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Durmišević Ambra Azra Mustafica
Index no: 2927/22
Travnik, November, 2022

1.THE LIFE OF MARIA MONTESSORI............................................................................2

2.INTRODUCTION TO MONTESSORI..............................................................................3

3.THE PRINCIPLES OF MONTESSORI EDUCATION....................................................5

4.MONTESSORI PHILOSOPHY..........................................................................................7

4.1 Montessori in Bosnia and Herzegovina........................................................................8


In this Seminar paper named Montessori Method of education we are going to talk about
learning and learning techniques and focus on one of the most popular learning technique for
kids – Montessori. More than one hundred years old, it is still popular and represents the best
ways you can teach your kid or young student how to approach learning, studying, and
basically simple life tasks.
We are always looking for a new, simple and fast way to learn about everything, but
knowledge is only good when you actually start using it in your daily life. Exactly about all of
this is Montessori method, which is going to be described in this seminar paper in the
following four chapters.
Chapter One The life of Maria Montessori will introduce you to the method’s creator herself
and inspire you with her fascinating life story. Later on, in Chapter Two we will move onto
Introduction to Montessori where we will discuss about this method and give you the most
important information about it. Moving onto Chapter Three The principles of Montessori
education we are diving into all of the details on which this method is based and swears by.
Later the next chapter Montessori philosophy we talk about teachers, students and
environment influenced by this learning method. At the very end of our work, we will focus
on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina when it comes to this system of education and we
will answer the most important question: Is it really worth it?
Maria Montessori is definitely one of the most influental women in pedagogy and child
education in modern age. Little did her friends and family know, that she will develop a
method of education who puts the kid in the center of attention and help many kids and
parents all over the world.
Maria was born on 31st of August 1870. in Chiaravalle, Italy. Her parents, like any other
parents, had very high expectations of her. They wanted her to be a teacher, but she rebelled
from the very early age. Even though she became a teacher later on, she decided it, she wasn’t
forced to do anything. She was the first woman in Italy to finish Medical University and she
graduated in year 1896. During her studies, she faced a lot of judgement and discrimination
from the mae students that were with her. That, luckily, didn’t stop this talented woman.
After finishing college, she started working with kids with special needs, and found out that
anything can be fixed with the right person and the right method.
Heavily influenced by Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Frӧbel she started thinking about how to
develop good mothorical skills using kid’s toys, making learning interesting and fun.
When Maria turned 30, things expand for her drastically, in both – good and bad ways. Maria
decided at that time to study Anthropology, psychology and philosophy so she can dive in
better into finding out all the secrets of a kids mind. While working on her cases, she met a
doctor Giuseppe Montesan and became pregnant. Sadly, he married an other woman and she
had to secretly give birth to her child and find an another family to take care of him. Even
though she reunited with her boy when he grew up and took him everywhere with her, of
course secretly – we was her „cousin“ – this influenced her work a lot. That’s why in all of
her future work she insisted on a strong connection and a lot of time spent together between a
mother and a child right after it’s birth.
Maria also opens her 1st kindergarten in 1906. where she used unique designed toys and
furniture which encouraged kids to do tasks alone and be more creative in finding knowledge.
Later, this became a very important statement in Montessori education where everything
matters – from toys, furniture, teachers, and kid’s independency.
There are many other things that we can say about this extraordinary woman who changed the
way parents and teachers approach their kids and students. She way unique, always looking
for new, creative solutions which will bring out the best out of every kid – the ones with
special needs, very intelligent ones, playful, introverted or extroverted.

Maria had always beleved that nothing about the child itself exists. „Help me do it mysef“ is
the key sentence in understanding this method of education and it represents how the child’s
needs need to be listened to and understood. In Montessori, every child is unique and has it
own purpose in this life on this planet. The key is to understand every child’s special
personality and individuality, and encourage it to learn about life step by step on creative and
new ways, with special toys and ways of approach. The best way to understand a child and the
way it functions is to simply observe and watch what they do and the way they do it.

„Montessori method fully respects the child's individuality, self-motivation, a unique

children's ability of selfdevelopment and improvement of their own skills and developing
potential. The prepared environment is extremely important in the overall concept.
Environment on indirect way evokes curiosity and interest in children to certain activities and
also allows the child to understand the meaning of them. Key components of the prepared
environment are specifically designed learning materials. Montessori material is authentic,
universal and in all Montessori childcare centers in the world the same. The didactic material
is divided into several groups: material for exercises of practical life, language material,
sensorial material, mathematics material and material for cosmic education. The aim of the
didactic materials is to educate the senses by means of repeated exercise. They develop the
child’s independence, selfconfidence, concentration, compliance, coordination, and order.
According to Montessori pedagogy prepared educator has key role in education. Montessori
educator must develop the ability of indirect management, allow child to build his personality,
make decisions and become independent. Montessori system is conceptually different from
the other pedagogical approaches and has unique access to the child and his or her needs. This
is the philosophy of development by which an individual acquires operative knowledge
needed for its future participation as adults in society. Personal action and achievements child
strengthens their self-confidence, develop respect, love and positive cooperation with other
children as a basis for future democratic action.“ (Seitz and Hellwatch, 1997)

Montessori believes that the development of child’s brain isn’t just pure genetics and talks
about three important ways the brain is actually developing.
First one is that the way of a childs growth and learning depends of how much we work with a
Second one tells us that no matter the race and nationality, a human brain develops thanks to
the many experiences it has been through.
Finally, third one explains that the way child will grow in the ffuture actually, believe it or
not, depends on how we treat it in his very first two years of life.
Very early experiences are crucial for brain growts and development and it’s quality and
power in later age.

What Montessori does is actually not overwhelming kids with various informations, but going
into details with simple tasks that are helpful in everyday life, and later moving onto more
complicated things, such as language, math, drawing, logics etc. As the child grows and
changes the environment will change to reflect his needs, not only in the physical
environment but in the intellectual, social, and emotional environments. The child constantly
grows in independence and responsibility, and it is a challenge to keep up with his growth. In
these early years children literally absorb the life around them. We can never be too kind, too
respectful, too wise, to be their role models. When they are not with us, we must have the
highest standard of expectation for any adults with whom they spend time. The environment
we create for our young children is the environment they are going to create for their own
children and on and on. In the first three years of life, children have a very strong sense of
order- of both place and time. That's why in the Montessori class environment everything falls
in order from morning drop-offs, to bathroom routines, working time, putting away materials
back on the same shelf in the order they were originally located, etc. Children do not have any
other motive than to try to make sense of the world, to create order. When the child figures
out where everything belongs and how the day goes he develops a feeling of security that
allows him to go on to the next stage of development.

Picture no. 1: Maria with children


Every method has its principles and rules that need to be followed in order for it to be useful
and right, and so does Montessori.
Like we previously said, the approach focuses on independence, hands-on learning and a
thoughtfully prepared environment that allows the child to grow in all the main developmental
areas. Key components here are the environment, materials and practicing.
Moving on, we will take a look at the seven most important principles in Montessori
education, which can be used in schools with educators, or at home with montessori parents,
about whom we will write in the next chapter.

1. „Play is the work of a child“ (Maria Montessori)

Maria Montessori believed that playing is the ultimate way of learning and that children have
a natural desire for knowledge that should be supported through the right tools.

2. Prepared environment
„The prepared environment is an essential part of the Montessori method. It should be an
environment of beauty, where children can move freely and act independently. The
Montessori environment should also be structured and have the order. It may seem counter-
intuitive to the “freedom of movement” but the truth is – toddlers love order and routine. It
helps them to navigate the world they live in.“ (Montessori)

3. “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” – independence
This is a very important, golden rule of Montessori approach. Montessori education leads to
independence. It encourages exploration and teaches toddlers to take responsibility for
themselves, their belongings, and the environment. The Montessori schedule often includes
practical activities like sweeping or personal care.

4. Hands-on learning
Children learn through experience. From birth to the age of 6, the child is able to learn new
things effortlessly and unconsciously, just by being in the right environment and having the
opportunities to explore. Maria Montessori called this concept the absorbent mind. It means
the child is able to “absorb” new information like a sponge.

5. Observation
Raising children in the Montessori philosophy means observing them carefully and noticing
what they are interested in. There are certain periods – called sensitive periods – when the
child is very interested in one kind of activity. It can be climbing, transporting things, focus
on small details or language. By observing the children, we can provide appropriate activities

and create an environment that will support the development of the skill they are currently
focused on.
6. Freedom within limits
Freedom doesn’t mean children can do whatever they want. It means we give them the
opportunity to choose freely from the options we approved and that are good for them –
whether it’s the activity they want to engage in or the dress they want to wear. Montessori
teachers and parents are guides (or, as Maria Montessori used to say, gardeners). We can
provide the right conditions and point in the right direction, but we show respect to the way
our children decide to go. This principle brings us to the last one which is..

7. Respect
The Montessori method is about mutual respect between the child and the parent. It also
means that we understand that each child is a unique individual with his or her own needs,
capabilities, and way of learning.

„Montessori believed that adults seldom truly respect children. Adults expect children to be
disciplined and force information on them from above. The Montessori approach allows
children choices, thus preparing them to become independent learners. Children discover the
world around them through a hands on approach, rather than the information being landed
upon them from above. This promotes enthusiasm and curiosity driven learning. Children are
constantly learning in an inherent process of their everyday life. What the child absorbs
depends largely on what types of information and experiences cross their paths. Montessori
classrooms allow free exploration and learning in uninterrupted blocks of time, in order to get
the most out of their learning experiences. Children become ripe to learn different types of
skills at specific points in their development. The age at which each sensitive period occurs
varies from one child to another. Teachers must be acutely aware of when the right time is to
introduce concepts to each individual child. A major factor which sets apart Montessori
classrooms are their physical organization. Montessori believed that classrooms should be
filled with readily available and well organized learning materials. The environment should be
aesthetically pleasing, and only include things that the teacher wants the child to experience.
This environment should contain materials that children from different ages, characteristics,
and interests could all engage in. Montessori believed that children should educate
themselves, thus developing skills necessary for life. This can occur once the teachers has
prepared an appropriate learning environment and gives choices. Autoeducation can be seen
as the goal of this method. Children often learn in multi-age groups, thus able to assist each
other in their learning processes. Montessori incorporated these premises into a child
development theory. Throughout development children progress through four planes, each
with unique physical and psychological developments. Thus, each plane necessitates their
environment to change accordingly and offer appropriate learning experiences. The
Montessori Method is differentially applied according to where the child is situated in the
planes of development. The stage of infancy is, like we previously said, crucial (birth – 6
years). It is characterized by the Absorbent Mind and Sensitive Periods. These two aspects

work together and cause an unparalleled ability for learning. Learning is intense and
enlightening. During the first three years of life infants learn through their senses, in what is
called an unconscious Absorbent Mind. During the second three years children learn
consciously through active hands on experience. Learning will take place when they are
allowed to do things on their own.“ (Montessori, The Montessori method, 1949)

Like we said, everything is important. Now, here comes the question: how to be a succesful
Montessori teacher, parent, friend, educator? Another questions also occur, such as religious
aspects of this school, if there are any in particular, is this school actually better than other
basic schools, is this method really effective... We are now going to answer all of these

First of all, remember that we said that child can be educated not only in school, but at home
with its parents. The Montessori principles can be incorporated by parents from birth. The
Montessori pre-school programs usually start at the age of 3. Wise parents recognize this
stage and support the child's internal creation. They put thought into the arrangement of the
environment, and into daily routines, being sure that something begun can continue to be done
in that way. Above all, they become good at putting themselves in the place of the child to try
to understand what he is learning and are able to respect his space and needs. Parents who
learn to observe their children will be able to tell if a toy is still appropriate, or if the furniture
is still the correct size for the growing child. They will recognize when the child is ready for
the next step in participation with the life and work of the family. Adults who are trying to
learn to be good parents are doing so because they care about others. No matter how much we
all try to be perfect we must learn to be easy on ourselves, to not waste time wishing we " had
only known", but must learn to laugh, to pick up the pieces, and to begin again.

Now remember what we said about environment and how much it really affects a child. When
it comes to this aspect of Montessori education, it is important to remember that it contains
specially designed, manipulative materials that invite children to engage in learning activities
of their own individual choice. Under the guidance of a trained Montessori teacher, children
in a Montessori classroom learn by making discoveries with the materials, cultivating
concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning.

Pictures no. 2 and 3: Montessori environment and toys

Being a Montessori teacher also isn’t an
easy job to do. Some of the tasks they have
to accomplish include:
- preparing caring, loving and
motivating environment for a child
- observing, observing, observing!
- encouraging a child to fully find his
mental, psyhical, emotional and spiritual potential

In fact, thanks to all of this, many studies suggest that children educated in Montessori
schools have an advantage in terms of academic, social, and emotional development..

Although Maria Montessori was a devout Catholic and her teachings reflect some Christian
concepts, such as the intrinsic value of human life, this method is universal for all children.

4.1 Montessori in Bosnia and Herzegovina

While studying this method and doing many researches, a question popped up in my mind:
How much do people in our country actually know about this method, and more importantly –
use it?
I have found that there are a few Montessori kindergardens, and now we will talk about the
one in Mostar, called Planet Montessori. On their website you can find many informations
about the kindergarden’s concept of work and their own point of view on this method. To get
to know Montessori programme, the process encompasses the conversation with parents and
filling the application for introductory meeting. This kindergarden is also MEAB accredited
which makes it a safe place for your child and all of the programs are held on child’s native
language or on English language.

Now, here are some important informations about what they do and what makes them so
different from other regular kindergardens.
„We encourage the child to be an active student by following his development for the purpose
of daily planning and adapting the work plan, activities and materials. We respect the child's
inner world of desires and needs and believe in the child's inner motivation for acquiring new
We promote freedom within the limits, teaching the child to respect itself and others. We
work with a mixed group, creating a natural social structure among children. In this way, we
enable peer to peer learning: younger learn from older children and older children love to
share their knowledge, developing their self-confidence and improving their knowledge and
We are not only putting the emphasis on academic knowledge and capacity from our
educators, but also a constant improvement and a desire to study the natural phenomena of
growing up. We do not follow a classical curriculum, we harmonize our daily activities with
the child’s wishes and interests. We put challenges ahead seeking new solutions and creative
solution management. We respect the child choice of activities without imposing the activities
from the educator, following his instincts and inner needs. By carefully arranged surroundings
and aesthetically pleasing materials we encourage in children the research spirit that leads
them to gain experience in his or her environment without using the TV and other media,
enabling personality development through a variety of activities.
We change the role of the educator, not to be the one who leads, but the one who follows the
child, directs and structure his game, encouraging the complete development of the child. We
do not interrupt child while working, the child is not under pressure and we do not criticize it.
By creating a child-friendly stimulating environment, we encourage its independence with
minimum adult guidance.
We take care of a healthy diet every day by preparing macrobiotic balanced meals and
working with children to raise awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle.“ (Source:

Reading about Montessori I came to a conclusion that this 100 hundred year method of
education really thinks about everything – from your child’s toys, bedroom, music, later on
school and literature books, everything is beutifully and carefully selected to bring out the
best from your child and most importantly prepare it for the years where it wond be a child
anymore but a wonderful, kind and understanding human being. We really do lach empathy
these days and I feel like we spread generation trauma all over and over again. his is why it’s
important to understand yourself and your child and do not stress it about the things it
shouldn’t be stressed about. The sad reality in our country is that mot of the kids have to grow
up earlier and some of them even miss their childhood, during to povery and low financial
status. One of the reasons why I like this method is that it is almost completely free, in terms
that you don’t have to use expensive toys or tools. For example, the room and toys don’t have
to be perfect, they just need to be used with creativity. When it comes to private Montessori
schools, this method shouldn’t only be used there, it shoould be put into all school’s programs
in carefully selected subjects. We need to learn to listen to the child and never ever ignore it’s
feelings just because we think it’s nothing or it’s not important. If we don’t listen to our kids
now, we have no right to complain later about how it doesn’t talk about his day or keeps his
problems for itself. After all, the main ingredient in all of this is empathy and strong will to
make world around and inside you a little better and a little calmer place to live in. If we make
at least one child happy, we succeded.

Internet sources:


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