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Received: 4 April 2023 Accepted: 28 August 2023

DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12950


Do parent-reported early indicators predict later

developmental language disorder? A Raine Study
Samuel D. Calder1 Mark Boyes2,3 Christopher G. Brennan-Jones4,5
Andrew J. O. Whitehouse4 Monique Robinson4 Elizabeth Hill3,5
1 Health Sciences, College of Health and Medicine, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS, Australia
2 Curtin School of Population Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia
3 enAble Institute, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia
4 Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
5 School of Allied Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Samuel D. Calder, Health Sciences, Abstract
College of Health and Medicine, Background: Developmental language disorder (DLD) is one of the most com-
University of Tasmania, Private Bag 19,
mon neurodevelopmental conditions. Due to variable rates of language growth in
Nipaluna/Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia.
Email: children under 5 years, the early identification of children with DLD is challeng-
ing. Early indicators are often outlined by speech pathology regulatory bodies
Funding information
We thank the NHMRC for their long-term
and other developmental services as evidence to empower caregivers in the early
contribution to funding the study over the identification of DLD.
last 30 years. The core management of the Aims: To test the predictive relationship between parent-reported early indica-
Raine Study is funded by The University
of Western Australia, Curtin University, tors and the likelihood of children meeting diagnostic criteria for DLD at 10 years
Telethon Kids Institute, Women and of age as determined by standardized assessment measures in a population-based
Infants Research Foundation, Edith
Cowan University, Murdoch University,
The University of Notre Dame Australia, Methods: Data were leveraged from the prospective Raine Study (n = 1626
and the Raine Medical Research second-generation children: n = 104 with DLD; n = 1522 without DLD). These
Foundation. Mark Boyes is supported by
data were transformed into 11 predictor variables that reflect well-established
the National Health and Medical
Research Council, Australia (investigator early indicators of DLD from birth to 3 years, including if the child does not
grant number 1173043). Christopher G. smile or interact with others, does not babble, makes only a few sounds, does
Brennan-Jones is supported by a WA
Department of Health FHRIF Emerging
not understand what others say, says only a few words, says words that are not
Leader Fellowship. easily understood, and does not combine words or put words together to make
sentences. Family history (mother and father) of speech and language difficulties
were also included as variables. Regression analyses were planned to explore the
predictive relationship between this set of early indicator variables and likelihood
of meeting DLD diagnostic criteria at 10 years.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Speech and Language

Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2023;1–17. 1

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Results: No single parent-reported indicator uniquely accounted for a signif-

icant proportion of children with DLD at 10 years of age. Further analyses,
including bivariate analyses testing the predictive power of a cumulative risk
index of combined predictors (odds ratio (OR) = 0.95, confidence interval (CI) =
0.85–1.09, p = 0.447) and the moderating effect of sex (OR = 0.89, CI = 0.59–1.32,
p = 0.563) were also non-significant.
Conclusions: Parent reports of early indicators of DLD are well-intentioned and
widely used. However, data from the Raine Study cohort suggest potential retro-
spective reporting bias in previous studies. We note that missing data for some
indicators may have influenced the results. Implications for the impact of using
early indicators as evidence to inform early identification of DLD are discussed.

developmental language disorder, early identification, the Raine study


What is already known on the subject
∙ DLD is a relatively common childhood condition; however, children with DLD
are under-identified and under-served. Individual variability in early child-
hood makes identification of children at risk of DLD challenging. A range
of ‘red flags’ in communication development are promoted through speech
pathology regulatory bodies and developmental services to assist parents to
identify if their child should access services.

What this paper adds to the existing knowledge

∙ No one parent-reported early indicator, family history or a cumulation of indi-
cators predicted DLD at 10 years in the Raine study. Sex (specifically, being
male) did not moderate an increased risk of DLD at 10 years in the Raine study.
Previous studies reporting on clinical samples may be at risk of retrospective
reporting bias.

What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work?

∙ The broad dissemination and use of ‘red flags’ is well-intentioned; however,
demonstrating ‘red flags’ alone may not reliably identify those who are at later
risk of DLD. Findings from the literature suggest that parent concern may be
complemented with assessment of linguistic behaviours to increase the likeli-
hood of identifying those who at risk of DLD. Approaches to identification and
assessment should be considered alongside evaluation of functional impact to
inform participation-based interventions.

INTRODUCTION 10 years (Calder et al., 2022; Norbury et al., 2016; Tomblin

et al., 1997, 2003). This rate of occurrence is greater than
Developmental language disorder (DLD) is one of the most other well-known neurodevelopmental disorders, such as
common neurodevelopmental disorders. Prevalence esti- autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity
mates indicate DLD affects roughly 7% of the population disorder, intellectual disability and dyslexia (McGregor,
in English-speaking countries between the ages of 5 and 2020). Although the recency of widespread international
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CALDER et al. 3

advocacy efforts to raise awareness of DLD is promising for assessment of language. There also appears to be a refer-
increased support of those affected the condition, children ral bias favouring males in receipt of clinical services for
with DLD have historically been under-identified for such language difficulties. Lindsay and Strand (2016) found that
support (e.g., Skeat et al., 2010; Zhang & Tomblin, 2000). males with language disorder are more than twice as likely
The under-identification of children with DLD poses to be referred for clinical services in the UK, and Morgan
a risk to public health, economic viability and individ- et al. (2017) found males are almost twice as likely to be
ual well-being, with the long-term impacts of language referred in the United States. The reasons for the dispari-
disorder to educational, vocational and societal outcomes ties in service access between males and females is unclear;
well documented. In a UK follow-up study of 17 men in however, there is some evidence to suggest that language
their 30s with a history severe receptive DLD in childhood, difficulties in young children are more likely to resolve in
Clegg et al. (2005) found a history of DLD was associated females than males (Dale et al., 2003), and males demon-
with an increased risk of psychiatric disorder and social strate more externalized behaviours compared to females,
adaptation difficulties, including academic outcomes and who may be more prone to internalize difficulties (Toseeb
educational provision, employment, independent living, et al., 2017).
relationships, family life, and receipt of state benefits and Early identification of DLD is critical to alleviate
housing. Also in the UK, Conti-Ramsden et al. (2018) found the potential socio-emotional and economic burden
that in a study of 84 twenty-four-year-olds with a history of of language difficulties and maximizes the benefits of
DLD and 88 age-matched controls, those with DLD were at intervention (Fan et al., 2022). An investigation of the Lon-
increased risk of obtaining lower academic and vocational gitudinal Study of Australian Children identified child,
qualifications despite few differences between groups parent and family factors may influence language develop-
engaging with educational opportunities in adulthood. ment (Harrison & McLeod, 2010). The same study reported
Whitehouse et al. (2009a, 2009b) followed up adults who risk factors for speech and language impairment in 4–5-
had participated in previous studies of children and found year-old children including being male, having ongoing
language and literacy difficulties persisted into adulthood hearing problems, having a more reactive temperament,
(early 20s) where a history of language disorder was associ- having an older sibling, parents speaking a language other
ated with pursuing vocational training for professions that than English, and support for the child’s learning at home.
do not require high levels of language and literacy pro- Rudolph (2017) conducted a review of epidemiological
ficiency. Whitehouse et al. also stressed the high level of studies and found 11 case history risk factors for DLD (then
within-group variation which encourages individualized SLI), specifically, which included a range of biological, pre-
evaluations of those living with language disorder. In a natal, perinatal, and family history factors. Once analysed
Canadian longitudinal study of 142 individuals with DLD for clinical significance, however, the odds of developing
and 142 controls followed up at 5, 12 and 19 years, males DLD among children whose mothers has low maternal
with a history of language disorder were four times more education, who had a low 5-min APGAR score, were born
likely to engage in delinquent and aggressive behaviour later or male was as high as the odds as late talking pre-
compared to controls (Brownlie et al., 2004), and females dicting DLD. Prospective cohort studies published since
with a history of DLD were three times more likely to expe- Rudolph’s review have identified perinatal and/or envi-
rience sexual assault when compared to controls (Brownlie ronmental risk factors for low language ability beyond the
et al., 2007). From an economic standpoint, the cost to soci- preschool years. These include parental education (Chris-
ety of language disorders in Australia is estimated to be tensen et al., 2014; Reilly et al., 2018), socio-economic
between A$1.362 billion and A$3.308 billion per year, with disadvantage (Christensen et al., 2014), non-English
most of the burden attributed to productivity losses of car- speaking background (Reilly et al., 2018), family history
ing for children with language difficulties (Cronin, 2017). of speech/language difficulties (Christensen et al., 2014;
There are alarming patterns of inequity to service access Reilly et al., 2018), and mothers smoking while pregnant
for children with DLD. Although there does not appear (Armstrong et al., 2017; Calder et al., 2022). Notably, most
to be a significant difference in the sex distribution of of these epidemiological studies do not find differences
children with DLD in population-based studies (Calder between males and females with language difficulties,
et al., 2022; Norbury et al., 2016; Tomblin et al., 1997), suggesting being a male may not be identified as a risk fac-
Whitehouse (2010) conducted a meta-analysis of sex ratio tor in unselected samples (cf. Rudolph, 2017; Whitehouse,
differences in family aggregation studies of DLD (then 2010).
referred to as specific language impairment—SLI), and Certainly, there is a need for recognizing the biological,
found that more males than females were identified perinatal and environmental risk factors associated with
to have DLD via direct assessment methods; however, DLD services to identify vulnerable individuals who may
there were no sex differences observed through indirect be prioritized for clinical services. However, these factors
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alone cannot be leveraged to identify children with, or at Such complex analyses reveal the nuanced nature of
risk of, language disorder. Direct assessment of language language development and the difficulty associated with
development in the early years is necessary. Yet, predicting early identification of children at risk of DLD. Thankfully,
the trajectory of language development is complex. In the previous authors have elucidated ‘red flags’ by com-
large-scale Twins Early Development Study in the UK, bining findings from previous literature. Unsurprisingly,
Dale et al. (2003) found that 44.1% of children who were communicating in shorter sentences, difficulty with rule
identified to have language delay at 2 years of age has formation around sounds, words, and sentences, as well
persistent language difficulties at 3 years, and 40.2% had as poorly developed social use of language and overall
persistent difficulties at 4 years. In a subsequent analysis, vocabulary as red flags for DLD (Prelock et al., 2008).
Bishop et al. (2003) reported that parental concern at 3 In the international CATALISE study for consensus on
years and accessing professional support at 4 years was identifying DLD, Bishop et al. (2016) outlined the follow-
associated with greater heritability of language difficulties, ing consensus statements relating to early identification of
whereas language delay at 2 years appeared to be associ- children at-risk of DLD:
ated with environmental influences when parents do not
express concern or access professional support. The Early ∙ Between 1 and 2 years of age, the following features are
Language in Victoria Study has taken a programmatic indicative of atypical development in speech, language
approach to tracking the development of language in an or communication: (a) no babbling; (b) not responding
Australian population sample. Findings from this longi- to speech and/or sounds; and (c) minimal or no attempts
tudinal study indicated at 2 years, 19% of the sample were to communicate (p. 9).
classified at late talkers; however, 14% (73.7% of late talkers ∙ Between 2 and 3 years of age, any of the following fea-
at 2 years) spontaneously caught up to their peers at tures is indicative of atypical development in speech,
4 years, while the remaining 5% of late talkers plus 6% of language or communication: (a) minimal interaction;
the typical talkers (7.4% at 2 years) went on to have low lan- (b) does not display intention to communicate; (c)
guage at 4 years, totalling 11% of the entire sample (Reilly no words; (d) minimal reaction to spoken language;
et al., 2018). These findings emphasize the complexity and and (e) regression or stalling of language development
individual variability of language development in early (p. 10).
childhood, and stress that late talking is not necessarily a ∙ Between 3 and 4 years of age, any of the following fea-
reliable indicator of later language difficulties. tures is indicative of atypical development in speech,
Recent literature has highlighted approaches to address- language or communication: (a) at most two-word utter-
ing the nuances of early identification of language dif- ances; (b) child does not understand simple commands;
ficulties. A scoping review of 37 studies evaluated early and (c) close relatives cannot understand much of child’s
predictors, age for diagnosis and diagnostic tools to speech. (p. 10).
inform evidence-based practice in the assessment of DLD ∙ Children’s language can change dramatically, especially
(Sansavini et al., 2021). Delays in gesture production, low in the preschool/early school years (aged 4–5 years),
receptive and/or expressive vocabulary, and limited word even if there is no intervention. However, severe lan-
combinations up to 30 months were found to be early guage impairment involving both comprehension and
indicators of later DLD. Family history of language difficul- expression is more likely to be persistent (p. 10).
ties was a significant risk factor while low socio-economic
status and communication environments were risk fac- The final statement reiterates the individual variabil-
tors with lower predictive power. Recommendations from ity in the acquisition of early communication mile-
the review included screening for language ability at 2–3 stones/displaying red flags for later language disorder. The
years and applying a diagnosis if relevant at 4 years using individual differences in language appear to become more
standardized tests and psycholinguistic measures assess- stable after the onset of formal schooling, although, this
ing morpheme use and mean length of utterances. Another also means that the rate of language learning remains sta-
recent study harmonized variables from two datasets ble (Norbury, 2019). Therefore, if children begin school
(Early Identification of Risk for Language Impairment and below their peers in terms of their language skills, they may
Language Acquisition and Semantic Relations) (Borovsky not be able to develop their language learning at a rate that
et al., 2021). Variables included demographic and linguis- catches up to those with average language. The stability
tics measures from the MacArthur Bates Communica- in the rate of language growth after the onset of school-
tive Development Inventory. Machine learning techniques ing persists despite variation in child, parent and family
identified grammatical and lexico-semantic markers as factors (Norbury, 2019). That is, child, parent and family
predictive of language delay in the early years, with factors may not fully explain individual differences in lan-
demographic variables having lower predictive power. guage ability: some children are born with low language
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CALDER et al. 5

abilities despite good caregiver–child interactions in the 2020a), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Middle-
early years. The challenge is to reliably identify these chil- dorp et al., 2016), and conduct and behavioural disorders
dren to provide services to ameliorate communication and (Ayano et al., 2021). Studies have also used Raine study data
functional outcomes as soon as possible. to evaluate the relationships between childhood language
Improved identification of DLD in the early years may abilities and other conditions and/or exposures, such as
serve to mitigate the persistent and pervasive impacts otitis media (Brennan-Jones et al., 2020b), maternal stress
from childhood into adulthood. In efforts to inform (Whitehouse, 2010), testosterone (Whitehouse et al., 2012)
the wider public, online developmental resources (e.g., and anaesthesia (Ing et al., 2012).
UpToDate, 2023), including speech pathology regulatory Recently, the prevalence of and potential perinatal and
bodies publish early language milestones (e.g., American environmental risk factors for DLD at 10 years were esti-
Speech & Hearing Association, n.d.; Royal College of mated in the Raine Study (Calder et al., 2022). Participants
Speech–Language Therapists, n.d.; Speech Pathology included 1626 children with available language data. Preva-
Australia, n.d.), which may note red flags. These useful lence of DLD was indicated by scores on standardized
and freely available resources can empower caregivers measures of language (Clinical Evaluation of Language
to identify whether their child may be at risk of DLD. Fundamentals—3 (CELF-3); Semel et al., 1995) and non-
Interestingly, when one follows these links, empirical verbal intelligence (Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices
evidence to support these red flags is typically implied, (RCPM); Raven, 1977). Of the total sample, n = 104 cases
suggesting that failure to meet milestones is indeed the scored 1.50 SD (standard deviations) or below the popu-
red flag. Non-for-profit organizations also provide easily lation mean on the CELF-3 and within −2.00 SD on the
accessible information for the public (e.g., Boys Town RCPM, suggesting a prevalence rate of 6.4%, which is sim-
Hospital, 2021; The Hanen Centre, n.d.). Again, evidence ilar to prevalence estimates in younger children in other
of empirical support on these pages is implied. Finally, English-speaking countries (Norbury et al., 2016; Tomblin
private organizations provide publicly available informa- et al., 1997). Notably, only two cases that met criteria for
tion in efforts to empower caregivers to make referrals DLD based on standardized assessment were identified to
when appropriate (e.g., Banter Speech, n.d.; Lee Slew, n.d.; have a language disorder by a health professional at the
North Shore Pediatric Speech Therapy, n.d.). These again 10-year follow-up. This highlights a potential discrepancy
usually highlight communication milestones and failure between children who are likely to meet criteria for DLD
to meet them as red flags for later language disorder. based on test performance and those who accessed services
Although these resources serve as valuable information for clinically significant language difficulties.
to the wider public, it is not clear that the use of these red The strongest predictor for later DLD at 10 years was
flags to identify children at risk of DLD is empirically sup- children who were exposed to tobacco smoke in utero at
ported. Large, unselected samples from population-based 18 weeks. Again, this finding was similar to Tomblin et al.
studies allow for investigation of prevalence of conditions, (1998) who found smoking during and after pregnancy
as well as the evaluation of relationships between disorders was associated with language disorder at 6 years. How-
and exposures, such as the potential risk factors described ever, Tomblin et al. found that once parental education was
above. controlled for, the association was washed out, leading the
authors to conclude that smoking is more likely a deter-
minant of disadvantaged parenting environment than a
The Raine Study causal risk factor for language disorder. Indeed, Calder
et al. (2022) highlighted that there was a significantly
The Raine Study is longitudinal cohort study that enrolled higher proportion of families who had household incomes
roughly 2900 pregnant women in Western Australia < A$27,000 per year who did not provide language data,
(Newnham et al., 1993). Between 1989 and 1992, 2730 moth- which made it difficult to rule out social determinants of
ers (Gen1) gave birth to 2868 offspring (Gen2) (Dontje et al., DLD at 10 years. Another limitation noted in this study was
2019), and the offspring of Gen2 are currently being fol- that two important criteria for determining DLD diagno-
lowed up. Mothers and children of the Raine Study have sis could not be obtained from the Raine Study dataset: (1)
found to be representative of the general population at early onset of language difficulties; and (2) the functional
study follow-ups (see Dontje et al., 2019; Straker et al., impact of the condition. While the current study attempts
2017; White et al., 2017 for summaries). The rich datasets to elucidate the limitation of not addressing the first cri-
available within the Raine Study have been studied to esti- terion, the measurement of functional impact presents a
mate the prevalence of many childhood conditions, such persisting challenge to epidemiological research in this
as otitis media and hearing loss (Brennan-Jones et al., space (see Calder et al., 2023 for a discussion).
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The current study previous population-based studies which used SD cut-offs

to determine prevalence estimates. Specifically, a thresh-
The aim of this study was to inform the predictive power of old of −1.50 SD below the population mean on a language
early signs of DLD in an unselected and representative lon- composite and within −2.00 SD on a measure of non-
gitudinal Australian birth cohort (Raine Study) at 10 years. verbal intelligence was applied by Norbury et al. (2016),
Our objectives were as follows: and a cut-off of −1.25 SD below the mean on a language
composite and within −1.00 SD on a measure of non-
∙ To leverage Raine Study data to create variables repre- verbal intelligence was applied by Tomblin et al. (1997).
senting clinically relevant parent-reported early indica- We chose to apply the thresholds applied by Norbury
tors of DLD. et al. (2016) in keeping with the most recent prevalence
∙ To test associations between parent-reported indicators estimate that corresponds to updates to diagnostic ter-
and children meeting diagnostic criteria for DLD at minology of DLD (Bishop et al., 2017) and international
10 years. classification systems such as the Diagnostic and Sta-
tistical Manual—5 (American Psychological Association
A systematic analysis of the predictive power of parent- (APA), 2013) and International Classification of Diseases—
reported early indicators of DLD will inform the utility in 11 (ICD-11) (World Health Organization (WHO), 2019).
using such indicators for the early identification of this at- Sensitivity and specificity values of the z-score thresholds
risk population. were determined using receiver operating characteristic
curves and are reported in Supplemental Material 1, indi-
cating at or above acceptable discrimination on all metrics
METHODS (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000). All cases that met z-score
thresholds for DLD were individually checked for ICD
Participants codes (parent report) for other biomedical conditions (e.g.,
autism, intellectual disability, hearing loss) that may better
This study included variables from n = 1626 live births explain language difficulties. Of the total sample of 1626, n
at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, Western = 16 cases were considered to have language disorder asso-
Australia, between 1989 and 1991. Data were analysed ciated with intellectual disability as indicated non-verbal
from 1-year (1990−93), 2-year (1991−94), 3-year (1992−95) intelligence more than −2.00 SD below the population
and 10-year (1999−2002) follow-ups. Each follow-up was mean (i.e., no corresponding ICD code provided). No cases
approved by the institutional ethics committee and written from the no-DLD group were excluded based on an ICD
informed consent from the participants was obtained for code or parent report of a biomedical condition to maintain
each follow-up. Recruitment and follow-up for the Raine the representativeness of the population sample.
Study were approved by the Human Ethics Committee Early parent-reported indicator variables were selected
at King Edward Memorial Hospital. Analysis of existing based on their alignment with existing research literature,
data was approved by the Raine Study and Curtin Human early milestones, and communication red flags that are
Research Ethics Committee (HREC approval number frequently reported through public and/or speech pathol-
HRE2021-0117). Demographic information and the fre- ogy advocacy forums outlined earlier and their availability
quencies of children with (n = 104) and without (n = 1522) within the Raine Study repository. A total of 11 parent-
DLD are presented in Table 1, which is rereported from reported early indicators of DLD were leveraged into
Calder et al. (2022, tab. 2, p. 2047). dichotomous variables from parent questionnaires at 1-, 2-
and 3-year follow ups. At the 1-year follow-up, concern on
parent-reported early indicators included a ‘no’ response
Variables to the following: (1) smiling at or before 6 weeks old, (2)
babbling at or before 6 months old, (3) first words at or
The primary outcome variable for this study was children before 12 months old, (4) following one simple command at
meeting diagnostic criteria for DLD at 10 years. Partici- 12 months old and (5) pointing or looking at objects when
pants were classified at meeting criteria for DLD if z-scores asked. At the 2-year follow-up, concern on parent-reported
on the CELF-3 Total Language Score was at or below indicators included a ‘no’ response to the following: (6)
1.50 the population sample mean and z-scores on the speech clear at or more than 50% of the time, (7) combining
RCPM were ≥ −2.00 within the sample population mean. words and (8) speaking in sentences. At the 3-year follow-
Z-scores were used to determine the thresholds for diag- up, concern on parent-reported early indicators included
nostic criteria primarily since the CELF-3 was not normed a ‘no’ response to the following: (9) speech clear at or
on an Australian population; and second, to align with more than 50% of the time, (10) speaking in sentences and
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CALDER et al. 7

TA B L E 1 Demographic information and frequencies of children with and without developmental language disorder in the Raine Study
DLD, n (%) No DLD, n (%)
Total number 104 (6.4%) 1506 (92.6%)
16 (1.0%)a
Socio-economic status
< A$27 000 56 (53.8%) 835 (54.9%)
≥ A$27 000 40 (38.5%) 604 (39.7%)
Not stated 8 (7.7%) 83 (5.4%)
Caucasian 95 (91.4%) 1345 (88.4%)
Aboriginal 2 (1.9%) 29 (1.9%)
Polynesian 2 (1.9%) 13 (0.8%)
Vietnamese 0 7 (0.5%)
Chinese 2 (1.9%) 68 (4.5%)
Indian 3 (2.9%) 41 (2.7%)
Other 0 19 (1.2%)
Language spoken most at home
English 101 (97.1%) 1439 (94.5%)
Vietnamese 0 10 (0.7%)
Chinese 0 18 (1.2%)
Italian 0 1 (0.1%)
Greek 0 3 (0.2%)
Spanish 0 5 (0.3%)
Other 3 (2.9%) 46 (3.0%)
Note: Language disorder associated with intellectual disability, that is, NVIQ ≥ 2.0 SD below the mean.

(11) combining sentences. Positive family history of speech planned to evaluate the moderating effect of sex on DLD
and/or language difficulties from either the (12) mother or as a predictive outcome. Data were analysed using SPSS
(13) father were also leveraged as predictor variables. See version 28.
Supplemental Material 2 for a visual synthesis of how com-
munication milestones, red flags and risk factors in the
research literatures map on to clinically relevant parent- RESULTS
reported early indicators. Specific wording of questions
in relation to the transformed variables are presented in Frequency distributions of parent-reported early indica-
Supplemental Material 3. tors from birth to 3-year follow-ups and family history of
speech and/or language difficulties are reported in Table 2.
The only significant difference in the proportion of chil-
Statistical analysis dren with or without DLD and responding ‘no’ to early
indicators on any parent-reported variables was babbling
Frequency distributions of parent-reported early indica- at or earlier than 6 months, where fewer females with
tors and family history of speech and/or language diffi- DLD at 10 years were reported to have concerns by their
culties were analysed with χ2 -tests based on whether or parents than females without DLD. We note here, that
not children met diagnostic criteria for DLD at 10 years. descriptively, some indicators represented roughly equiv-
We also converted the parent-reported early indicators into alent proportions of concern across both groups, including
a cumulative risk index by summing ‘no’ responses (i.e., smiling ≤ 6 weeks (no DLD = 22.0%; DLD = 21.7%), point-
concern) across each dichotomous variable across 1–3-year ing/looking at objects when asked ≤ 12 months (no DLD =
follow-ups into a continuous variable to determine if such 15.0%; DLD = 16.5%), and speaking in sentences at 2 years
a variable would generate a profile that predicted later (no DLD = 20.4%; DLD = 21.3%). We also note that the
DLD. That is, do multiple independent parent-reported proportion of concern appeared to decrease across 1–3-year
indicators predict DLD at 10 years? Bivariate analyses were follow-ups, with 21.7–51.8% of concern for all indicators

TA B L E 2 Frequency distributions and results of χ2 tests of parent-reported early indicators from birth to 3-year follow-ups and family history of speech and/or language difficulties
Parent-reported early
indicators No concern Concern (%) Total Missing cases χ2 -statistic p-value
Smile ≤ 6 weeks Male No DLD 476 136 (22.2%) 612 158 0.119 0.730
DLD 34 11 (24.4%) 45 10
Total 510 147 (22.4%) 657 168
Female No DLD 446 124 (21.8%) 570 182 0.234 0.628
DLD 31 7 (18.4%) 38 11
Total 477 131 (21.5) 608 193
Total No DLD 922 260 (22.0%) 1182 338 0.004 0.947
DLD 65 18 (21.7%) 83 21
Babble ≤ 6 months Male No DLD 259 283 (52.2%) 542 228 0.176 0.674
DLD 19 18 (48.6%) 37 18
Total 278 301 (51.9%) 579 246
Female No DLD 267 243 (47.6%) 510 242 5.173 0.023a
DLD 24 9 (27.3%) 33 16
Total 291 252 (46.4%) 543 258
Total No DLD 526 526 (50.0%) 1052 468 3.430 0.064
DLD 43 27 (38.6%) 70 34
First word ≤ 12 months Male No DLD 326 298 (47.7%) 624 146 3.516 0.061
DLD 17 28 (62.2%) 45 10
Total 343 326 (48.7%) 669 156
Female No DLD 347 233 (40.2%) 580 172 0.007 0.932
DLD 23 15 (39.5%) 38 11
Total 370 248 (40.1%) 618 183
Total No DLD 673 531 (44.1%) 1204 316 1.865 0.172
DLD 40 43 (51.8%) 83 21
Follows one simple Male No DLD 601 41 (6.3%) 642 128 0.374 0.541
command ≤ 12 months
DLD 42 4 (8.7%) 46 9
Total 643 45 (6.5%) 688 137
Female No DLD 593 24 (3.9%) 617 135 0.176 0.675
DLD 38 1 (2.6%) 39 10
Total 631 25 (3.8%) 656 145
Total No DLD 1194 65 (2.8%) 1259 261 0.083 0.773
DLD 80 5 (5.9%) 85 19

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CALDER et al.

TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Parent-reported early
indicators No concern Concern (%) Total Missing cases χ2 -statistic p-value
Pointing/looking at objects Male No DLD 527 108 (17%) 635 135 0.197 0.657
when asked ≤ 12 months
DLD 37 9 (19.6%) 46 9
Total 564 117 (17.2%) 681 144
Female No DLD 535 79 (12.9%) 614 138 0.000 0.993
DLD 34 5 (12.8%) 39 10
Total 569 84 (12.9%) 653 148 0.140 0.709
Total No DLD 1062 187 (15%) 1249 271
DLD 71 14 (16.5%) 85 19
Speech clear ≥ 50% of the Male No DLD 372 45 (10.8%) 417 353 0.006 0.940
time at 2 years
DLD 26 3 (10.3%) 29 26
Total 398 48 (10.8%) 446 379
Female No DLD 357 12 (3.3%) 369 383 0.772 0.380
DLD 23 0 (0.0%) 23 26
Total 380 12 (3.1%) 392 409
Total No DLD 729 57 (7.3%) 786 734 0.161 0.688
DLD 49 3 (5.8%) 52 52
Combines words at 2 years Male No DLD 450 58 (11.4%) 508 262 2.243 0.134
DLD 32 1 (3.0%) 33 22
Total 482 59 (10.9%) 541 284
Female No DLD 443 18 (3.3%) 461 291 1.256 0.262
DLD 31 0 (0.0%) 31 18
Total 474 18 (3.7%) 492 309
Total No DLD 893 76 (7.8%) 969 551 3.433 0.064
DLD 63 1 (1.6%) 64 40

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TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Parent-reported early
indicators No concern Concern (%) Total Missing cases χ2 -statistic p-value
Speaks in sentences at Male No DLD 365 138 (27.4%) 503 267 0.000 0.984
2 years
DLD 24 9 (27.3%) 33 22
Total 389 147 (27.4%) 536 289
Female No DLD 392 56 (12.5%) 448 304 0.076 0.782
DLD 24 4 (14.3%) 28 21
Total 416 60 (12.6%) 476 325
Total No DLD 757 194 (20.4%) 951 569 0.029 0.864
DLD 48 13 (21.3%) 61 43
Speech clear ≥ 50% of the Male No DLD 565 24 (4.1%) 589 181 0.269 0.604
time at 3 years
DLD 40 1 (2.4%) 41 14
Total 605 25 (4.0%) 630 195
Female No DLD 553 9 (1.6%) 562 190 0.602 0.438
DLD 37 0 (0.0%) 37 12
Total 590 9 (1.5%) 599 202
Total No DLD 1118 33 (2.9%) 1151 369 0.682 0.409
DLD 77 1 (1.3%) 78 26
Speaks in sentences at Male No DLD 549 11 (2.0%) 560 210 0.800 0.371
3 years
DLD 40 0 (0.0%) 40 15
Total 589 11 (1.8%) 600 225
Female No DLD 519 6 (1.1%) 525 227 0.416 0.519
DLD 36 0 (0%) 36 13
Total 555 6 (1.1%) 561 240
Total No DLD 1068 17 (1.6%) 1085 435 1.208 0.272
DLD 76 0 (0.0%) 76 28

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TA B L E 2 (Continued)
CALDER et al.

Parent-reported early
indicators No concern Concern (%) Total Missing cases χ2 -statistic p-value
Combines sentences at Male No DLD 570 12 (2.1%) 582 188 0.045 0.832
3 years
DLD 38 1 (2.6%) 39 16
Total 608 13 (2.1%) 621 204
Female No DLD 540 7 (1.3%) 547 205 0.466 0.495
DLD 36 0 (0.0%) 36 13
Total 576 7 (1.2%) 583 218
Total No DLD 1110 19 (1.7%) 1129 391 0.053 0.819
DLD 74 1 (1.3%) 75 29
Maternal history of speech Male No DLD 483 31 (6.0%) 514 256 0.013 0.908
and/or language
DLD 34 2 (5.6%) 36 19
Total 517 33 (6.0%) 550 275
Female No DLD 449 20 (4.3%) 469 293 1.244 0.265
DLD 28 0 (0.0%) 28 21
Total 477 20 (4.3%) 497 314
Total No DLD 932 51 (5.2%) 983 537 0.532 0.466
DLD 62 2 (3.1%) 64 40
Paternal history of speech Male No DLD 381 42 (9.9%) 423 347 1.419 0.234
and/or language
DLD 29 1 (3.3%) 30 25
Total 410 43 (9.5%) 453 372
Female No DLD 359 22 (5.8%) 381 371 0.170 0.680
DLD 25 1 (3.8%) 26 23
Total 384 23 (5.7%) 407 394
Total No DLD 740 64 (8.0%) 804 716 1.423 0.233
DLD 54 2 (3.6%) 56 48
Note: a χ2 test significant at p < 0.05.

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before the 1-year follow-up and ≤ 5.0% for all indicators at towards early school age. Of particular interest is the over-
the 3-year follow-up. all lack of difference between groups across follow-ups,
Since no parent-reported early indicator independently suggesting parental concern may be present for children
predicted DLD at 10 years, a cumulative risk index was who go on to have typical language development, and chil-
created by summing ‘no’ responses to parent-reported dren who go on to meet criteria for DLD may not raise
indicators into a continuous variable to determine of a parental concern in the early years.
combination of independent parent-reported indicators We also transformed the parent-reported early indi-
predicted later DLD. The model was non-significant, χ2 (3) cators into a cumulative risk index by summing ‘no’
= 0.351, p = 0.950, explaining 0.1% of the variance and cor- responses across dichotomous variables into a continuous
rectly identified 93.6% of the cases, odds ratio (OR) = 0.95, variable to determine if a profile that predicted later DLD
confidence interval (CI) = 0.85–1.09, p = 0.447. A second could be generated. Results were analysed using the two-
model was run to test for the moderating effect of sex with step approach described above to test for the moderating
the likelihood of presenting with a combination of risk fac- effects of sex. Findings were also non-significant.
tors, which was also non-significant, χ2 (6) = 7.617, p = Although the non-significant findings from our analy-
0.268, explaining 0.2% of the variance, OR = 0.89, CI = sis of an unselected population-based study is somewhat
0.59–1.32, p = 0.563. surprising, our results may highlight that previous litera-
ture which has reported significant risk factors for DLD
may be subject to retrospective reporting bias. For exam-
DISCUSSION ple, Rudolph’s (2017) review was of case history factors,
not exclusively epidemiological population-based studies.
The aim of the current study was to systematically test Once Rudolph analysed 11 risk factors for clinical signifi-
the predictive power of parent-reported early indicators cance, the odds of developing DLD (then SLI) with four risk
in determining whether a child met criteria for DLD at factors (low maternal education, low 5-min APGAR, later
10 years in the Raine Study. It is important to note that born sibling and male sex) was as high as the odds as late
identification of DLD in the current study could not talking predicting DLD. Importantly, late talking is not nec-
include early onset and functional impact as diagnostic essarily a reliable predictor of later DLD (e.g., Reilly et al.,
criteria, and identification was determined by perfor- 2018). Indeed, population-based studies have found there
mance on standardized tests. This study is an attempt to are no significant sex differences in those with and without
elucidate the utility of indicators of early onset to inform DLD (e.g., Calder et al., 2022; Norbury et al., 2016; Tomblin
diagnosis while the lack of data on functional impact is et al., 1997), which suggests that being male is not a risk
acknowledged as a limitation discussed as future direc- factor for DLD—rather, the observed differences in sex in
tions. From birth to 3-year follow-ups, 11 parent-reported the current study is likely the result of referral bias, which
early indicators were leveraged from Raine Study data to is well documented (e.g., Lindsay & Strand, 2016; Morgan
align with those reported in the literature (e.g., Bishop et al., 2017). Therefore, the narrative that males are more
et al., 2016), including: if the child does not smile or likely to have language disorder must be challenged based
interact with others, does not babble, makes only a few on the overwhelming evidence that may in fact be false.
sounds, does not understand what others say, says only Such challenges to this narrative will serve only to encour-
a few words, says words that are not easily understood, age approaches to identify females who are more likely to
and does not combine words or put words together to go undetected for essential services.
make sentences. Family history of speech and/or language We must also consider that the parent-reported early
difficulties from either the child’s mother or father were indicators leveraged from the Raine Study dataset may
also included. No one variable indicated a significant reflect variables that are subject to great variability within
proportion of children with or without DLD; however, the birth to 3-year span of early development. Therefore,
fewer females with DLD at 10 years were reported to using parent report as early indicators for later DLD in
babble late compared to females without DLD. isolation may be unreliable through the current methods
Some indicators demonstrated proportionate concern of analyses. Recent research has shown promise in more
across groups (i.e., smiling ≤ 6 weeks, pointing/looking nuanced approaches to early identification which utilize
at objects when asked ≤ 12 months, and speaking in sen- standardized assessment and psycholinguistic measures to
tences at 2 years), and there was an overall decrease in complement other risk factors, such as family history in
the proportion of concern from the 1-year follow-up (21.7– the early identification of language disorder (e.g., Borovsky
51.8%) to 3-year follow-up (≤ 5.0%). This adds weight to et al., 2021; Sansavini et al., 2021). Therefore, future epi-
the finding that variability in language performance is demiological research should consider the use of such
more pronounced in the early years and begins to stabilize measures to complement a measure of overall parental
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CALDER et al. 13

concern in population-based studies, such as the Gen3 which also means that an equivalent proportion did not
Raine Study follow-ups. show red flags. DLD may therefore be more insidious
Other considerations for discrepancies between our in its presentation until children meet formal schooling.
findings and those previously reported in the literature Consequently, parents and carers must be vigilant when
are methodological. Even population-based studies of considering referral, and clinicians should consider the use
unselected samples apply different diagnostic criteria to of robust and objective measures of language functioning
identify cases of individuals with below expected language to complement the evaluation of parental concern.
abilities (e.g., Armstrong et al., 2017; Christensen et al., This study may also run the risk of parent-reporting bias,
2014; Harrison & McLeod, 2010; Norbury et al., 2016; Reilly in which parents may not have been informed enough
et al., 2018; Tomblin et al., 1997) to determine prevalence to respond to the probe questions reliably. Indeed, the
and risk factors which may ultimately explain the sig- crosstabulation of parent-reported concerns in the DLD
nificant variation in the combined samples. Of particular sample indicated as few as one case in some instances
interest in the current study was the lack of family history (e.g., combining words at 2 years, clear speech at 3 years,
predicting later DLD at 10 years. Christensen et al. (2014) combining sentences at 3 years). Therefore, speech pathol-
and Reilly et al. (2018) have found that a positive family his- ogists and researchers should continue to campaign for
tory of language problems may be considered a risk factor greater advocacy in detecting behavioural determinants of
for language problems; however, Bishop et al. (2017) high- language difficulties that may manifest as DLD to identify
lighted that the predictive power of family history may not children as early as possible. Another issue relating to par-
be independently predictive of DLD once other risk factors ent report may be that mothers and fathers of children may
have been accounted for (e.g., Botting et al., 2001). The low not be aware if they had speech and language difficulties
predictive power of positive family history problems has as a child, especially given the propensity for DLD to be
been mirrored in Sansavini et al.’s (2021) recent review and under-identified in childhood (Skeat et al., 2010; Zhang &
Borovsky et al.’s (2021) harmonization of large datasets. Tomblin, 2000). Regardless, we must continue exploring
Altogether, while the heritability of language disorders has new methods of detecting DLD and perhaps increase strin-
been demonstrated (e.g., Dale et al., 2003, 2018), the predic- gency in how speech pathologists and researchers identify
tive value of family history as an independent predictor of behaviours, both linguistic and non-linguistic, in how we
DLD is likely still debatable. identify DLD early on.
Calder et al. (2023) presented a range of measures that
map to contemporary diagnostic criteria for the identi-
Clinical implications and future directions fication of DLD. The reliability of screening tools that
use measures of sentence recall (e.g., Redmond et al.,
We stress here that red flags should not be ignored as 2019) and grammaticality judgement (e.g., Rice et al., 1999)
a standard part of clinical practice and promotion and should be considered as an approach to detect young
prevention strategies in the identification of young chil- children efficiently for further assessment which quan-
dren who may experience language difficulties in later tifies language functioning as well as functional impact
childhood. Specifically, parental concern should be con- through a range of sources. A multidimensional approach
sidered foremostly as an indicator for further assessment to describe functional impact associated with DLD may
and monitoring in clinical practice. We also stress that serve to improve participation-based outcomes following
the parent-reported indicators included in this study of identification (e.g., Cunningham et al., 2017; Washington,
children with DLD may be applicable as indicators for 2007). A tool such as the Focus on Outcomes of Communica-
children with language disorders associated with another tion Under Six (FOCUS) (Thomas-Stonell et al., 2010) may
condition, so results should not be generalized to other therefore be useful for use in the identification and mea-
populations. Conversely, we highlight that the lack of sig- surement of outcomes for children with DLD in the early
nificant findings in a large, representative, and unselected years. Functional impact may also be confirmed through
population-based prospective birth cohort suggests an measures of parental concern, again highlighting the need
increased likelihood that DLD may go undetected until for continued attention in this area.
children reach formal schooling. Given the likely referral
bias for males (e.g., Lindsay & Strand, 2016; Morgan
et al., 2017), females may be at particular risk for going Limitations
undetected. Equivalent proportions of those with and
without DLD were identified to have showed red flags at Although the Raine Study is a large and representative
0–3 years (with the exception of late babbling where fewer prospective pregnancy cohort study (Dontje et al., 2019;
parents of females with later DLD expressed concern), Straker et al., 2017; White et al., 2017), there are limitations
14606984, 0, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [30/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

to note regarding the current investigation. Firstly, a lack of standardized tests and psycholinguistic measures to
measures of functional impact in the current Raine Study evaluate and complement parental concern in the early
dataset limits the application of contemporary diagnostic identification of DLD. Such approaches to identification
criteria to the cohort, since the children identified to meet and assessment should be considered alongside evalua-
criteria for DLD in the current study was determined by tion of functional impact to inform participation-based
scores on standardized assessment in the absence of addi- interventions.
tional criteria, including evidence of functional impact and
early onset (APA, 2013; Bishop et al., 2017; WHO, 2019). AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
This is of particular relevance since fewer females are We would like to acknowledge the Raine Study partici-
identified for clinical services despite comprising equiv- pants and their families for their ongoing participation
alent proportions to males meeting diagnostic criteria in and the Raine Study team for study coordination and data
population-based studies. That is, do functional impacts collection.
manifest in ways that are different and less observable Open access publishing facilitated by University of
compared to males? Second, there were cases of miss- Tasmania, as part of the Wiley - University of Tasma-
ing data for many of the parent-reported early indicators, nia agreement via the Council of Australian University
which may have resulted in the small number of cases that Librarians.
indicated concern in the DLD sample. Indeed, the small
number of cases for these variables limited the ability to C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TAT E M E N T
reliably test the predictive power of individual variables The authors declare there are no relevant conflicts of
indicating DLD at 10 years. Relatedly, the relatively small interest.
sample of children identified with DLD in this study may
increase the risk of type II error for some parent-reported D A T A AVA I L A B I L I T Y S T A T E M E N T
early indicators, such as word combinations at 2 years. This The data that support the findings of this study are
also highlights the need to develop robust data collection openly available via application in Raine Study at https://
methods to evaluate the early onset of language difficulties
in research and clinical practice. Finally, mothers of chil- data/.
dren in the Raine Study were recruited for one hospital in
Western Australia, which may contribute to increased risk ORCID
of selection bias in the sample. Samuel D. Calder
Mark Boyes
CONCLUSIONS Elizabeth Hill

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