methods, complex chemical compositions
of e-waste, environmental and health risks associated with the conversion processes, and the lack
of comprehensive regulatory frameworks to guide and monitor such activities. Thus, a
comprehensive assessment of these challenges and their potential solutions is crucial to ensure
the safe, efficient, and sustainable conversion of e-waste into fuel (Robinson, B.H. (2009)).

1.3 Objective

The objectives of producing fuel from electronic waste are multi-faceted and encompass
various aspects of waste management, resource recovery, energy production, and environmental
impact reduction. The primary objective is to address the growing problem of electronic waste
and provide an environmentally sustainable solution for its management (Sthiannopkao & Wong,
2013). By converting electronic waste into fuel, it reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills
or incineration, minimizing the associated environmental risks. Additionally, producing fuel
from electronic waste aims to recover valuable materials and components present in these
devices, such as metals, plastics, and organic compounds, promoting resource conservation and
reducing dependence on virgin materials. Furthermore, this approach harnesses the energy
potential of the waste materials, contributing to the diversification of energy sources and
reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels. By converting electronic waste into usable forms of
energy, it helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, reduces the need for fossil fuel extraction,
and decreases pollution related to waste incineration or landfilling. Overall, the objectives of
producing fuel from electronic waste align with the broader goals of waste management,
resource conservation, energy sustainability, and environmental protection.


There are a variety of laws and regulations that need to be considered for the recycling
process. These may include Occupational safety and health act regulations (OSHA) 1994,
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005, and Environmental Quality Act,
1974 (EQA.1974). Detailed for each regulation are described below:

i. Occupational Safety and Health Act regulations (OSHA) 1994

OSHA is a law in Malaysia that works towards the safety and health of workers in the
workplace. It covers a wide range of topics related to occupational safety and health. First,
general duties of employees and employers. Employers are essential to provide a safe and
healthy working environment for their employees, and employees are required to take reasonable
concern for their own safety and health. Next, hazard identifications, assessments, and control.
Employers are required to identify and assess hazards in the workplace and implement relevant
controls to reduce or eliminate the risk of harm to the employees. Last but not least, inspection
and enforcement. DOSH is in charge of inspecting workplaces to ensure compliance with OSHA
1994 and taking enforcement action against employers who violate the regulations.

ii. Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974

EQA, 1974 is a federal law in Malaysia to ensure the protection, preservation, and
enhancement of the environment. EQA provides a legal framework for the protection of the
environment and the management of natural resources in Malaysia. Moreover, EQA 1974
provides the authority to the Director General of the Department of Environment (DOE) to issue
licenses, permits, and approvals for activities that may cause pollution or degradation of the
environment. It also authorizes the DOE to enforce regulations and take action against any
person or organization that violates the provision of the act. Furthermore, the act initiates the
National Council for Local Agenda 12, which is responsible for coordinating and promoting
sustainable development at local levels. Section 46B is designed to ensure that activities that may
have an impact on the environment are regulated and controlled to minimize the negative
impacts. This section also specifies that the Director General may impose conditions on such
licenses, permits and approvals, and specific conditions must be met before the activity can
proceed. Section 18 is prescribed premises to be licensed where the Director General is able to
enter, inspect and search any premises, and seize any article or substance that he has reason to
believe is evidence of an offense under the act made under it. Section 19 is written permission to
construct a facility which allows the Director General to take possession of any property that is
being used in connection with offense under the regulation and detain it until conclusion of any
legal proceedings. This action can be exercised if the property is likely to be tampered with,
destroyed, or otherwise dealt with in a manner that will prejudice the investigation or

iii. Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005

Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 is one of the regulations

made under the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 which sets out the rules for the
handling, storage and disposal of hazardous waste (regulations 6). The regulations specify that
any person who collects, transports, generates or disposes of scheduled wastes must obtain a
permit from the Director General of the Department of Environment (DOE). The permit is issued
after the applicant has fulfilled the requirements and conditions that have been set by the DOE. It
also required that the scheduled wastes must be managed in a manner that does not cause harm to
environment and human health and must be managed in a manner that does not cause a public
nuisance. It must be stored, transported, and disposed of in a way that does not cause damage to
property. Lastly, it required permit holder to submit regular reports to the DOE on the quantity
and nature of scheduled waste generated, collected, transported, stored, treated, and disposed
of.It is important to follow all the acts and regulations in Malaysia to start a business in
converting waste into new products or energy. The process might produce another waste that can
harm the environment if it does not follow the condition that has been set by the regulations. All
the harmful effects from the process can be minimized if the company follows the regulations
and acts responsibly.


According to the definitions in the Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council (January 2003), e-waste consists of the ten categories listed in Table 1.

Table 1 : e-Waste categories according to the EU derivatives

Number Categoryke

1 Large household appliances

2 Small household appliances

3 IT and telecommunication equipment

4 Consumer equipment

5 Lighting equipment

6 Electrical and electronic

7 Toys, leisure, and sports equipment

8 Medical devices
E-waste is made up of a wide diverse range of products that fall under many product
categories. It includes more than a thousand different materials that might be classified as
"hazardous" or "nonhazardous," including plastics, glass, wood and plywood, printed circuit
boards, concrete and ceramics, rubber, and other materials (Suja et al., 2014)

Iron (Fe) and steel constitute approximately 50% of e-waste, followed by plastics (21%),
nonferrous metals (13%), and other constituents. Nonferrous metals consist of metals such as
copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), and precious metals, such as silver (Ag), gold (Au), platinum (Pt),
and palladium (Pd). The presence of elements such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As),
cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), and hexavalent chromium and flame retardants beyond threshold
quantities in e-waste classifies it as hazardous waste (Needhidasan et al., 2014). Most e-waste is
composed of a mixture of metals, particularly Cu, Al, and Fe, that are attached to, covered by, or
mixed with various types of plastics and ceramics (Ankit et al., 2021).

Compared to lighter e-waste goods like laptops and PCs, which may include significant
concentrations of flame retardants and heavy metal, large domestic appliance items, such as
refrigerators and washing machines, and are primarily made of steel, may have fewer possible
environmental hazards. Almost all electronic garbage includes some valuable parts or raw
materials, particularly copper. Because of their great chemical stability and electrical
conductivity, platinum group metals are used in electrical contact materials (Rajesh et al., 2022).
Compared to commercially mined minerals, the concentration of precious metals in printed
circuit boards is more than ten times higher. While some pollutants, such heavy metals, are
employed in the production of electronic goods, others, like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs), are produced when e-waste is burned at low temperatures.Insulated wire burning, which
often takes place in open iron barrels, produces 100 times more dioxins than burning household
garbage (Ghosh et al., 2015).

In Asia such as China, as one of the world's largest producers of electronic goods, China
generates a significant amount of e-waste. The country's rapid economic growth, high
population, and extensive manufacturing industry contribute to substantial e-waste generation. In
India with a large population and a growing consumer electronics market, India is also a major
contributor to e-waste generation. The country faces challenges in managing the increasing
volume of electronic waste due to inadequate recycling infrastructure. Lastly in Southeast Asian
Countries: Countries in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia,
have experienced a surge in e-waste generation due to industrial development, urbanization, and
the import of electronic goods.

In Malaysia, the classification of e-waste is based on the “Guidelines for the

Classification of Used Electronic and Electrical Equipment in Malaysia” that was published by
the Department of Environment in 2008. The gross quantity of e-waste from the industrial sector
in Malaysia based on sources of generation is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Quantity of e-waste generated by the industrial sector in Malaysia

Number Year Quantity of e-waste (metric

1 2009 134, 035.70

2 2010 163,339.80

3 2011 152,722.04

4 2012 78,278.05


Converting e-waste which includes electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones,
and televisions to fuel has several potential applications, offering benefits in terms of waste
management, energy generation, and resource recovery (Abalansa et al., 2021). Some of the
main applications of converting e-waste to fuel which are energy generation. The refined fuels
derived from e-waste, such as syngas and bio-oils, can be used for various energy purposes,
including electricity generation (Ahirwar & Tripathi, 2021). Syngas produced from e-waste can
be combusted in power plants, specifically gas turbines, to generate electricity (Naik & Satya
Eswari, 2022). This can contribute to the renewable energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil
fuels. Next, heat and steam generation: The combustion of syngas or bio-oils can also produce
heat or steam, which can be used in industrial processes, district heating systems, or for other
heating applications (Abalansa et al., 2021). Lastly, for transportation fuels. Refined bio-oils
obtained from e-waste can serve as a renewable substitute for traditional transportation fuels like
diesel or gasoline, reducing carbon emissions and dependency on fossil fuels (Abalansa et al.,

The other application of converting e-waste to fuel contributes to waste management and
environmental benefits. Converting e-waste to fuel offers significant advantages in waste
management and environmental sustainability such as waste reduction. By converting e-waste
into fuel, the volume of electronic waste that would otherwise be sent to landfills or incinerators
is reduced, promoting a more sustainable waste management approach (Lee et al., 2019). On the
other hand, the process of converting e-waste to fuel allows for the recovery of valuable
materials and resources, including precious metals, rare earth elements, and other valuable
components present in electronic devices. This promotes resource conservation and reduces the
need for raw material extraction (Abdelbasir et al., 2018). Besides, converting e-waste to fuel can
contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution. Proper
disposal and energy recovery from e-waste help prevent the release of hazardous substances and
minimize the environmental impact associated with traditional waste disposal methods (Lee et
al., 2019).

Localized and off-grid energy solutions is one of the potential applications. Converting
e-waste to fuel can support localized or off-grid energy solutions, particularly in areas with
limited access to traditional energy infrastructure such as distributed energy systems (Seif et al.,
2023). A small-scale e-waste-to-fuel facility can be established to generate energy locally,
supporting communities or industries that are not connected to the main power grid.
Furthermore, in remote areas or off-grid locations, e-waste-to-fuel technologies can provide a
reliable and renewable energy source for powering essential services like healthcare facilities,
schools, or telecommunications (Abalansa et al., 2021). E-waste-to-fuel systems can be deployed
in disaster-affected areas where electricity and fuel supplies are disrupted. They provide a
decentralized and resilient energy solution during recovery efforts (Andooz et al., 2022).
It is important to note that while converting e-waste to fuel offers benefits, it should be
considered as part of a broader waste management strategy that prioritizes waste reduction,
recycling of valuable materials, and responsible consumption. The goal should be to minimize
e-waste generation, promote product reuse, and prioritize traditional recycling methods before
considering fuel conversion as an option.


The concept of recycling e-waste to fuel presents an innovative solution for managing
electronic waste while simultaneously generating energy. Conducting a market analysis for
e-waste recycling to fuel involves examining key factors such as market size, growth potential,
regulatory environment, competitive landscape, and emerging trends. Here's an analysis of the
market for e-waste recycling to fuel:

5.1 Market Size and Growth Potential:

I. The market for e-waste recycling to fuel is still relatively nascent but is experiencing
growth due to the increasing global volume of electronic waste and the need for
sustainable energy sources (Sahle-Demessie et al., 2021).
II. The exact market size is challenging to determine as the industry is still evolving, and
data may be limited. However, as the demand for renewable energy and responsible
waste management increases, the market is expected to grow (Kumar & Majid, 2020).
III. The market growth will be influenced by factors such as government policies,
technological advancements, and public awareness of environmental sustainability
(Kumar & Majid, 2020).

5.2 Regulatory Environment:

I. The regulatory landscape varies across different countries and regions regarding e-waste
recycling and energy generation (Madkhali et al., 2023)
II. Some jurisdictions have specific regulations that encourage or mandate e-waste
recycling, while others may have policies supporting renewable energy generation
(Madkhali et al., 2023).
III. The development of favorable regulations and incentives, such as feed-in tariffs or
renewable energy certificates, can positively impact the growth of e-waste recycling to
the fuel market (Madkhali et al., 2023).

5.3 Competitive Landscape:

I. The competitive landscape for e-waste recycling to fuel is still evolving, with a mix of
established players, startups, and research institutions involved (Vaka et al., 2020).
II. Established waste management and recycling companies may expand their operations to
include e-waste recycling to fuel as part of their service offerings (Vaka et al., 2020).
III. Startups and innovative companies focusing on e-waste recycling technologies,
specifically for fuel production, may enter the market with novel approaches and
proprietary processes (Mohammed, 2022).

5.4 Emerging Trends:

I. Technological Advancements: Advances in thermal conversion technologies, such as

pyrolysis and gasification, are driving the efficiency and scalability of e-waste recycling
to fuel processes (Al-Rumaihi et al., 2022).
II. Circular Economy and Sustainability: The transition toward a circular economy and the
emphasis on sustainability are promoting the exploration of alternative energy sources
derived from waste materials, including e-waste (Al-Rumaihi et al., 2022).
III. Decentralized Energy Solutions: The potential for smaller-scale e-waste recycling to fuel
facilities offers opportunities for localized energy generation, supporting off-grid or
distributed energy systems (Frolov et al., 2022).
IV. Resource Recovery: The recovery of valuable materials, such as precious metals or rare
earth elements, from e-waste during the fuel production process can enhance the
economic viability of e-waste recycling (Frolov et al., 2022).

5.5 Challenges:
I. Technological Complexity and Efficiency: Developing efficient and cost-effective
processes for converting e-waste into fuel requires ongoing research and development
efforts (Jadhao et al., 2022).
II. Regulatory Compliance: Meeting the environmental and safety regulations associated
with handling e-waste and fuel production can pose challenges for market participants
(Jadhao et al., 2022).
III. Scalability and Infrastructure: Establishing an efficient collection infrastructure, ensuring
a consistent supply of e-waste, and developing suitable processing facilities are critical
for market growth (Frolov et al., 2022).
IV. Economic Viability: The economic feasibility of e-waste recycling to fuel depends on
factors such as energy prices, cost of processing technologies, and market demand for the
resulting fuel products (Frolov et al., 2022).

Overall, the market for e-waste recycling to fuel is in its early stages but shows promise
as a sustainable solution for electronic waste management and renewable energy generation. The
market's growth will be influenced by technological advancements, supportive regulatory
frameworks, and increasing public and corporate focus on circular economy practices and
environmental sustainability. Overcoming challenges related to technology, regulation,
scalability, and economics will be key to realizing the full potential of this market.

Key Partner: Key Activities: Value Propositions: Customer Relationship: Customer Segment:
- E-waste - Collection (Recycle - Environmentally - Customer careline - Event Organizer
collection center, Pop-up recycle friendly solution - Long term - Public entities
bin) for e-waste business - Collaboration
- Awareness and disposal relationship with other
- Recycling Education on - Efficient organization
centers and “Converting E-Waste recovery of (NGOs)
facilities and Electronic Waste valuable
- Waste into Fuel” materials
management - Conversion of
organization Key Resources: non-recyclable Channels:
- E-waste collection components into - Sosial media
- Energy
networks or partnerships usable fuel (Instagram,
companies or - Recycling and - Potential cost Facebook)
fuel processing facilities savings for - Website
distributors - Advanced technologies energy - Direct interview
for extraction and companies - Offline/Local
conversion - Meeting advertising
- Trained workforce with sustainability
technical expertise goals for
- Regulatory compliance businesses
and permits

Cost Structure: Revenue Streams:

- Advertising & marketing - Revenue from selling recovered metals and valuable components
- Equipment & utilities - Revenue from selling converted fuel
- Labour cost - E-waste collection and disposal fees
- Consulting and advisory services on sustainable waste management
6.1 Key Partner

Key partners refer to the external entities or organizations that a business collaborates
with to create, deliver, or enhance its products or services. These partners can contribute
resources, expertise, or distribution channels that are essential for the success of the business.
Key partnerships can include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, technology providers,
strategic alliances, or any other organizations that play a crucial role in the business ecosystem .

6.2 Key Activities

Key activities are activities that are necessary for the operation of the system. The plan's
primary purpose is to collect as much waste as possible from the addresses of individual and
corporate customers in an effective way. All of the collection will be forwarded to the production
plant for the following process. To ensure sustainability and establish new collaborations,
organizing awareness events and campaigns to reach more customers are one of the main

6.3 Key Resources

Key resources encompass the strategic assets that a business requires to operate
effectively and deliver value to its customers. These resources can be tangible, such as physical
assets like machinery, equipment, or facilities, or intangible, such as intellectual property,
patents, trademarks, or data. Key resources can also include key personnel, expertise, financial
resources, or strong relationships with suppliers or partners. They are the essential elements that
enable a business to create and deliver its value proposition.

6.4 Value Proposition

The value proposition refers to the unique bundle of products, services, or benefits that a
business offers to its customers. It represents the value that customers perceive and the reason
they choose a particular product or service over alternatives. The value proposition describes
how a business solves customer problems, meets their needs, or fulfils their desires. It highlights
the benefits, features, or advantages that differentiate the business from competitors and create
value for customers. A strong value proposition is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

6.5 Customer Relationship

Customer relations are the relationships established with clients to increase the customer
experience. Volunteer-based brainstorming activities, creating spaces for customers to socialize
with, understanding their problems, and solving them are essential in customer relations. It can
be done in an online application too. Next, the relationship with customers is long-term and
collaborative, as in most cases, the contracts are renewed every year. Finally, touching customers
directly with the help of various channels is an important part of the model.

6.6 Channels

Channels are platforms that provide ease of communication to the system's customers.
Communication with customers is provided through three main channels: social media, website,
and direct contact through mobile or meeting. This channel is used to this day to maintain and
keep growth in sales.

6.7 Customer Segment

An organization needs to recognize that the target customer is under no automatic

obligation to buy a product or service from the onset. Instead, customer segments are the
community of customers or businesses that aim to sell the product or services. NGOs,
manufacturing plants and individuals with environmental concerns are involved in this segment.
It consists of people who are conscious about recycling and cannot actively participate for
various reasons yet can contribute to recycling if the waste would be taken from their homes,
who do not have enough available recycling opportunities in their neighborhood.

Next, this segment also consists of people who are conscious about recycling and actively
contribute to recycling, such as event organizers and other public entities.
6.8 Cost Structure

The cost structure is the aggregate of the various fixed and variable costs that make up a
business' overall expenses. It also describes the costs that trade occurs through its operations.
These include the highest cost activities, the cost of equipment, utilities, and subcontractor cost.
This can be analyzed in three ways:
a) Cost allocation
b) Cost behavior analysis
c) Break-even analysis

Since the primary purpose of the business is to create social awareness and increase the
rates of recycling glass, which is low in society, its main expenses would be on advertising and

6.9 Revenue Streams

Revenue Streams represent the different ways a business generates revenue from its
customers or clients. It refers to the sources of income that sustain the business and keep it
financially viable. Revenue Streams can be derived from the sale of products, services,
subscriptions, licensing fees, advertising, or any other monetization methods. It is important to
identify and diversify revenue streams to ensure a stable and profitable business model.

In both the industrial world and developing countries there is a steady and continuing
interest in biomass gasification that has not yet been satisfied by the emergence of either a
sufficiently reliable or a sufficiently cost-effective technology. While there are still many
operational gasifiers throughout the world and many studies have led to feasible gas producing
processes, there are also too many failures to give gasification sufficient credence for it to
achieve commercial success and economic viability (Buekens et al., 1990).

In our strategy, our team will use AI and customer relationship management (CRM)
software. There are many advantages of CRM:

1) Get a 360-degree view of your business.

2) Track important sales and marketing opportunities.

3) Quickly see your next-best actions.

4) Increase your lead-to-deal conversion rates and

5) Take your business with you everywhere, on your time.

From the two software, many companies are better equipped to respond to changes in the energy
supply to meet changing demands.

There are many types of fuel that we produce from converting electronic waste (E-waste),
which are gasoline, diesel, CNG, and biodiesel. Different fuels have different functions. The
table below has shown the function of each fuel (Different Types of Fuels Used In Vehicle In
India, 2023).

Fuel Function

Petrol/Gasoline Used in four-wheeler cars, bikes

Diesel Used in trucks, trains, public buses

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Used in passenger cars, buses, vans, trucks

Biodiesel Diesel powered vehicles, and specially

manufactured vans, trucks, and SUVs

Unlike other oils, these fuels are regionalized, and the location of energy sources matters
immensely when it comes to transporting these materials and finding customers. From these
fuels, we can gain more profit because most people are using fuel for their vehicles. Marketing
the fuel at petrol stations will be the first decision. Our petrol has many advantages like
cost-effectiveness. In Malaysia, people can buy their petrol depending on themselves. Normally,
people tend to save their money by buying our petrol because petrol that we produce provides
optimum acceleration and it is suitable for all types of ranges.

Next, diesel offers value-for-money and is efficient for long travels. It is a good fuel that
is used by public bases and trucks. This diesel can avoid the trucks stopping at highway due to
out of fuel. Despite this, this diesel also offers enhanced acceleration. This can ensure that the
trucks and buses can have long journeys non-stop. It will reduce the time spent waiting for the
bus at the station. Furthermore, compressed natural gas (CNG) comprises compressed methane
less than 1% by volume. It is one of the emerging fuel types of a car in urban areas with the
primary objective to reduce pollution. This CNG is free from lead and sulfur and is popularly
known as “Green Fuel”.

Moving to biodiesel, this fuel is environmentally friendly and emits 11% lower carbon
monoxide compared to other fuels. Not to mention that, it features lower flashpoints and burns at
a higher temperature. The storage of this fuel is simple as there is a lesser risk of sudden ignition.
Nowadays, there are many accidents portrayed on the internet. For example, most accidents are
because of oil spill from the car pump cover. By using biodiesel, people can avoid any accident
that involves cars and fuel.

To foster the continuous growth of our product, our team will be engaging with
consumers on social media that post about fuel. From that, we can know the consumer's problem
and overcome the problem by introducing our product. Our team will be joining exhibitions and
trade shows which will produce our product to visitors.


Finance on this project includes government grants, private investment, and

crowdfunding. One of the ways to fund waste-to-energy projects or waste-to-products is for the
government and private companies to collaborate, which is public-private partnerships. Other
than that, government grants where many governments provide the funding for the projects that
promote recycling and waste reduction.

Additionally, revenue from the sale of the products produced from the electronic waste
can also provide a source of financing. All the related information is documented in the financial
plan such as the promotional expenses we expect to incur and the expected results in terms of
new customers, sales, and profits. Financial projections will be used to identify which
promotional expenses and strategies should give us the highest return on investment.

The profit margin of the project is depending on the specific process and the raw
materials involved. In general, the cost of collecting and processing the waste materials plus the
cost of producing the final product will have a significant impact on the overall profit margin.
The demand of the final products and the price also play a role to determine the profit margin.
More detailed on the process specification and material involved are necessary to give an
accurate estimation of the profit margin.

Converting e-waste and electronic waste into fuel offers a promising approach to address
the challenges of waste management, resource recovery, and alternative energy production.
While various processes exist, further research and development are needed to optimize
efficiency, mitigate environmental impacts, and ensure economic viability. The successful
implementation of this technology can contribute to a more sustainable and circular approach to
managing electronic waste while reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating
environmental degradation.


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