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Morning we have a meeting

At 8 to 12 at AV Room on the
2nd fl.

1. When will the meeting begin?

a. 2 AM d. 8 PM
b. 2 PM e. 12 at noon
c. 8 AM
2. The message tells about the … and time of the meeting.
a. Venue d. speaker
b. Issue e. importance
c. Agenda

The following text is for questions 3 and 4.


3. What is the text about?

a. Directions how to treat the medicine
b. The importance of the medicine
c. The place for the medicine
d. Directions by prescriber
e. How to keep healthy
4. “Finish all medication unless otherwise directed by prescriber.” The underlined word
a. Made d. guided
b. Taught e. explained
c. Shown

The following text is for questions 5 to 8.

The issue of using drugs to enhance athlete’s performance is controversial.
Those who agree to the use of drug in enhancing performance say that most-top players
in all sports take drugs to train harder and feel no pain during the play. The trainers, sports
doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and managers of the big names make sure banned
substances are taken at the safest and most efficient levels. The main effect of banning such
substances has been to turn performers and their coaches into liars and cheaters. We should
legalize performance-enhancing drugs so that they can be regulated and athletes on the way up
-whose entourage do not yet include savvy physiotherapists and doctors- don’t overdose and
do themselves damage.
On the other hand, some still believe that performance enhancing drugs in sport should
be banned. Performance-enhancing drugs are not only prohibited because they violate the
spirit of sport but because they can damage the health of athletes. The idea of allowing them in
sport could lead to a situation whereby sportsmen and women are used as human guinea pigs
for a constant flow of new, unregulated substances. The long-term effects don’t bear thinking
5. What does the text mainly discuss?
a. The controversy of using drugs to enhance athlete’s performance.
b. The benefit of drugs in enhancing athlete’s performance.
c. The danger of using drugs in sport.
d. Proponents for drugs use in sport.
e. Drug regulation for athletes.
6. What does the second paragraph tell?
a. The effective and planned sports training
b. The proponents of performance enhancing drugs
c. The agreement of using performance enhancing drugs.
d. The main effect of banning performance enhancing drugs
e. The involvement of trainers, sport doctors and nutritionists.
7. Why do people disagree with the use of performance enhancing drugs?
a. Athletes’ health is badly affected
b. Athletes consume more drugs
c. Athletes are independent
d. Athletes violate the rules
e. Athletes perform better
8. ‘Those who agree to the use of drug in enhancing performance say that ….’ (Paragraph 2).
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Creating
b. Showing
c. Attracting
d. Improving
e. Influencing

The following text is for questions 9 to 12.

Students’ cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by teachers nowadays.
Despite the fact that teachers advise their students not to do dishonest acts during tests,
some students still do cheating. There are many kinds of cheating that students do during the
test or examination, such as looking other students’ work, put some notes under their clothes,
write notes or formulas on their desks, make hand signals or go to rest rooms to get the
answers from their friends.
In my views, students do cheating are committing a crime. It is a sort of taking something
illegally. This crime causes negative results to the students who always cheat deteriorate their
mental capacity. Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self-confidence.
Instead of preparing for the coming test, they are busy to organize notes on a piece of paper. If
this awful habit continues, the students will lose their opportunity to develop their intellectual
and mind.
Therefore, school should consider cheating as a serious problem. School board and
administration should go hand in hand to overcome this matter. Honesty must be put in
school’s vision. Harsh punishment must be applied to students who commit this crime.
9. What is mainly discussed in the text?
a. School policy d. Mental deterioration
b. Harsh punishment e. Different ways of cheating
c. Cheating as a crime
10. What will the school do to eliminate students who commit cheating?
a. Create a good vision d. Make students confident
b. Select honest students e. Administer the school affair
c. Make harsh punishment
11. ‘Students who always cheat deteriorate their mental capacity.’ (Paragraph 3).
The underlined word means…
a. Support d. Create
b. Worsen e. Find
c. Cause
12. ‘They weaken their self-confidence.’ (Paragraph 3).
What does ‘they’ refer to?
a. Tests d. Students
b. Papers e. Cheatings
c. Results

The following text is for questions 13 to 15.

The United States and Canada will someday join the 95 percent of the world that uses the
metric rather than the English system of measurement. No longer will North American
schoolchildren have to memorize that there are 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard. Inches will
become centimeters, pounds will become kilograms, quarts will become liters, and degrees
Fahrenheit will become degrees centigrade (also called Celsius).
The conversion to the metric system will not be easy, however, and will require enormous
amounts of money and time. For example, every piece of machinery in every factory and every
office will have to be replaced. Furthermore, every machine and tools that makes, repairs, or
supplies another piece of equipment will have to be changed. Not only every nut, bolt, and
screw but also every wrench, drill, and screwdriver will have to be replaced, as any auto
mechanic who had tried to fix an imported car with a set of American tools realizes. Therefore,
although the United States and Canada are committed to “going metric,” it will not happen next
week or even next year. Because of the magnitude of the problems that metrics conversion will
involve, the change will have to be gradual and, above all, carefully planned.

13. The text talks about the possibility of the US and Canada to …
a. Build more factories
b. Join the world policy in trade
c. Change the measurement system
d. Compete their products in the world.
e. Use the English system if measurement.
14. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. Most of people apply the metric system
b. Many countries use the measurement system
c. It is not easy to convert to the metric system
d. There is a lot of money needed to change a system
e. The change of the metric system lasts gradually
15. Why will the metric system conversion take gradually?
a. Most of American people do not like it.
b. There are a lot of problems involved
c. Every nut has to be changed
d. It affects the US trade
e. It is not applicable

The following text is for question 16 and 17.

The Indonesian Soccer Association (PSSI) has announced that a portion of the takings from
ticket sales of the AFF Cup Grand Final match again Thailand would be donated to the victims of
an earthquake that struck Aceh’s Piddie Jaya regency on Wednesday. PSSI’s newly elected
Chairman Edi Ramayadi, who took the helm last month, announced via his twitter handle
@ramhayadiedi, that Rp 50.000 would be donated from each ticket sold. “In an attempt to ease
the burden or out brother and sister query passing disaster, the PSSI will donate Rp 50.000
from every AFF Cup final ticket to the victims of earthquake in Piddie, Aceh, who is also
commander of an army strategy reserves command,” twitted on Friday. Indonesia which is seen
by many pundits as an underdog in the biennial competitions among South East Asian Nation,
will host the first leg of the finals against favorite Thailand on Wednesday next week at Pekan
Sari Stadium in Bogor, West Java. The seats are divided into three categories with each category
costing Rp. 100.000, Rp. 300.000, and Rp. 500.000 respectively.
16. Why would Edi Rahmayadi take Rp.50.000 from the sale of each ticket?
a. It would be donated to the victims
b. It would be used for improving the football players.
c. It would be spent for conducting grand final match.
d. It would be used for the improvement of Pekansari Stadium.
e. It would be given to the people who suffered from the earthquake in Pidie.
17. What is mainly reported by the speaker?
a. Three kinds of category costing
b. The venue of the grand final match
c. The prices of the grand final tickets
d. Donation for the earthquake victims
e. The condition of earthquake victims

The following text is for number 18 to 19.

Andik Vermansyah was born in Jember, East Java, to Saman a coolie and Jumiah a tailor,
both indigenous Javanese. Vermansyah spent his childhood selling ice as a means of earning
money for his family. His parents, earning barely enough money for living expenditures, had
little fund to help Vermansyah realize his dream, as footballer. At first, Vermansyah was not
allowed to pursue his footballing career due to his family’s economic condition. However, a
strongly motivated Vermansyah did not give up on his dream of becoming a professional
footballer. He did everything to fund his burgeoning career. He had to sell cake and ice, even
playing football for intervillage tournament, just to be able to buy a pair of football shoes.
Vermansyah received his big break when the coach of SSB Suryanaga, Rudi discovered his
talents. Rudi offered Vermansyah to play at a football academic in Jember, free of charge.

18. What did Vermansyah sell, when he was a child?

a. Ice d. sugar
b. Ball e. shoes
c. Rice
19. How did Vermansyah get his break?
a. He met a coach
b. He registered to a university
c. He met a professional footballer
d. He played football for inter-village tournament
e. He sold cake and ice at inter-village tournament

The following text is for questions 20 to 22

Dogs are members of the Canidae family of mammals. Most of them are good runner,
with muscular, deep-chested bodies and slender legs.
They have four toes on each paw, plus a thumb like toe on each forepaw and sometimes
on the rear feet as well. They walk on their toes, which are well padded. Dogs have 42 teeth –
some for gripping and tearing flesh, some for cutting, and others for grinding food.
Dogs have superb hearing and fairly good eyesight, but their keenest sense is smell, which
can detect the faintest scent days or even weeks after its source has gone.
Dogs use their voices regularly. They bark to raise an alarm, to show aggression or fear, or
as a cry for help. Growing usually means “stay away” or “I’m going to bite”. They may also howl,
whimper, or whine to show their feelings.
The dogs we know as pets are descended from wolves. They were domesticated, or
tamed and raised by people, more than 12,000 years ago.
Today dogs depend on people for food, shelter and safety. They give a great deal in
return. Some are trained to guard property. Others herd farm animals, work with hunters, sniff
out bombs or drugs at airports, or search for survivors at disaster scenes. Specially trained dogs
assist people who cannot see or hear, or who use a wheelchair.

20. What is the text about?

a. Dogs and their hobbies d. dogs and their duties
b. Dogs and their barks e. dogs and their decanters
c. Dogs and their habits
21. From the text, we know that dogs ….
a. Have short-chested bodies and vertical legs.
b. Have four toes for gripping and tearing flesh
c. Are aggressive as wolves
d. Can detect a distinctive smell
e. Are wild animals like wolves
22. “They barkaggression or fear, or as a cry for help…”
The underlined word can best be replaced by …
a. Noise d. awareness
b. Attack e. acceleration
c. Defense

Good Buy Furniture

No.1 Carribean Street, Miami, Florida 33703
Phone: (858) 107-7685
Brandon Harrison
The Owner of Harrison’s House Appliances
No.2 Main Street
Miami, Florida 33703

Dear Mr.Harrison,
Good Buy Furniture has to inform you that we have just officially closed our business that has been
running for almost 10 years.
We have made this difficult decision due to our failure in managing our debt. We thank you very
23. What is the topic of the text?
much for your cooperation.
a. Harrison’s House Appliances
b. Business close down.
c. Good Buy Furniture
d. Business closing
e. Minor
Debt Payment
24. Why did the company close down its business?
a. it mismanaged its debt
b. it already for 10 years
c. it made difficult decision
d. it had to pay its debts
e. it redesigned business focus
When you want to cook with a microwave, you will need the following things:
- plate (non-metal plate)
- food
Here are the steps:
- Wash your hands. Remember to be clean before cooking
- then put the connector of the microwave to the electrical supply
- after that, put the food onto the microwave
- don’t forget to set the time.
- Press the button to start heating the food
- Wait for the beep sound, it indicates the cooking process is done
- Finally, take out the food and enjoy it.
- Don’t forget wash your hands after cleaning the cooking area.
25. What is the text about?
a. Heating food rules.
b. Using electrical supply
c. Cooking in the kitchen
d. Using microwave
e. Keeping hand clean
26. The time to consume the food is after …
a. Cooking first d. connecting the electricity
b. Pressing the button e. beeping sound
c. Setting time for heating
27. Plate, (non-metal plate).
The underlined word has similar meaning to ….
a. Plastic d. steel
b. Wood e. sack
c. Glass

Darien Brito
Royal Conservatory of the Hugue
Van Heutstraat 96
Den Haag

Dear Darien Brito,

On behalf of the committee of the International Computer Music Conference, we would like to
formally invite you to perform and present your work, “An Additive Stream” at this year’s conference in
Perth, Western Australia during the period of August 11th to 17th.
Since 1974, The International Computer Music Conference has been the major international
forum for the presentation of the full range of outcomes from technology and music research, related to
the use of computer in music. The annual conference regularly travels the globe, with recent
conferences in the America, Europe, and Asia. The ICMC’s unique interleaving of professional paper
presentation and concepts of new computer music composition – referred by ICMA approved
international panels – creates a vital synthesis of science, technology and the art of music.
We look forward to seeing your work as part of this year’s program. Please note that although
we will endeavor to facilitate the work, we cannot offer the payment of performances fees or any costs.

Kind regards,
Andrew Varano
Conference Organizer, ICMC

28. The text is written to …

a. Celebrate the art of music
b. Invite Mr. Brito to perform and present his work
c. Discuss technology and music research
d. Inform International Computer Music Conference
e. Create a vital synthesis of science and technology in music
29. “The presentation of the full range of outcomes from technology and music research…”
(paragraph 2).
The underlined word is closest meaning to ….
a. Copies d. advantages
b. Product e. implications
c. Benefits
30. The text mostly talks about …
a. The celebration of music
b. The International Computer Music Conference
c. The invitation to perform and present Mr. Brito’s work in ICMC
d. The presentation of technical and musical perform
e. The music conference in Perth, Western Australia
31. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The ICMC was established in 1974
b. The ICMC creates an important role in music
c. The annual conference is held regularly around the globe
d. The ICMC is the major international forum for the use of computers in music
e. Full range of outcomes from technical and music research is presented in Perth.

- 8 cups of water
- ¼ teaspoon of pepper
- Small clove garlic
- ¼ teaspoon of butter
- 4 large tomatoes
- Spices
- 1 small onion
- ½ teaspoon of salt
1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces.
2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes
3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper
4. Heat the pan until the water boils.
5. Turn down the heat and cover the pan with lid. Cook gently for one hour.

32. What is the topic of the text?

a. Making asparagus soup
b. Making a dish
c. Cooking tomato
d. Making tomato soup
e. Preparing sandwich
33. What will happen if we change the butter with cooking oil?
a. The taste will be different
b. The taste will be the same
c. The tomato will never be cooked
d. The soup will be salty
e. The aroma will not change
34. What is the final step in cooking tomato soup?
a. Adding pepper and spices
b. Frying garlic and onion with butter
c. Cutting tomatoes, onions, and garlic into pieces
d. Cooking it gently for one hour
e. Adding butter to the boiling water for five minutes

This text is for questions no.35 to 38.

DUBAI United Arab Emirates (AP) - An Emirates flight from India with over 300 people on
board crashed at Dubai's main airport Wednesday, sending black smoke billowing into the air
and halting all flights at the Middle East busiest airport. A firefighter died while responding to
the blaze, but none of the passengers or crew on board was killed.
The accident was the most serious ever for Emirates, which has grown at a breakneck
pace over the last three decades and turned its hometown of Dubai into a major long-haul
International air hub. It was the second major air disaster for a Dubai government-backed
airline in less than five months.
Speaking to reporters in Dubai, Emirates Group CEO and Chairman Ahmed bin Saeed al
Maktoum said 10 people were hospitalized after the accident, but stressed that all passengers
were safely evacuated before the plane was engulfed in a fireball. The Boeing 777-3000 was
carrying 282 passengers and 18 crew members from 20 different countries, according to the
airline those on board included 226 Indian, 24 Britons, 11 Emirates, and the rest were from the
United States and Saudi Arabia.

35. What is the topic of the text?

a. The firefighter of Dubai Airport
b. The crashed plane at the Dubai main airport
c. The evacuation of the injured passengers.
d. The Modern Dubai International Air hub
e. Could you buy government owned airplane
36. How was the condition of most of the passengers? They were...
a. Glad d. helpful
b. Safe e. relieved
c. scare
37. According to the text, the passengers...
a. Were reported injured badly
b. were evacuated to a hospital
c. Were deprived of life
d. Were taking to the airport lounge
e. We reported from India to Dubai
38. Which of the following complete the sentence best?
A firefighter died while responding to the blaze, .... none of the passengers or crew on
board was killed.
a. As d. yet
b. So e. since
c. And

Yesterday my family and I went to Way Kambas Park to see the elephants and rhinoceros
conserved there. Way Kambas national Park is a national park which is used as elephants and
rhinos service sanctuary located in Labuan Ratu district, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.
When we got there we saw some elephant performances such as playing football, sitting,
greeting the visitors and other entertaining performances. Unfortunately we could not see the
Sumatran rhinoceros because visitors ought to have a special permit in advance to see them.
Visitors or ordinary tourists cannot see the Sumatran rhinos natural breeding. In the afternoon
we saw some animals which were being fed. When we returned home we were tired but we
were happy because we had so much fun in Way Kambas.

39. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the readers about Way Kambas
b. To tell the readers the news of the day.
c. To talk about the experience of the writer
d. To persuade the readers to do something
e. To describe what Way Kambas National Park is
40. How can ordinary tourists see the Sumatran rhinoceros?
a. They need an extra guard
b. They must pay some money
c. They should have been adult
d. They must have special permission
e. They must bring food for the animal
41. What can we conclude from the text?
a. Elephants performances were the only attractions for the writer
b. Labuan Ratu district is the Rhino conservation.
c. Elephant performances where the central attractions
d. The writer visit to Way Kambas was enjoyable
e. There are ordinary and unordinary tourists
42. Which of the following completes the sentence best?
.... We see Sumatran rhinoceros we must have a special permission from the official Park.
a. After d. because
b. When e. however
c. Before

Everyone agrees that English is an international language. It is spoken all over the world,
either as a first or second language. No wonder there are different English now: British English
American English Australian English and even Singaporean English. Those various English are
used as the first language in the respective countries. Even in some countries with a strongly
established mother tongue, many people use English in most of their daily communication.
English is also prominent language in the development of Science and Technology in
different areas of studies-social, economic, and political. Manuals and instructions of modern
devices and utensils are no mostly written in English. Even on a simple pack of instant noodle,
the cooking instruction is mostly written in English. Lastly, the highly important role of English is
also evident in job applications, which put mastery of English as one of the most important
requirements. Employers usually prefer applicants with good Mastery of English.
The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English is he likes to greet the global

43. What is the topic of the text?

a. The English variety.
b. The global languages
c. The requirement of work
d. The way to rule the world
e. The importance of English
44. What is the topic of the first paragraph?
a. English as a national language
b. English as first and second language
c. English as the tool found in writing
d. English as mother language
e. English as a daily language
45. One of the following statements shows the importance of English in our daily life….
a. English is used in daily conversation in many countries
b. We need English to communicate with foreigners
c. English is one important requirement in application job
d. The instructions of many devices are written in English
e. Most develop countries use English as their first language
Piranha fish are the fiercest animals in the world. They live in the freshwater rivers of
South America, from Venezuela to northern Argentina. They usually eat other fish smaller than
themselves. Sometimes Piranha will attack and eat each other.
There are about 18 kinds of Piranha fish. Piranha has large head and short thick bodies.
They are usually about 20cm (9 inches) long but one kind can be as much as 60cm (2 ft). It lives
in the Sao Francisco River from Eastern Brazil. It is one of the most dangerous fish.
The most noticeable thing about piranha fish is the large mouth. The mouth has a lot of triangle
teeth with sharp point. The points pierce the skin of the prey. The razor sharp edges of the
teeth chop out pieces of flesh. The teeth of the upper and lower jaws fit together like scissors.
The muscles moving the jaws are big and very powerful. On the back of Piranha fish there is
a ridge called a Keel. There is another keel running along it belly. The tail is slender and
muscular. Its tail fins are broad. All these features held the piranha to swim fast through the
water. The piranha fish cat a large South American rat-like animal, called a Capy-bara, weighing
50 kilos (100 pounds), to a skeleton in less than 60 seconds.

46. What does the text mostly talk about?

a. Animal from South America
b. The teeth of piranha fish
c. Kinds of piranha fish
d. A dangerous animal
e. Piranha fish
47. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. Piranha fish hunt in group.
b. There are about 18 kinds of piranha fish.
c. Piranha has large head and short thick bodies.
d. Piranha fish are the fiercest animals in the world
e. The most noticeable thing about piranha.

The elephant is the largest and strongest animal. It is a strength looking animal with its
thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hangings ears, little eyes, long white tusks and above all a
long nose, the trunk.
The trunk is the elephant's particular feature and it has various uses. The elephant draws
up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower. It can also lift leaves and
puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An
elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligent combined with its great strength
makes it a very useful servant to men and it can be trained to service in various ways such as
carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

48. According to the text the most distinguishing characteristic of an elephant is..
a. Its clumsy walk d. Its long nose
b. Its thick legs e. Its a large ears
c. Its large body
49. "The trunks are the elephant's peculiar feature..." (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in the meaning to...
a. Tough d. Smooth
b. Large e. Unusual
c. Slight

To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, the number of dustbins should be
Look at the classrooms, school corridors and school yard and you will see paper, mineral
water cups, straws and paper tissue everywhere. The condition really affects learning and
teaching. Litter thrown carelessly can cause disease, especially empty plastic cups or glasses.
They can hold rain and this can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Besides, these rubbish
can disturb the view. The painted wall and green school yard do not mean anything when litters
are everywhere.
Anyway, I suggest that students of this school have more responsibility for the school
environment. They should put their littler in the proper places. But, some do not care enough to
find the dustbins. In fact we do not have enough dustbins for all areas of our schools. One
dustbin should be put beside each stair, outside the classrooms, and along the corridors. Ideally
there should be one dust bin in every 10 m. So when students want to throw away their litter
they can find the dustbins easily.
When the school has enough dustbins, our school will be very clean and become a nice
place to study.

50. The text suggests that the school needs more..

a. Plants d. clean rooms
b. Comfort e. dustbins
c. Responsibility
51. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. There are not enough dustbins around the school
b. The dirty uncomfortable condition influences the teaching and learning process.
c. The students don't care where the number of the dustbins.
d. Litters can cause unhealthy students.
e. The stretch of mosquitoes can cause dengue fever.
52. Why is the writer so concerned about the rubbish and litter at his school?
a. Rubbish and litter can have negative effect on learning.
b. Rubbish and litter can cause various diseases
c. Rubbish and litter requires more dustbins
d. The school should buy more dustbins
e. The students should be more responsible

Online jobs
Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many people, and some, have taken
more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working has its
advantages if we managed effectively.
It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home
with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and
makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.
The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to
join. Every day, and every minute man are seeking information about everything under the sky
of the internet. As we know, the internet is the answer to every question, websites need to
update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined.
Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly
recommended are writing, marketing, stock trading and online education. Having an online job
is a good opportunity to try, it beyond all limits; working hours, incomes, as well as chances.

53. What can we infer from the text?

a. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online.
b. Working online has its disadvantages if we manage effectively.
c. Getting pocket money from online job is the most reassuring.
d. Having an online job is a good and up-to-date opportunity to try.
e. Connecting to internet is the answer to every online job's question.
54. Which of the sentence below contains the topic of the text?
a. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online.
b. We can work from home and get a good income.
c. There are a number of online jobs available.
d. Thus, it is an expansive space for articles.
e. Having an online shop is a good to try.
55. What is the main idea of the 4th paragraph?
a. There are new companies to join every day.
b. It offers flexibility and convenience then other jobs.
c. There are a lot of jobs we can work online.
d. The number of job seekers finds online jobs every day.
e. Having an online job is a good opportunity to try this millennium.

An unconventional cashless payments tool developed by Bandung-based X-Igent has been

named winner of the Indonesian International Internet of Things (IoT) challenge 2016 held in
Bandung, West Java, between May 9 and June 28. Dubbed TopPay, this prototype device
provides a cashless, tapless and swipe-less method of payment. Instead of a card that has been
swiped or tapped, TopPay uses a keychain with an attached button. "when we press the button,
the system processes the transaction automatically," X-Igent CEO Yudha Maulana Akbar told a
press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday. The keychain was choosen to simplify the payment
process as it was less likely to be forgotten when users were traveling.
The Prototype can be applied to parking, street parking or convenience store payments and
consists of two parts, one for the users (the keychain) and one for the merchant (dubbed the
Merchandise Device). As TopPay uses Bluetooth, payments can also be made from a distance of
1 m. "It can actually reach up fifty meters," said Yudha, adding that they were still researching
the maximum distance, as well as the connection stability.
TopPay is already integrated with DOKU, an independent electronic Payment solutions
provider that held the competition alongside DyCodeEdu, an iOS and Android professional
training provider, allowing users to easily top up their accounts and have the invoice sent to
their e-mail.
The team from X-Igent which consists of Yudha, Rendy Azhari, Muhammad Ikramulla, and
Lutfi Azhari, spent only 3 weeks building the tool. "but we had previously created a system that
uses similar technology," said Yudha, who was over eight years of experience in this industry, as
well as in network security.
(The Jakarta Post, 3 August)

56. What is the topic of the text?

a. The latest model of payment devices.
b. The internet completion
c. The conventional payment model.
d. The business transaction
e. The cart based payment tools

57. According to the text, TopPay is used by..

a. Tapping the card
b. Swiping the payment
c. Pressing the button
d. Attacking the button
e. Processing the transaction.

58. "But we had previously created a system that uses similar technology.. " (paragraph 5).
The underlined word is closest in meaning to..
a. Formerly
b. Consequently
c. Precisely
d. Actually
e. Successfully

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