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The following text is for questions number 1 to 3

Jane : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my purse
Tony : Don’t be sad, Jane, let’s search it around the park.
Jane : I have searched for it for hours but I can’t find it, do you have any ideas?
Tony : I think you should better ask for securities’ help to announce it to the students.
Jane : Sound’s great. I hope it will help
Tony : Sure. Let’s go!

1. What happened to Jane?

a. She is sad
b. She got a new bag
c. She lost her purse
d. She lost her bag
e. She shares her experience
2. Where did she lose her purse?
a. In the toilet d. In the river
b. In the park e. In the class
c. In the way
3. “I have searched for it for hours… “
The word “it” refers to ….
a. Park d. Jane’s purse
b. Security e. Students
c. Tony

The following texts is for questions number 4 to 7

In a month we are going on a family vacation. My mom and dad will drive us to the coast. The
drive will take two days.
I will sit in the front and my brother will sit in the back. I will read the map and tell dad where to go.
We will bring a tent and camp on the way. We will visit new places and new cities. I will take lots of pictures
and will share them on my social media with my friends. I won’t hurry about it, I am going to share only one
picture everyday.
We will swim in the ocean when we get there. I will collect shells and look for jellyfish. My brother and
I will build sandcastles. I can’t wait… it will be so much fun!

4. When will the writer have a family vacation?

a. Tomorrow d. 2 days after tomorrow
b. Next week e. next year
c. Next month
5. Where will the writer go on a family vacation?
a. To a beach d. to a mountain
b. To cities e. to an ocean
c. To sandcastles
6. What is the writer’s plan during the journey?
a. She will drive the car for two days d. She will take pictures everyday
b. She will share only one picture everyday e. she will read the map and tell her dad
c. She will bring a tent and camp on the way
7. According to the text, what is the writer’s favourite thing to do during her vacation?
a. She likes driving fast d. she likes taking pictures
b. She like sharing pictures to her friends e. she likes camping on the road
c. She likes collecting shells and look for jellyfish

8. My brother and Dika __________ round the park many times but they’ve never seen the lamp.
a. Has walked d. has walking
b. Have walked e. are walking
c. Walk
9. Anita _____ some application letters to the company but they never call her.
a. Has send d. have send
b. Has sent e. have sent
c. Had sent
10. Afkar : …..
Rizki : Yes, I had once attended a conference in Exeter when I was in university.
Afkar : Wow, that must be great
Rizki : It was great! indeed, South West England is beautiful country.
a. Have you ever been to South West England before
b. Have you attended the conference
c. I have been to Scotland before
d. You have attended a conference in Exeter once
e. Had you continued your study in university?

The following dialogue is for questions number 11 to 13.

Arnold : We are going to camp near Mt. Rinjani this weekend. What will you do?
Matt : I am going to stay home
Arnold : Would you like to come along with us?
Matt : I don’t have any camping equipment
Arnold : Don’t worry. Use ours
Matt : Are you sure? It will be inconvenience for you
Arnold : No, not at all. We would love your companion
Matt : do you think it is going to rain?
Arnold : I don’t think so, at least we should have a rain jacket just in case
Matt : Good idea.
Arnold : We will pick you up at 5 am Saturday morning
Matt : I will be ready then

11. Where will Arnold go this weekend?

a. Shopping d. Riding
b. Camping e. Climbing
c. Staying
12. Why did Matt choose to stay at home?
a. Because he doesn’t have camping equipment
b. Because he doesn’t know Arnold’s friend
c. Because he doesn’t like camping
d. Because he has another plan
e. Because he is exhausted
13. “I don’t have any camping equipment.”
The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
a. Mechanic d. stuff
b. Tool e. box
c. thing
14. Akhmal : My neighbour is noisy
Jamal : You should …
a. Let them be
b. Tell your neighbour to be silent for a while
c. Tell politely to neighbour to be silent for a while
d. I don’t know, tell me!
e. Speak louder than him
15. If he had slipped, he …… (fall) 500 meters.
a. Would fall d. will fall
b. Would fallen e. will be fallen
c. Would have fallen
16. If our passports …. (BE) all right, we wouldn’t have been arrested.
a. Has been d. was
b. Have been e. were
c. Had been
17. If you …. (ring) the bell someone …. (surely answer) it.
a. Will, surely answers d. ring, will surely answer
b. Rang, would surely answer e. rang, would have surely answered
c. Would have rung, would have surely answered
18. “Nobody invites Edward to parties because he is a wet blanket.”
The figurative language above is…
a. Alliteration d. hyperbole
b. Metaphore e. Personification
c. Simile
19. The idiom “Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth”, has the meaning…
a. A person who comes from wealthy family
b. A person who has lots of fortune in his/her entire life
c. A person who has happy family
d. A person who has successful business
e. A person who easily understands science
20. The idiom “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, has the meaning …
a. We should not buy a book without cover
b. We should study knowledge from books
c. We should get a book because of its beautiful cover
d. We should not consider people from its appearance
e. We should not consider people from its intelligence
The following poem is for questions number 21 to 23
Success is counted sweetest,
By those who ne’er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purpose Host

Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory

As he defeated – dying –
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
Posted in Poems by Emily Dickinson

21. What is the poem about?

a. To appreciate a “need”, a person should experience it.
b. To be succeed, a person should be able to complete the “need”.
c. A person should defeat his/her deepest fear in life.
d. To get a victory, a person should fight for it.
e. A person must be a success man in his life.
22. How many stanzas in the poem?
a. 1 d. 4
b. 2 e. 5
c. 3
23. What is the Metaphor of “Success is counted sweetest” above?
a. Every person has its own success story
b. The term success has different value to different people
c. Success people is everyone’s life idol
d. Success will be valued by the one who has it least
e. Every body should have their own way to success
24. The social function of poetry is…
a. To convey the writer’s emotion or ideas to the readers’ mind
b. To tell everybody about the writers’ emotional condition
c. To appreciate other people’s feelings
d. To describe the beautiful literary works
e. To feel the writers’ ideas of literary works
25. The breeze felt like a refreshing drink of lemonade.
What is the figurative of speech of the sentence?
a. Metaphor d. gustatory imagery
b. Alliteration e. simile
c. personification

The following poem is for questions number 26 to 28.

Autumn's Majesty
Sun with his artistic touch,
streaks skies of blue with rosy blush,
trimming Oak and Maple too,
crimson reds with yellow hue.

Birch and Hemlock, purple and gold,

apples, pumpkins bright and bold,
burns by day and cools by night,
cloaking trees in fiery might.

Wispy winds and tumbling leaves,

cypress scents within the breeze,
starry eves and harvest moon,
sets the stage for crickets' tune.

As spiders spin their tapestry

and crickets sing in symphony,
their final song of destiny,
it's clear for all the world to see,
Autumn's vibrant majesty!

26. What the theme of the poem?

a. Nature d. Relationship
b. Family e. teenagers’ life
c. Friendship
27. “Sets the state for crickets tune.”
What is the meaning of the word “cricket”?
a. A small door or gate
b. An open-air game
c. A musical chirping sounds
d. An insect related to the grasshoppers
e. Teams of eleven players
28. Which one is the not true about the poem?
a. Talks about autumn
b. It has four stanzas
c. Each stanza has the same amount of lines as the others do
d. The second stanza has rhyming words
e. There is personification in the poem

The following text is for questions 29 to 33.

A woman and the Wolves

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few villages. If the
people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought
along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah
Tim go with you through the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When they were in the
forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked
against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves,
“please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took
her nephew away.
Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her own
son’s life to save her nephew.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the viillage fetched thick sticks and went back
with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the
woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

29. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories?
a. Another village d. Hills
b. Mountains e. Towers and logs
c. Forests
30. Who is Ah Tim?
a. The young woman’s brother
b. The young woman’s son
c. The young woman’s brother nephew
d. The young woman’s brother’s son
e. One of the men who fetched a stick
31. Who walked in the front when they were in the forest?
a. Ah Tim
b. The woman
c. The woman’s son
d. Her brother’s nephew
e. The baby and his mother
32. “All men in the village fetched thick stick…”
The word “fetched has a similar meaning to …
a. Received d. hit
b. Caught e. lifted
c. Got
33. From the passage we know that the villages were …
a. Located in one huge area
b. Situated in a large district
c. Separated by untamed jungles
d. Wild and unsafe
e. Dark and very dangerous

The following text is for questions number 34 to 36.

Story and Legend of Mount Bromo
A long time ago, there lived a beautiful woman by the name Roro Anteng. She was well-known of her
beauty and had attracted the attention of an evil giant. Because the evil giant possessed extraordinary
magical powers, Roro Anteng dared not reject the giant's advances when he proposed to her. Roro thought
of a plan to get away from the marriage without offending the giant. In order to get her hand in marriage,
the giant had to fulfil her wishes
Roro then concocted a difficult request in hopes that the giant did not have the power to fulfill it. She
had asked him to make her a sandy desert in between the mountains in one night and before the break of
Unfortunately for her, the giant magically and swiftly began to work his powers and was near completing
her wishes. The fast thinking Roro Anteng quickly thought of an idea to disrupt the completion, she made all
sorts of noises that woke up the roosters. The roosters began to crow bringing dawn.
On hearing the rooster's calls, which signalled the break of dawn, the giant was shocked for having failed
his task. Frustrated, he threw the coconut shell that he used to dig the desert, the shell fell to the ground
beside Mount Bromo, forming what is now knows as Mount Batok (coconut shell). The sandy plain was to
form the Tengger caldera.
The story continues with Roro Anteng falling in love with Joko Seger, a descendant of the great
Majapahit Kingdom who had led a reclusive life on the desolate mountain range.
They were married, living happy blessed with many children. Their children and their descendants
formed the tribal community of the Tengger taken from the names "Roro Anteng' and Joko Seger) This was
the story of how the Tenggerese tribe come to be and how they lived lands.

34. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. The well known woman of Roro Anteng
b. The giant proposed Roro Anteng to get married
c. Roro Anteng’s struggles to get away from the giant
d. The wishes of Roro Anteng to the giant
e. Roro Anteng escaped from the giant
35. “Roro then concocted a difficult… “
The synonym of the underlined word above is …
a. Invented d. flee
b. Isolated e. create
c. Thought
36. What is the main goal of this story?
a. To describe Mount Bromo to the readers
b. To explain the readers about the beauty of Mount Bromo
c. To show the readers of how to get Mount Bromo
d. To entertain the readers about the story of Mount Bromo
e. To inform the readers about the legend of Mount Bromo

The following text is for questions number 37 to 38.

Maria : Hey, you look concerned. What’s on your mind?
Amy : The final exam. I am not fully prepared yet.
Maria : Well, don’t worry too much. You still have three days to study.
Amy : Yeah, but three days will fly fast in a wink
Maria : well, you still have time to cramp things into your brain anyway.
Amy : I guess you’re right. Let’s head to the school canteen. I’m hungry.
Maria : I can’t agree more.

37. What are they talking about?

a. The final exam
b. The confusing learning subjects
c. Worry for examination
d. They are talking nothing
e. The remedial examination
38. Where the conversation probably takes place?
a. In the park d. in the bus station
b. In the school canteen e. in the classroom
c. In the school hallway
39. If we go to the top, we will have a nice view of Jakarta.
This sentence means …
a. We have already seen Jakarta from the top
b. We are now looking and having a nice of Jakarta
c. We saw Jakarta last month
d. There is possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top
e. There isn’t any possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top
40. She …. (finish) the task before the ceremony begins tomorrow.
a. Will Have d. have had
b. Has had e. is
c. Was having

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