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7/1/23, 12:29 PM IEO English Class 5 Questions and Answers & Solutions Set a 2013 Part 4- Examrace

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IEO English Class 5 Questions and Answers & Solutions Set a 2013
Part 4
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41. EE

A. Arrived at

B. Reached

C. Came across

D. Visited

42. FF

A. Online

B. On hold

C. Connected

D. Remotely

43. GG

A. Dropped

B. Crashed

C. Hung up

D. Closed

44. HH

A. Missed

B. Lost

C. Disappear

D. Rubbed out

45. II

A. Done

B. Made

C. Produced

D. Prepared

Achiever՚s Section
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7/1/23, 12:29 PM IEO English Class 5 Questions and Answers & Solutions Set a 2013 Part 4- Examrace

46. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

The group tried to ________the barriers in their path.

A. overlook

B. overcome

C. overwhelm

D. overtake

47. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

I told her I prefer travelling by train ________.

A. than flying

B. to fly

C. to flying

D. to flight

48. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

She ________ to wear glasses. She can՚t see the letters well enough.

A. should

B. can

C. must

D. ought

49. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

I asked for her help and her ________ me well.

A. Advised

B. suggested

C. advised

D. suggest

Read the sign and answer the question.


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7/1/23, 12:29 PM IEO English Class 5 Questions and Answers & Solutions Set a 2013 Part 4- Examrace

The park________.

A. closes early during winters

B. closes early only in December

C. closes at 6 pm on all days

D. closes later in December

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