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Health Project Script

Title: From Brilliance to Redemption

Nerd- Nathan Smith- Jirath
Bully 1/ Popular group member- Jonas- Jee Hoon
Bully 2/ Popular group member- Naomi- Rabani
Teacher/ Principal- Mrs. Wilson- Wansodsai
Mother of Nathan- Mrs. Smith- Prae

Narrator (Voiceover)
There was a smart student named Nathan Smith. Nathan stood tall amongst the bests,
boasting knowledgeable grades, all the while earning the admiration and recognition of
his teachers for his diligent work ethic and commitment.
Nathan Smith
Learning at school is such fun, I must say. The classroom is like a playground for me,
and foremost my grades are good. My friends like me for my intelligence and so do the
Nathan Smith
Man, I know I’m popular but I want to be even more popular than I am right now. OH, I know
what I must do to gain popularity. I should join the popular group that instantly increases fame.
(He approaches the group to join)
Nathan Smith To Jonas and Naomi
Guys, I heard that joining you guys would increase popularity. Guess what, I want to join this
group. Will you accept me?
Naomi: Sure why not
Jonas: The more members the better right.
Narrator (Voiceover)
Unbeknownst to Nathan, the decision to join this group would prove to be a bad mistake. He
had imagined newfound popularity, but soon enough the realities of affiliating with a circle built
upon alcohol and manipulation would be seen.
The setting is at Naomi's house where Naomi, Jonas, and Nathan are partying.
Naomi: Hey Nathan, go get us another bottle of beer, and also get one for yourself.
Jonas: Yeah, man! Matter of fact, let's drink the whole night since we don't have school
tomorrow, and my mother is away at work.
Nathan (Drunk)
Sure, sure, more beer coming up!
Nathan (DRUNK)
Here you go, guys, let's have a blast!
Narrator (Voiceover)
Nathan's struggle with alcohol and his lack of responsibility are shown in his academic
performance, making his teachers question Nathan’s decline in academic performance.
Additionally, his addiction causes him to lose friends which were once close to him.
Mrs. Smith (Nathan’s Mother)
Nathan, is there something going on. I am worried about you. You come home late
everyday and sometimes you get annoyed with me and shout at me. Furthermore your
grades have been dropping drastically. Please tell me if there is any problem or trouble
going on so I can help you.
There is nothing wrong going on within me so GET LOST!!
Narrator (Voiceover)
Slowly losing friends, interest in what he had enjoyed once, and getting mad easily over
simple matters. He knew that the usage of alcohol was affecting his relationship with
others as well as his grades. Nathan decided that he had to stop doing this. Stop using
alcohol as an escape from reality. This was the final click and he would be back to his
Nathan To principal (Mrs. Wilson):
Mrs. Wilson I must confess to one of my wrongdoings. I’ve been drinking alcohol during
the past weeks. And so I have slowly lost track of my study and my grades started to fall
Nathan, I’m sorry but we need to address this issue to your parents and help you get
back on the right track.
Mother Gets called to Principal office
Mrs. Wilson:
Mrs. Smith, it seems that your son is using alcohol. This is probably the cause of his
failing grades. I will have to suggest your son go through rehabilitation from alcohol
recovery. After that he will be allowed back on campus.

Mrs. Smith (crying)

I'm so sorry for my child's actions. I never meant for this to happen.

Mrs. Wilson
Please stop crying Mrs. Smith. As long as your son stops using alcohol he will be
right back on his track and in good graces.

Mrs. Smith
Thank you for understanding.
Narrator (Voiceover)
Nathan embarks on a journey of rehabilitation, finding peace in the act of
acknowledging his struggles. If he had not taken this crucial step, he might have
descended even further into addiction, risking the loss of his former self forever.
Nathan (After Rehabilitation) (Going to School)
I'm back, and I've conquered my demons with the help of rehabilitation and the support
of my loved ones! I will never get addicted ever again and I’ll try even harder than before
in everything I do.
One year after Rehabilitation:
Nathan is back to his best form, and he once again gets the best grades. He now is even
more liked by his classmates and teachers. Encouraging each other to overcome
challenges and live life to the fullest, embracing a brighter, and finally a alchol-free

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