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The promise of bank filtration

Article in Environmental Science and Technology · December 2002

Source: PubMed

149 689

3 authors, including:

Nathalie Tufenkji Menachem Elimelech

McGill University Yale University


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A simple technology may

inexpensively clean up

poor-quality raw surface water.


lean drinking water is one of the most pressing global environ-

C mental and health problems of our time. As the world’s growing

population puts greater demands on the available supply of high-
quality drinking water, water utilities have developed new tech-
nologies for treating waters of degraded quality, such as
membrane filtration, soil aquifer treatment, and advanced oxidation. But
an old method called riverbank filtration is increasingly being used because
it is a relatively inexpensive and sustainable means to improve the qual-
ity of surface waters (see Figure 1). Much like the reactive barriers currently
being used to remediate contaminated groundwater, bank filtration pro-
vides passive exposure to various processes—such as adsorption, reduc-
tion, physicochemical filtration, and biodegradation—and produces water
that is relatively consistent in quality and easier to treat to higher levels
of finished quality.
The effectiveness of bank filtration has long been recognized in Europe.
Many utilities in North America are interested in bank filtration because it
has the potential to remove pathogenic microbes from surface water, thus
improving raw water quality and reducing costs of in-plant conventional
treatment. However, the complex setting of alluvial valley aquifers makes

interpretation of the limited data on microbe transport during bank filtra-

tion a daunting task. Aside from quantifying the effectiveness of riverbank
filtration in these diverse and heterogeneous hydrogeological settings, water

© 2002 American Chemical Society NOVEMBER 1, 2002 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ■ 423 A
utility engineers and scientists must learn how to pre- tems that exhibit both physical and geochemical het-
dict the removal of pathogenic microbes and other erogeneity. In most alluvial valley aquifers, sand and
key contaminants in the riverbank environment so gravel predominate, but floodplain deposits also leave
that regulators can establish reasonable standards. layers of silts and clays in the stratigraphy (7). The size,
uniformity, and distribution of aquifer sediments are
A European history dependent on the type and source of the original rock
Some European countries use this technology to aug- and on the degree of glacial or fluvial action (8). Both
ment the removal of natural organic matter (NOM), grain size and distribution of sediments are particu-
organic contaminants, and pathogenic microbes from larly important characteristics with respect to per-
as much as 80% of their drinking water (Netherlands, meability and filtration efficiency. For example,
7%; Germany, 16%; Hungary, 40%; Finland, 48%; permeability may be especially low in the upper lay-
France, 50%; Switzerland, 80%) (1–5). In the rest of the ers of the riverbed owing to deposition of fine sedi-
world, bank filtration is not as common because sur- ment, a condition that may lead to particle straining
face water and groundwater of adequate quality are and may vary seasonally with the river sediment load.
more readily available.
Scientists and engineers have only recently begun The hyporheic zone as a biogeochemical reactor
to understand the complex geochemical, biological, The interface between surface water and groundwa-
and hydrologic factors that control contaminant re- ter within alluvial valley aquifers has been recognized
moval during bank filtration. On the basis of a cen- as a distinct biogeochemical environment. This
tury of successful riverbank filtration in Europe and dynamic transition zone or “hyporheic zone”, com-
improved understanding of the contaminant re- monly characterized by gradients in light, tempera-
moval processes, utilities outside Europe are mov- ture, pH, redox potential, oxygen, and organic
ing to capitalize on the benefits of riverbank carbon, controls the quality of bank filtrate (9). As
filtration. In most European countries, there are no water infiltrates through the riverbank into the
specific regulations regarding the implementation aquifer, it experiences chemical changes described
of bank filtration; rather, local authorities recom- by four general types of reactions: electron transfer,
mend guidelines to water utilities to help ensure ac- weathering, ion exchange, and gas exchange (10). In
ceptable drinking water quality. In the United States, numerous studies, the most significant chemical
EPA and state environmental agencies are reluctant changes were related to microbial activity, such as
to grant “credit for riverbank filtration”, which would degradation of organic matter or organic pollutants,
allow a reduction in the amount of in-plant treat- and were found to occur in the early stages of infil-
ment to remove pathogenic microbes and other con- tration (1, 11, 12). When this intense microbial activity
taminants, without results showing the effectiveness in the riverbed sediments consumes more oxygen
of riverbank filtration. Moreover, most utilities are re- than is supplied by the infiltrating river water, a “re-
luctant to invest in the site-specific testing needed duced zone” develops (1, 11, 12).
to demonstrate that riverbank filtration is effective. Figure 2 qualitatively illustrates how oxygen be-
Current efforts to address the regulation of bank fil- comes significantly depleted in the bed sediments
tration focus on the removal of microbial pathogens after only a few meters of filtration. Under these anox-
and are contained in a preliminary draft of EPA’s ic conditions, the microbial activity of denitrifying
Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment and sulfate-reducing bacteria further decreases the
Rule (LT2ESWTR) (6). redox potential of the system (1). The resulting high-
ly reduced environment usually affects the stability
Alluvial valley aquifers are natural filters of mineral surface coatings (12, 13), such as ferric and
Riverbank filtration is typically conducted in alluvial manganese oxyhydroxides, that often play an impor-
valley aquifers, which are complex hydrologic sys- tant role in the natural filtration of microbial patho-
gens (14, 15). In addition, mobilized manganese and
FIGURE 1 iron can lead to a significant deterioration of water
quality (16). Thus, although the riverbed sediments
A schematic illustration of riverbank filtration may act as an effective filter medium in removing var-
A wide range of contaminants are naturally filtered as surface ious water contaminants, the development of the re-
water flows from the river through an alluvial valley aquifer to the duced zone can be detrimental to the quality of bank
pumping well. This process reduces the amount of treatment needed filtrate.
at a drinking water plant. At a certain distance from the river’s edge, where mi-
crobial activity diminishes as a result of a deficiency in
To waterworks electron donors and the aquifer is reaerated, the re-
River Layers of ducing conditions decrease in intensity (12). Manga-
alluvial nese and iron can then be removed from solution by
deposits a series of precipitation reactions. Hence, the breadth
of the reduced zone can be determined by consider-
ing the evolution of manganese and iron along the in-
Infiltration filtration flow path. The location of this zone, however,
flow path may exhibit spatial and temporal variability due to sea-
sonal fluctuations in microbial activity and water-
pumping patterns in the well field (11).


FIGURE 2 is the main precursor for disinfection and oxidation
byproducts. Different components of NOM exhibit
Water chemistry changes when different transport behavior during surface water in-
filtration. Several studies have indeed demonstrated
moving away from the river that the mobility of NOM in the subsurface increas-
A schematic diagram qualitatively depicts the evolution es with decreasing molecular weight and hydropho-
of dissolved oxygen, nitrate, dissolved manganese, bicity (20–22). These results suggest that the smaller
and dissolved organic carbon in the infiltration flow and more hydrophilic fraction of NOM may domi-
path during riverbank filtration. nate the NOM-facilitated transport of contaminants
Aeration Well field in groundwater.
River Retention time is another important factor con-
trolling the removal efficiency of riverbank filtration
(2, 23). Figure 3 illustrates the influence of subsurface
retention time on the mean annual dissolved organic
Reduced Mixing zone carbon concentrations of bank filtrate from the Rhine
zone Dissolved
oxygen River (23). The data clearly demonstrate the favorable
Nitrate effect of increased retention time on water quality.
However, the influence of dilution with groundwater

must also be considered, as it becomes particularly

significant for wells located farther from the river.

Degrading organic contaminants

Groundwater is particularly vulnerable to contami-
Manganese nation by organic compounds, especially if biologi-
cal transformations are slow because of lower
temperatures and decreased enzymatic activity (24).
Dissolved Thus, numerous studies have focused on the fate of
organic carbon organic pollutants such as herbicides, pesticides,
pharmaceuticals, and odorous compounds during
riverbank filtration (23–30).
Source: Adapted from Reference (12 ).
Juttner investigated the efficiency of riverbank fil-
tration in eliminating odorous compounds in the
Riverbank sediment clogs during infiltration Ruhr River in central Germany (27 ). Up to 99% of the
Microbial activity may also decrease permeability at more polar contaminants (e.g., linalool, isobornyl ac-
the surface water–groundwater interface as a result etate, and menthol) were removed in the anoxic part
of biofilm formation (17). Increasing evidence shows of the aquifer. Natural odorous compounds (geosmin)
that the accumulation of biofilm extracellular poly- were also effectively eliminated.
meric substances, as well as bacterial cells and their In a similar study conducted at the River Neckar
gaseous degradation products, can reduce the hy- in southwestern Germany, Juttner demonstrated the
draulic conductivity of the sediment layers (17, 18). efficiency of riverbank filtration in reducing the con-
The retention of fine particles (<2 mm) in hyporheic centrations of fragrance compounds (e.g., menthol,
interstices is another major contributor to the clog- limonene, α-terpineol) and aromatic hydrocarbons
ging of riverbank sediments (9, 19). Under low-flow
conditions, the settling of fine particles can cause ex- FIGURE 3

ternal clogging of the riverbed. More important, in-

ternal clogging of the interstices directly below the Mean annual dissolved organic carbon in
gravels and stones of the uppermost “armor” layer the Rhine River
may form a slight seal that separates surface water Riverbank filtration causes concentrations (measured in milligrams
from hyporheic water (19). Finally, fine particles that per liter) to decrease with retention time.
penetrate the armor layer but do not contribute to
clogging the upper layer may be transported deeper 6 Rhine River
Dissolved organic carbon (mg/L)

into the interstitial layers of the alluvial aquifer by a ~ 30 days

5 < 50 days
process referred to as depth filtration (19). Although >100 days
clogged riverbank sediments may increase the effi-
ciency of natural filtration, the loss in permeability can
significantly reduce the productivity of the well field. 3

Removing natural organic matter 2

NOM is a complex mixture of dissolved and particu-
late humic and nonhumic organic substances. The
motivation for removing NOM during bank filtration 0
is threefold: NOM contributes to odor and the dete- 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978
rioration of taste in drinking water, can facilitate the Source: Data from Reference (23 ).
transport of toxic contaminants in groundwater, and


(25). Figure 4 illustrates the importance of the first degradation of NOM, and dilution (10–12, 33, 34, 37).
few meters of the aquifer with respect to microbial The effects of individual mechanisms on the trans-
degradation of such contaminants. These observa- port behavior of different metals were studied on the
tions are consistent with those made by Schwarzen- banks of the Glatt River (10, 34). Results suggest that
bach et al. at the River Glatt in northern Switzerland microbial degradation of organic matter mobilizes
concerning compounds such as alkylated and chlo- metals, such as copper and cadmium, which are
known to strongly associate with NOM. On the other
hand, oxide-forming metals, such as manganese, are
readily mobilized because of decreased redox poten-
Profiles of aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations tial and subsequent reductive dissolution of manga-
during riverbank filtration from the River Neckar nese oxyhydroxides. Under more oxidizing conditions,
Concentrations measured in nanograms per liter decreased rapidly which are typically found at the outer limit of the sur-
within the first few meters of filtration, but leveled off after 50 meters. face water–groundwater interface and at extended
distances from the river, sorption onto or coprecipi-
120 tation by manganese oxides could significantly in-
hibit the transport of trace metals (33). Adsorption or
100 Pseudocumene precipitation onto aquifer sediments has been iden-
tified as an important removal mechanism for met-
Concentration (ng/L)

80 als such as zinc and cadmium (10, 12, 34, 35).
Natural filtration of microbial pathogens
40 Surface waters are often contaminated with microbial
pathogens as a result of discharges of municipal
20 wastewater effluents, as well as runoff of livestock
wastes and from fields receiving manure. Under cer-
0 20 40 60 80 100 tain conditions, these pathogens may be effectively
Distance from riverbank (m) removed by underground passage of surface water. In
Source: Data from Reference (25 ). EPA’s proposed LT2ESWTR, riverbank filtration has
been recognized as one way to improve Cryptospori-
rinated benzenes (26). However, Schwarzenbach and dium removal (38). EPA is proposing to grant addi-
colleagues also identified a group of organic chemi- tional Cryptosporidium treatment credit to water
cals (chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroeth- utilities using bank filtration that meet a set of spec-
ylene, and tetrachloroethylene) that were resistant to ified design criteria (6). Because the efficiency of this
biological transformation and thus ineffectively re- natural filtration process depends on site-specific fac-
moved by riverbank filtration. Indeed, some com- tors—such as raw water quality, characteristics of the
pounds are less affected by natural filtration, such as bed sediments, and retention time—there is no stan-
certain pesticides (24, 29, 31), pharmaceuticals (2, 30, dard protocol for assessing bank filtration credit. Thus,
32), and halogenated organic compounds (23, 28). each site must be evaluated separately (2).
Several studies have shown that certain organic The fate and transport of pathogenic microorga-
contaminants are less prone to removal during river- nisms in the subsurface are controlled by several
bank filtration, but very few have addressed plausible processes, including advection, dispersion, physico-
explanations for this disparate behavior. Although it chemical filtration, straining, inactivation, dilution,
is well known that removal of organic contaminants and possibly grazing by higher trophic levels (8). Of
is dependent on compound hydrophobicity and the these, physicochemical filtration and inactivation are
organic carbon content of aquifer material, other fac- believed to play a significant role in the removal of mi-
tors such as sorption onto inorganic minerals, micro- crobes from the pore fluid. Several filtration mecha-
bial activity, biodegradability, rate of infiltration, and nisms, which are highly dependent on the pathogen
dilution with groundwater also play an important role. size, govern particle removal. These mechanisms in-
clude gravitational sedimentation, interception, and
Behavior of inorganic pollutants Brownian diffusion. In gravitational sedimentation,
Human activities such as mining, wastewater dis- the gravitational forces acting on the microbe cause
charge, road salting, and agriculture often lead to el- it to settle onto a grain “collector”. In interception,
evated concentrations of inorganic contaminants in the microbe’s size and trajectory are such that it will
surface waters. Pollutants such as heavy metals, ni- encounter the collector grain while flowing past it.
trate, and sulfate are harmful to humans and animals, Through a diffusion mechanism, the microbe is
but may also be toxic to microorganisms that play an brought into contact with a collector because of its
important role in controlling the quality of bank fil- Brownian motion (39). Microbes can also be inacti-
trate (33). Hence, the mobility and fate of dissolved vated on the grain surface and in bulk solution or de-
inorganic contaminants during surface water infil- tached from sediment grains.
tration have been studied extensively (5, 10–13, 33–36). The most commonly used model for describing
Several interacting processes control the transport, particle filtration was developed by Yao et al. (40). In
fate, and reactivity of inorganic pollutants in bank fil- this approach, the removal rate of particles is ex-
tration, including sorption, precipitation, redox reac- pressed in terms of a single collector efficiency, η, and
tions, complexation with organic matter, microbial a collision (or attachment) efficiency, . The para-


meter η represents the frequency at which ap- filtration sites (41). One advantage of using algae and
proaching particles will strike the collector grain, diatoms as surrogates is that they have the same size
whereas  is the probability that such collisions will range as cysts and oocysts. In fact, in a study com-
result in attachment. Brownian diffusion is the dom- pleted for Casper Public Utilities (Casper, Wyo.), algae
inant mechanism responsible for bringing viruses was selected as a surrogate indicator for Crypto-
into contact with sediment grains because of their sporidium and Giardia (8).
small size (typically <200 nm). On the other hand, the
filtration of microbial pathogens such as Crypto- Hydrology influences performance
sporidium oocysts (4–6 m) and Giardia cysts (9–12 The growing body of recent field-scale investigations
m) is controlled by interception and gravitational suggests that bank filtration can be an effective means
sedimentation. According to filtration theory, mi- of improving the quality of surface waters (23, 25–27,
crobes on the order of 1 m in size, such as bacteria, 42, 43). However, the dynamic nature of these com-
experience the fewest collisions with sediment grains plex hydrologic systems is a major obstacle for the
and, hence, exhibit the greatest mobility. reliable implementation of this technology.
The design criteria specified by EPA in LT2ESWTR The transient behavior of the river stage influences
are based on conservative estimates drawn from col- the flow and transport characteristics of the system,
loid filtration theory and an analysis of microbial which may, in turn, affect the quality of the bank fil-
monitoring data from existing bank filtration sites.
Only unconsolidated, granular aquifers—which TA B L E 1
means those comprising sand, clay, silt, rock frag-
ments, and pebbles—would be eligible for bank fil- Log removal of microorganisms at three different
tration credit (6). EPA proposes that horizontal and riverbank filtration sites in the Netherlands
vertical wells drilled into these types of aquifers would
Rhine Meuse Meuse
be eligible for 0.5 log (68%) removal credit or 1.0 log River at River at River at
(90%) removal credit when located at least 25 or 50 Remmerden Zwijndrecht Roosteren
feet (7.6 or 15.2 m) from the source, respectively. Travel distance (m) 30 25 13 25 150
A summary of microbial removal data obtained Travel time (days) 15 63 7 18 43
from various field studies on riverbank filtration in the F-specific RNA
6.2 5.7 3.9 6.0 —–
Netherlands is presented in Table 1. According to these bacteriophages
data, riverbank filtration effectively removes bacterio- Somatic coliphages —– —– 3.8 5.1 7.8
phages, which are considered to be good surrogates for Enteric viruses (Enterovirus
4.0 4.0 3.7a —– —–
pathogenic viruses. Interestingly, the degree of removal and Reovirus)
of the various microorganisms is remarkably similar at Total coliforms 5.0 5.0 —– —– —–
the three sites in the Netherlands for a travel distance Spores of sulfite-
3.1 3.6 3.3 3.9 5.0
of about 25–30 m from the river, despite large varia- reducing clostridia
tions in retention time. This result contradicts predic- Fecal streptococci 3.2 3.5 —– —– —–
tions based on colloid filtration theory, which suggest Source: Data from References (41–43). a Reoviruses only.
that microbial transport is dependent on pore water
velocity (or retention time for a given travel distance), trate. For example, a rise in river level can result in
and is surprising because the inactivation of microbial water infiltrating a previously unsaturated region,
pathogens is known to depend on retention time. which may not exhibit the same removal properties
Hence, the data in Table 1 demonstrate how the con- as the permanently saturated zone (44). Variability in
fluence of various hydrological and biogeochemical pore water velocity and the corresponding retention
factors, such as variations in pore water velocity, de- time, caused by changes in both the hydraulic gradi-
gree of groundwater dilution, solution chemistry, ent and the alluvial hydraulic conductivity, may also
aquifer media surface characteristics, and inherent het- limit biogeochemical activity in the hyporheic zone
erogeneities in the microbial population, can signifi- (45). Furthermore, in a study conducted in the river-
cantly complicate predictions of microbial transport. bed of the Rhine River at the Flehe waterworks in
The concentrations of parasitic protozoa such as central Germany, Schubert et al. found that the river
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in surface waters are flow dynamics influenced the breadth and perme-
commonly much lower than those of other microor- ability of the clogged regions (44). These findings may
ganisms, including algae, diatoms, crustacea, and ro- have serious implications for the efficiency of bank
tifers, and are therefore hard to detect with current filtration and the productivity of the well field.
analytical techniques. Thus, using these microorgan- Diurnal or seasonal fluctuations in surface water
isms as surrogates and bioindicators plays an impor- temperature also contribute to the temporal hetero-
tant role in evaluating the natural filtration efficiency geneity of alluvial aquifers (45). Because the rate of
and hence the risk of cyst or oocyst breakthrough at a most biogeochemical processes is highly sensitive to
particular riverbank filtration site. A major problem temperature, variations in water temperature may
associated with the use of surrogates and bioindicators lead to decreased microbial activity. Suboptimal tem-
is the lack of data correlating the occurrence of Crypto- peratures may result in a poorly developed reduced
sporidium and Giardia with other microorganisms zone, ineffective degradation of NOM and organic
found in groundwater (8). Schijven et al. present data contaminants, and a decline in the clogging of sedi-
which show that diatoms often concurrently appear ments by biofilm formation. Changes in water tem-
with cyst or oocyst breakthrough at different riverbank perature can also affect the rate of infiltration into


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