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Solar Energy

Austin, Thien, Liam, Maverick


Describe and illustrates how the renewable energy source works.

Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural sources like Solar
energy. Solar energy is the biggest of all of the renewable energy
sources you can even have solar energy in cloudy weather. When the
sun shines onto the solar panel the energy from the sunlight absorbed by
Pv cells which is a device in the solar panel which makes that sunlight
into electricity. This energy creates all of the electrical charges .
(The first person that created solar panels was Charles Fritts)
How solar energy works
Solar energy is the most popular source of natural energy, and you can see it
everywhere. For example, you can find solar energy being used from on top of the roo
of a house, giving the house electricity,heating the house, heating the water, etc. but
how does this work? It works from the sun shining onto a solar panel, the energy from
the sun is absorbed by the PV cells into the panel. From that the energy creates
electrical charges that move in response to a internal electrical field in the cell, causing
electricity to flow.
(Solar panels were first

Made in 1883, could be on

Austin how solar energy works pt 2

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either

through panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This
energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or
thermal storage. (Solar energy is the most abundant energy on earth)

In conclusion, solar energy can be a great source of energy because it uses the climate
instead of current. If we keep using electricity from utility poles, over time that will emit
lots of greenhouse gases and will pollute the air.

(The first person to find out the principle behind solar energy was Edmond Becquerel)

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