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How are you?

Actually, I'm fine, I know people are saying I'm not, but I swear for God I am
I don't know if I should believe you, but as you swear for God I will.
Ok, thank you. Now, go back, and continue what you were doing, that is
more important than my emotional state.
I don't think so, but what I was doing is really important, so I really need to
go back. So, I will meet you at lunch.
Ok, meet you!
I wans'’ felling good, my emotional state was very bad, I was hurted by love,
actually the problems was that I was in love with someone that, does not
see me as the way I saw him. People could say that was ok, and things like
that happens, and we need to know how to deal with this, but that was not
ok, and I really didn't notice how should i deal with that, and I couldn't tell
anyone, people would judge me, and I'm really tired of judgments, I just
wanna to keep judgments away of my life problems.

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