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Center #:090021


School: East Ruimveldt Secondary School

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Introduction pg.1

Acknowledgement pg.2

Plan of investigation pg.3

Artifact 1 pg.4

Artifact 2 pg.5

Artifact 3 pg.6

Reflection 1 pg.7

Reflection 2 pg.8-9

Reflection 3 pg.10

Written report pg.11

Plan Of Oral Presentation pg.12


This English School Based Assignment (SBA) focuses on the topic “Sexuality”, which
derived from the researcher sub topic:Homosexuality. The researcher chose this subtopic
because most people who are homosexuals tend to keep it private because of the continuous
criticism that homosexuals face daily. The researcher for one, thinks that there is nothing
wrong with being homosexual.The researcher believes somewhat in doing what makes you
happy, hence the reason for choosing this topic.

In doing this SBA, the researcher will benefit in many ways :The researcher can advance
their writing and critical thinking skills. To collect relevant information, The researcher’s
plan on doing research on the internet and watching youtube videos related to the topic. The
researcher will be utilising a poster by the Gay Solidarity Group as one of my three artifacts
for their school-based Assignment , along with a Poem by Frank O’Hara and comments
articles from blogs of people expressing that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and
why they should be themselves.

The researcher will do internet research, read keenly , and seek assistance from the group
members and the English teacher so the researcher can properly interpret and understand the
materials selected. At the end of the research, with all the discoveries that the researcher
would have allowed, the researcher has definite reasons for why there is nothing wrong with


Type: Poster

Author: Gay Solidarity Group



Type: Poem

Author: Frank O’Hara






The researcher has always been curious about why so many people criticise homosexuals. In
my opinion, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. You are who you are, and that is just
that. The researcher believes that people should be able to be themselves without being
judged. Too often do people use God to justify their prejudice, but religion teaches us to love
one another and not look for excuses to hate.

Appears in Artifact one its a poster titled “Gays Rights Now!”by the Gay Solidarity Group on
July 15, 1970. The poster explains why we should Ban discrimination against lesbians and
male homosexuals;Defend the rights of gays to be free and open up and increased efforts
being made in many nations to safeguard the rights of LGBTI individuals.

The second artifact is a poem titled “homosexuality”, by Frank O’Hara on May 12 1970. It
describes the act of coming out as an actor taking off his mask. This transmits the idea that
those who were homosexuals and did not publicly admit it, lived a life in which they were
actors. The judging population is described as ‘’old cows’’, spreading their hate and making
the men who took down their masks doubt themselves. Many suffered because of those harsh
words and turned to ice, or became insensible and uncaring. This helped the researcher
understand that being homosexual is presented as being something difficult, even impossible
at times because of the way the rest of the society decided to treat them.

The final artifact is a comment by an Anonymous person under a blog article titled, “is it
wrong to be gay?” by 7 cups, April 11, 2015. My perspective on this subtopic has suddenly
changed. It was stated that homosexuality is not wrong nor abnormal; rather, it is not what
people are used to, and this is demonstrated in several situations. People are fearful of things
about which they are unsure. But homosexuality is genuine and pervasive in modern culture.
People should be advised not to stigmatise homosexuals because they are homosexuals,
because there is nothing wrong with prioritising your happiness over that of the general

Concerning my subtopic, “Homosexuality”, the researcher collected three artifacts: a poster, a

poem, and a comment from a blog. These pieces used various language devices to bring their

message across. According to your dictionary,a literary device is a technique a writer uses to

produce special effects in his\her writing.


The researcher learned fresh information on the subtopic in this S.B.A that the researcher

wasn't aware of before. Now that the researcher obtained the data, the researcher can use it to

educate people about their subtopic. This SBA taught the researcher how to delve deep

reliable information and not just conduct surface-level research.

My ability to conduct research has improved thanks to the S.B.A. process. The researcher

learned how to evaluate and contrast articles from several websites to determine which is best

for the subtopic the researcher selected. By analysing the proper reference, the researcher had

to make sure that each artifact has the date, the author, and the artist who created it.This

S.B.A. was a little difficult, but it was also beneficial because it helped the researcher re-

develop their reading and research skills.

Additionally, this S.B.A procedure improved my capacity for critical thinking. In order to

figure out how the researcher was gonna complete this S.B.A? And what the researcher was

required to do. The researcher was able to think creatively and attempt to comprehend what

was required to achieve because in this S.B.A.When the researcher discovered their artifacts,

the researcher had to evaluate them to see if they were the exact ones and if they related to

the subtopic that was selected.

The researcher has improved their vocabulary, learnt new words and how to use them in the

right context. Even some old words the researcher learnt how to use in different contexts.

helped the researcher now to speak more fluently.This S.B.A has tremendously benefited the

researcher's life as an English student because it improved the researcher vocabulary, critical

thinking, and research abilities.


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