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Regarding the Surgical Reversal of Presbyopia view, results in considerable at least short-term tear-film

(SRP) Surgery for Presbyopia, Vol 108, disturbance and scarring of the conjunctiva.
Number 12, December 2001, 2161–2 The theory that zonular contraction rather than relaxation
may effect dynamic accommodation in fact is not new—it
Dear Editor: owes its origin to Dr. Tschernig, who proposed his theory
I appreciate Dr. Kaufman’s expertise in considering evi- nearly 100 years ago. He went on to speculate that anterior
dence of observed changes with dynamic accommodation. I bulge of the vitreous is also an important component of
have also witnessed firsthand Dr. Shachar’s defense of his dynamic accommodation. However, Dr. Shachar has, in my
theory of accommodation, have observed SRP surgery per- opinion, added an important modification, discovery, or at
formed, have colleagues who have performed a significant least demonstrated an application of physics that may very
number of procedures, and have in fact treated a (single) well be relevant and key to unlocking the century-old mys-
patient of my own. I have also rejected SRP as a technique tery of dynamic accommodation. His observation on the
I would advocate for my own patients. effect of increased diameter change in an optic composed of
Although I agree with Dr. Kaufman that proving that an elastic boundary within which is a deformable solid or
dynamic accommodation is restored based on the evidence fluid to produce increased convexity in apparently a very
provided by SRP implantation to date is hardly an over- sensitive manner to my knowledge had not been understood
whelmingly compelling dataset, I am concerned by infer- or at least appreciated for its potential clinical relevance
ences that easily could be drawn from his comments that (1) until his analysis.
static multifocality rather than dynamic accommodation Dr. Shachar offers a simple, compelling demonstration
likely is the mechanism by which SRP effects clinical of the basic physics he contends may be at work with any
change in near vision, and (2) that a Hemholz model should zonular contraction theory: while looking at a disc-shaped
be considered to be well supported by existing data. milar balloon with a convex anterior surface in which one’s
Separating the theory of SRP from current practice is, in face is clearly reflected, stretching the edges even slightly
my opinion, key. Reducing theory to practice is never easy produces dramatic increase in convexity of the anterior
given clinical constraints, and SRP segments as currently surface, with considerable shrinkage of the reflected image.
configured represent at best a compromised attempt to trans- I and most others who witnessed the demonstration ex-
late theory into a clinically safe and effective procedure. At pected stretching of the edges to cause flattening of the
least conceptually, SRP is essentially a first-generation at- anterior curvature and image elongation, and to see the
tempt to reduce the theory of zonular contraction at the lens opposite occur and so sensitively and dramatically under-
equator as causing dynamic accommodation to practice. If scores the basic physics of his theory. The concept is that
proof were obtained easily, 100 years of controversy would peripheral stretch of certain fluid, gel-filled, or deformable
not exist. The Hemholz theory is not entirely consistent with optics like the lens moves the internal contents of the
dynamic accommodation, so we must expect any theory at deformable medium (in this case, air; in the case of the lens,
best to offer new insight and not necessarily final evolved its own peripheral gel-like cortex) centripetally, and that
understanding. If zonules simply relax as per Hemholz, for even very small volumes of such movement could effect
example, the entire lens equator would be expected to drop large degrees of increase in convexity. In my opinion, this
posteriorly when supine, which has not, to my knowledge, radical shift in conventional thinking should not be dis-
ever been shown to be the case. Anterior bulge of the vitreous missed lightly. It is certainly tantalizing to believe this
remains a vague and unsupported concept as well, so it is apparently very sensitive translation of fluid volume cen-
unlikely to explain the Hemholz inconsistency of zonular trally to effect considerable anterior curvature change could
relaxation with such planar stability of the lens diaphragm. somehow be involved in dynamic accommodation, and in
The SRP segments are notoriously difficult to position to my view current SRP testing does not prove or disprove this
test SRP theory via its current practice, to induce stretch of concept’s validity.
zonules at the lens equator. Ciliary anatomy varies from Dr. Kaufman’s key point, that no evidence of dynamic
individual to individual and, in fact, quadrant to quadrant. accommodation has been shown after SRP implementation,
The technique is surgically difficult to reproduce consis- is, I believe, a moot point because it simply stirs the pot
tently in accordance with desired anatomic change in my without proving or disproving the merits of this theory. It is
view. It requires exquisite control of band depth, beyond the rather unfortunate to take this approach to analyzing such a
control possible with surgical implementation as currently fascinating theory as that of Drs. Tschernig and its modifi-
performed. In a 900-␮m sclera, for example, placement at cation as I see it by Dr. Shachar because it is too soon, if a
300 ␮m is likely to be clinically inadequate, whereas place- predominantly accepted point of view would discourage
ment deeper than 600 ␮m creates difficulty completing the what I perceive as potentially important research in this
insertion and could conceivably result in a scleral perfora- area. If such an evaluation as made by Dr. Kaufman is, in
tion. The procedure is essentially a freehand estimate of fact, to be made on early results, it is also far too cursory of
depth, with an estimate of proper distance from the limbus an evaluation of existing data. For example, encircling
rather than exact localization of ciliary body as well. Fi- bands used initially by Dr. Shachar et al were reported to
nally, the use of segments of proscribed length is largely induced more than 10 diopters (D) of accommodation in an
dictated by concerns regarding anterior segment ischemia, apparent dynamic range, that is, without, I believe, restric-
by definition compromising the theory by which such ex- tion to a single near point. The degree of multifocality that
pansion would normally occur over 360°, and suffers from would be required to cover such a range makes clinically
certain problems with maintaining positional location as effective distance and quality near vision unlikely to have
well as orientation of SRP bands over time. It also, in my been possible in such cases, or at least is suggestive that

Ophthalmology Volume 110, Number 5, Month 2003

dynamic accommodation may have occurred or, if not, a truth is, Hemholz’s theory never explained many aspects of
nearly identically useful clinical substitute (in some of these accommodation, and that is reason enough to investigate
cases, anterior segment ischemia eventually occurred, re- proactively credible alternate theories further.
quiring segment removal and a compromise shortening of That lens volume displacement centrally could contrib-
SRP segments). Proof, no; but again, tantalizing evidence ute to dynamic accommodation via peripheral lens stretch
for which further clinical information would be desirable. deserves further analysis in my opinion. Like many great
Further comment from Dr. Shachar on the clinical observa- ideas, Dr. Tschernig’s original contention that zonular con-
tion of near point range in such patients, for example, may traction effects dynamic accommodation is not, in my opin-
suggest that the degree of circumferential stretch may be ion, proven or disproven to date. It may be that with mod-
very important to reducing Shachar’s theories to more ef- ification, as per Dr. Shachar, or above and beyond that of
fective practice. Dr. Shachar, it can eventually be reduced to effective prac-
In my single experience, treating a ⫹0.62 D 46-year-old tice. We should appreciate the potential of this approach
hyperope with 20/30 distance vision and 12-point near, she more fully in my opinion and patiently should await further
achieved consistent 20.20 distance acuity and approxi- evidence before abandoning zonular contraction, peripheral
mately 8-point near. To me, this suggests more than static lens stretch, and fluid volume displacement centrally as
multifocality to explain both distance and near improve- legitimate mechanisms for restoring dynamic accommoda-
ment. If it was a change in central curvature, this was not tion.
documented in this or other cases in which distance vision
tends to remain largely consistent with preoperative refrac- JERRY HORN, MD
Chicago, Illinois
tion after SRP. Possibly a subtle change in asphericity could
somehow account for the observed changes. Proof of a Author reply
concept as revolutionary as a clinically effective means of Dear Editor:
treating presbyopia via zonular contraction will not easily Dr. Horn’s letter illustrates the passion this subject gener-
dismiss 100 years of controversy if it is in fact to be found, ates. We do not need more history lessons and reviews of
but more importantly, I believe that Dr. Kaufman attempts past work and theories, but rather new data. We should stop
to dismiss the nonconventional, perhaps counterintuitive the endless debates and do more experiments with our
concept of zonular contraction as being premature, and newer technologies. No one questions the mylar balloon
polarizes understanding as being either for or against such optics or the possibility that the viscoelastic properties of
supporting theories. It is too soon in my opinion to edito- the lens may allow it to behave similarly, but there is as yet
rialize reasonably on the merits of SRP, or of Dr. Shachar’s no convincing evidence that it does so either in vitro or in
theory, or of any other theory that my eventually replace it vivo. Let’s have more refereed science and less verbiage.
regarding fluid volume dynamics and peripheral lens stretch
and their role in dynamic accommodation. We simply can PAUL L. KAUFMAN, MD
accept that Hemholz’s theory provides inadequate explana- Madison, Wisconsin
tion of all aspects of dynamic accommodation and periph- Dear Editor:
eral expansion of the lens through zonular contraction, Many of the great advances in ophthalmology and other
causing central movement of a finite volume as part of an disciplines have been driven by scientific curiosity. The
explanation for dynamic accommodation, which is tantaliz- universality of accommodation and its failure with age are
ing and deserves more study. enigimas that continue to challenge thoughtful investigators
Pioneering ideas, when and if they do occur, may require and that have been the exclusive subject of my own research
decades, if not generations, to put into practice accurately for the past decade.
and safely. The SRP procedure, and Dr. Shachar’s “revi- In his editorial, Dr. Kaufman1 states that according to my
sion” of Dr. Tschernig’s original concept based on what I theory, the anterior zonules tense during accommodation.
view as a compromised effort to reduce his theory to prac- This is an inaccurate statement and needs to be addressed.
tice, is in its infancy. Evolution of SRP bands and tech- There are three sets of zonuules. My theory states that only
niques may, in fact, provide better clinical consistency. At the equatorial zonules are under increased tension during
that point, it may become easier to subject this treatment to accommodation, whereas both the anterior and posterior
rigorous analysis of whether dynamic accommodation or zonules relax.2
static multifocality is, in fact, the principle cause of the Nonlinear finite element analysis clearly demonstrates
clinical effects observed. that the Helmholtz theory requires more force than is phys-
If, in fact, Drs. Tschernig and Shachar are correct and the iologically possible3 and that the predicted surface changes
tantalizing demonstration with a simple milar balloon are not consistent with the clinically observed negative shift
proves to be a valid representation of the basic physics by in spherical aberration that occurs during accommoda-
which anterior curvature lens change occurs, future methods tion.3,4 Based on mathematical modeling, I have proposed a
likely will be developed to allow for better means to effect method by which the mechanism of accommodation could
zonular contraction over a more complete circumference. I be augmented. It involves increasing the effective working
confess to having an interest and indeed patent application distance of the ciliary muscle by increasing the diameter of
on such an approach. At that point, what is now a difficult- the ciliary ring.5
to-prove theory with spotty clinical supporting data could The procedure of scleral expansion involves operating on
become a well-accepted means to treat presbyopia. The the surface of the sclera, in the region of the pars plana. This


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