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Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.

0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015

Wipers Salient
Wipers Salient is a solitaire card game where you play the part of the allied forces
defending the Ypres salient against the growing attacks of the Germans during the
Great War. Marshal your forces, draft your reinforcements and above all, hold the

The play area

You'll be playing cards to the tabletop for a number of reasons. To help you keep
track of what the cards are doing, it's suggested you lay your cards out like this.

You should also place the Disposition tracker on the table within reach either
above or to the side of your play area.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Set Up
Here's how you set up the game.
1. Find the five cards with the white hand in the top left corner and set them
aside, these cards will form your starting hand of cards.
2. Find the three cards with numbers in the top left corner. You should have a
1,2, and a 3. Place these face up on the table as your Ready resource deck with
the 1 on top, the 2 beneath that and 3 at the bottom.
3. Find all of the cards with a white cross in the top left corner. These are the
enemy cards. Sort them into order using the number in red in the top right
corner. The lowest number should be at the bottom and the highest number
at the top. Then place this deck of cards face down as the enemy draw deck. To
make sure you've sorted these correctly, draw the top card from the deck, it
should be the number 3. If it is the 3, put it back face down on top of the pile.
If it's not a 3, then you've not sorted them correctly!
4. Shuffle all of the remaining cards and place them face down as your
resource draw deck.

5. Draw the top 4 cards from the resource draw deck and place them face up
into the available resource line
6. You'll need two counters (you could use dice, or coins or tiddly-winks), to
track the state of your current Disposition. Place one counter on each "10"

What's what
So, now you've set up the game ready to play, I need to tell you what everything is!
Disposition Tracker: You (the British and allied armies) have 10 Health points,
representing the physical number of men available to fight. If this ever drops to
zero, you lose. As this goes down it represents attrition on your forces, from
combat and environment. As it goes up, it represents new troops arriving from
home and hospital.
You also have 10 Morale points. This represents the élan, the spirit of the troops
and political leadership. If this ever drops to zero, you lose the game. As it drops,
this represents the men getting tired, scared and demoralised. As it goes up it
represents the men feeling better about things. Perhaps getting better support or
a mail delivery from the rear or even a pay rise.
Your Draw Deck: This represents your available men, machines, ammunition, and
supplies. When you've played your hard of cards, you'll draw more cards from here.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Your Discard Pile: This is where you place your cards once you've played them.
Don't worry it's not the last you've seen of them. Discarded cards will be recycled
back into your Draw Deck.
Ready Resource Deck: This deck of cards represent the immediate resources you
have behind the lines that you can move quickly to the front line. As you'll discover
these cards are cheap to purchase.
Available Resource Line: The four cards here are behind the lines and represent
major resources that might come your way if you can convince the brass hats to
give them to you. They are always face up.
Resource Draw Deck: This deck of face down cards represents the entire allied
forces that can be brought to the fight. Whenever a card is taken from the
Available resource Line, it will be immediately replaced by the top card of this
Enemy Draw Deck: This pile of cards is the enemy. Each card represents a new
attack that must be held and fought off. The attacks get stronger and harder to
defeat the further you dig down into this deck.
Active Enemy Line: Enemy cards are placed in this line face up and represent the
attacks currently under way. Each card is a separate attack, and may be defeated
Defeated Enemies: This is where you place enemy cards that you have defeated.
These will be scored at the end of the game to see how well ,or badly, you did.

Retiring cards
If a card gives you the option to retire a card, this means remove the card from the
game. Not just discard it, but actually remove it from play for the rest of the game.
If the card being retired is in your hand, you may use it first before removing it from

Nobody really wins at war, except by losing less badly than the other guy. That rule
applies here too. You can "win" by defeating all of the enemy cards, but that is
going to be really hard. However you always get to count defeated enemies and
generate a score at the end of the game, you can try to beat your previous best
score. This scoring will effect which enemies you choose to attack each round.
Scoring will be covered in its own section later on.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Anatomy of your Cards

Card Type: There are four types of card. A normal card has no symbol in this space.
A card that starts in your opening hand of cards has a white hand. An enemy card
has a cross and cards with numbers are part of the ready resource deck.
Title: This is simply the name of the card, it has no in-game effect.
Cost to Buy: Cards that can be added to your deck of cards have a resource cost
and a card's price is indicated here.
Resources: This is the value of the card when being used to purchase other cards.
Morale: This number indicates how many points you may add to your Morale on
the Disposition Tracker.
Health: This number indicates how many points you may add to your Health on
the Disposition Tracker.
Attack Value: This the strength of the card when being used to attack an enemy
Special Feature: Some cards have a special feature that allows you to do
something out of the ordinary. The text in this box tells you what it can do. If there
is no box on the card, then the card has no special ability.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Anatomy of an Enemy card

Strength: This is the strength of the enemy which must be equalled or beaten in
order to defeat this card.
Morale damage: Every turn that this card is in the active enemy line it will do this
amount of damage to your Morale on the Disposition Tracker.
Health damage: Every turn that this card is in the active enemy line it will do this
amount of damage to your Health on the Disposition Tracker.

Turn sequence
The turn sequence for every round of play is as follows.
1. Deal five cards
2. Deploy enemy
3. Buy a card
4. Play cards
5. Enemy Attack.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Deal five cards
For the first turn of the game you do not have to do this as you start with a hand of
five cards (the ones marked with a white hand in the top left corner). On
subsequent turns draw five cards from your draw deck into your hand.
If there are not enough cards in YOUR DRAW DECK, take the cards that are there, then
shuffle your discard pile to form YOUR DRAW DECK and continue drawing cards until
you have five in your hand.

Deploy enemy
There is room in the ACTIVE ENEMY LINE for exactly four enemy cards. During this
phase you take the top card from the ENEMY DRAW DECK and add it to the ACTIVE ENEMY
LINE, but only if there is space to do so. If there are already four cards in the ACTIVE
ENEMY LINE you do nothing during this phase. It does not matter which of the four
positions the enemy card is placed in.

Buy a card
Look at the five cards in your hand and add together their Resource values. The
total is the amount you have to spend on buying a new card. You can only buy one
card per turn. Any resource not spent is wasted, it may not be saved from turn to
You may purchase any card from the Available Resource Line, or the top card from
the ready resource deck for which you have enough resource. The number in the
yellow circle at the top of the card shows you the cost of the card.
When you purchase a card you do not get to use it straight away, place it in your
discard pile. When you purchase a card from the available resource line, take the
top card from the resource draw deck and place it face up in the available resource
line to replace the one just purchased.

Play Cards
During this phase you get to play all of the abilities of your entire hand (excepting
your Resource as you've already had a chance to spend that). If the card has text
written in a box at the bottom you may carry out the instruction at any point
during this phase. You may choose not to carry it out if you wish.
The total of all of the cards Morale must be applied to the Morale on your
Disposition tracker. If this would bring the Morale track to less than 1, you have lost
the game. If it would bring to total to more than 10, it is left at 10.
The total of all of the cards Health must be applied to the health on your

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Disposition tracker. If this would bring the health track to less than 1, you have lost
the game. If it would bring the total to more than 10, it is left at 10.
The total of all of the cards attack value may be spent to eliminate enemy cards. If
your total Attack Value meets or exceeds the number in the red circle on an Enemy
card you may spend the attack value to move the enemy card to the defeated
enemies pile. If after defeating an enemy card you have any unspent Attack Value
you may use this to attack a subsequent enemy card. If your attack value does not
meet or exceed an enemies strength it is wasted, and may not be carried forward
to the next turn.
For example: There are two enemy cards with strength of 3 and 4 respectively. You
have an Attack Value total of 6. You may choose attack either card, in this case you
choose the larger threat, the 4 card. It costs you 4 attack value to eliminate the
enemy with strength 4. This leaves you with 2 attack value remaining, not enough
to destroy to strength 3 card. Therefore the second card is not eliminated.

Enemy Attack
During this phase you take damage from all of the cards currently in the Active
enemy line. Add up the total of the Morale on the enemy cards and subtract this
from your current Morale score on the Disposition track. Then add up the Health on
all of the enemy cards and subtract this from your current Health score on the
Disposition track.
If either of your scores has been reduced to zero or less, the game is over , the
allied forces have broken and abandoned Ypres. Refer to the section on final

and 3 Health damage.

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015
Final scoring
If you haven't destroyed all of the German enemy cards then you have lost the
fight for Ypres, but you can score the game to see how well you have done. Simply
add up the strength of all of the cards in the defeated enemies pile. This is your final
score. You may still consider it a win if you've beaten your previous high score (but
really you lost the battle).

When I'm not designing games I narrate audio books, many of which are WWI
histories. If this appeals to you, please check out my WWI audio book web site:

You may also like to visit my general audio book site which covers other periods of
conflict and includes various fiction:

All of my titles are available

Wipers Salient, a game by Felbrigg Herriot. Version 1.0 (c) Felbrigg Herriot 2015

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