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1. a family out of their homeland?

Famine, Because they would starve without food

2. What eventually happened to Elimilech and his sons? How did this affect Elimilech’s
wife and his or her daughters-in-law?

They died, They were alone in a strange land.

3. In the old tradition, men were regarded as the pillars of the family. This was the belief
during the time of Ruth and Naomi, so what do you think was the effect of the deaths
of the males in the family on them?

They were helpless

4. Who was Boaz and how was he related to Naomi? What role could he play in the lives
of Naomi and Ruth?

He was related to Jesus; He was wed to Ruth and had a son named Obed

5. Why was Boaz nice to Ruth? Why should we help people who have less than we

Yes, because they need help and to be safe

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