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The Triad of Deception

In the world of data, where stories unfold,

A tapestry of narratives, both new & old,

In this domain of knowledge, a trio does sway,

Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, they come to play.

Misinformation, like whispers in the breeze,

Spreads like wildfire, as it aims to please.

Innocently woven into everyday chats,

It hides in plain sight, like mischievous cats.

Disinformation, a puppeteer's grand act,

With purposeful deceit, it aims to impact.

Crafting narratives, to bend & to sway,

It thrives in the shadows, where intentions betray.

Malinformation, the darkest of the three,

Unveils hidden truths with a wicked decree.

Shattering trust, it seeks to destroy,

Leaving scars & doubts that can often annoy.

In this dance of falsehood, where lines often blur & blend,

The truth becomes elusive, hard to defend.

But amidst the confusion, a light does persist,

A quest for the truth in its beauty, exists.

Seek the path of wisdom, illuminate the night,

In the fog of deception, be a beacon of light.

For within the realm of information's lore,

The pursuit of truth is worth fighting for.

So, rise against the tide of information disorder,

Let facts be your compass & guide you further.

Since in this world of stories, both new & old,

The beauty of truth shines in the tales untold.

- Priti Roy.

Kolkata Cohort, L2D IA.

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