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Why do many people believe in Ghosts?

The reality is, many folks have had experiences they just can’t explain or have
witnessed mysterious, eerie sights, sounds and sensations that could only be a
paranormal encounter. If you’re one who would answer yes when asked if ghosts are
real, what’s your reason? This essay provides the reason why people believe in

The first reason in the believability of a specific ghost story is the storyteller. As
Professor Thompson reminds us, "some storytellers are so good at presenting a
performance that you really want to believe it, no matter how ridiculous the story
may be. There's an aesthetics to belief." If two different people each told the same
ghost story, one of them might tell it in a way that's more compelling, and thus

Then the cultural background, too, which includes everything from nationality to
religion and really shapes the way we make sense of the world, including whether or
not we believe in ghosts, and how that belief manifests itself. In the U.S., there tend
to be two main types of ghosts, the friendly familial ghost (like a grandparent or a life
partner) and the malevolent, haunting spirit, which tends to be the more common
representation in entertainment. It tells us a lot about what we fear and how we
deal with bereavement and death. And though a huge percent of the U.S. population
does indeed believe in ghosts, it's somewhat taboo, partially because we emphasize
only trusting things that can be proven scientifically.

If you can’t judge whether a ghost story or spooky experience is real or not, you may
also get fooled by advertisements, bogus medical cures or fake news. It’s important
for everyone to learn how to question information and seek reasonable, realistic
explanations.So if someone tells you a ghost story this Halloween, enjoy it. But
remain skeptical. Think about other possible explanations for what was described.
Remember that your mind may fool you into experiencing spooky things.

325 - Word count

Submmited by : Jamthriel Mar Tono

Jobert James Santocildes

Submmited to: Donna jane Secondes Magbanua

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