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2020 Solomode
Solo Black Reach for Heroes of Black Reach
45-90 minutes
By Ray Gaer (BGG-Raygun1966)
Paypal - ​

Solo Cards for Black Reach ​v.2.1 ​(changes in red)

By Ray Gaer (BGG: Raygun1966)

In all my years of wargaming with miniatures or playing a solo RPG I’ve

come to the conclusion that there is just no substitute for a warm
blooded opponent or Game Master. It is hard to recreate that human
independent agenda that can counter your moves and surprise you with
bold maneuvers on the battlefield or surprising situations. Regardless,
this fact has never stopped me from finding new ways to play miniatures,
card games, or board games as a solo experience. It is my hope that you
will find set of solitaire cards useful in your own personal quest for a
solitaire Black Reach opponent. The first section of this guide will discuss
the solo cards. ​The actual set up of the game will be in the second section.

The idea for these cards came from past projects and a great deal of inspiration from ​Chad Mestdagh
and his 2016, ​Solo System​ he developed and shared with the One
Player Guild. Chad had the idea of creating multiple sets of cards so
that people could use his system for a variety of games. I liked Chad’s
idea of adding personalities, his modified ​Mythic​ YES/NO system,
targets, and random numbers. The Solo Cards for Black Reach are a
mashup of Chad’s ideas, and countless others who have thrown their
ideas for an AI out there for people to try.

In addition to Chad’s RPG ideas, these cards also incorporate my work

on a solitaire AI system for the board game, ​Cowboys: The Way of the Gun​ and the event cards from my
long forgotten Soldiers in Time (SinT) miniature rules. In Cowboys, I was able to create a chart where
the player could use the AI chart to fight against a game run gunslinger. I found this chart useful for
dozens of Cowboy games but Chad’s Solo System was an inspiration to create a card version of this AI.
These cards are still in their infant stage of development but any feedback you provide would be helpful
in shaping future versions of these cards. I hope that these cards will inspire you to pull out your copy
of Black Reach for a small solo battle or extensive solo campaign. I plan on using these cards to take my
Black Reach Orks and pitch them against all my World War 2 Heroes of Normandie units. Now that will
be exciting.

How do the cards work?

The Black Reach Solo Cards will help in making the decisions for the opponent you are playing Black
Reach. This system is meant to be flexible and open to interpretations as you play. Ultimately, you have
the final decision in every situation and if you don’t agree with a turn of events you can change the
moves to make sense for your gameplay. The cards are only suggestions of
what an opponent would do in any game.

Shuffle the deck of 24 cards so that all the cards are showing their front facing.
The front facing has the card number highlighted in yellow in the top left
corner At the beginning of any game you would have a single deck of cards as
pictured here .------------------------------------->

As the game progresses you will turn cards like pages of a

book. ​This will give you two different card faces. The front
side and opposite of that would be the back side as
pictured. Whenever you need an opponent’s action read
the two cards from left to right like pictured here. Don’t
worry if you see different colored cards with different
highlighted areas. These color differences will be
explained in this document.

Anatomy of a Card
There are twenty-four cards in this original set of solo cards. Each card helps to provide different
information about what your opponent will do on the battlefield. Most of the vocabulary on the cards
are universal terms that will make it easy to decipher what actions will take place. For example, the
term “figure” or “unit”refers generally to an individual figure but the term unit can mean a group or a
squad under the leadership of a leader. Also, the word “attack” can mean any type of attach such as
missile fire or melee depending on the figures and the weapons in play.

The categories of information on each card are: Card identifier, Mythic type YES/NO system,
target priorities, random events, target objectives and an AI movement system based on
battlefield conditions and leadership.

1. Solo Card Identifier​ -​ In the top left hand corner of every card is a number of the card you are
using. There are twenty four cards in this base set. These identifiers will help when trying to
refine the solo cards and it will be critical if there are going to be future sets of replacement
cards that would change the behavior of the AI.
Note ​cards may have different colored rows on the front and back of each card.

2. Mythic YES/NO Probability Generator ​-​ The top three boxes of every card have different
probability answers based on what yes or no questions you ask. Many games call these FATE
questions that occur during your gaming. When a situation is unclear or you need a FATE
direction, first ask yourself how the unit or opponent would play in the current situation. Your
questions should be guided by the battle situation, the opposition or the difficulty of the
situation or task. Is the questions something that would probably happen? If that is the case you
would use the “probably” FATE box underneath the heading. Perhaps you are unsure of the
success of the situation, in this case you would use the “unsure” FATE box underneath the
heading. Once you have the question and the FATE probability you flip a card and look at the
appropriate box for the answer to your question.

For example, a reckless leader would ​probably​ run toward the enemy, you flip a card and look
in the box and in this example the answer is NO. In this case maybe the figure moves toward
cover instead, at this point I ask if the leader will run for cover instead. I flip another card and
look at the “unsure” box and it says YES. Let’s look at another card possibility for this unit’s
action. Maybe you are unsure if the unit will use its grenades in this situation. You would look at
the battle situation and ask what you would do in this situation and then ask the FATE question.
“I am ​unsure ​if this unit would throw a grenade in this situation. You flip a card and look under
the unsure heading for your answer. Again, your interpretation of the cards is what you want to
make happen in your games.

This system is a great way for unique and unplanned events to happen in your games and
hopefully it will help to provide the unknown we all crave in our gaming. There are degrees of
decisiveness based on the original probability category you choose for your FATE question. The
answer range is: Decisive YES, YES, Narrowly YES, Narrowly NO, NO, Decisive NO. There are two
cards under the “unsure” heading that instruct you to draw again but under a different
probability category. Pick a new card and refer to the probability category given.

3. Random Event Generator​ ​- The function of this box is to throw unexpected fog of war events
during the game and it was a way to provide a way for the solo AI to use the action cards in a
way that is easier to implement. For example, at the beginning a player’s turn, flip a card and
look at this box to see if there is an event. For the most part there will be ​No Events​ and there
will be no fog of war events for that turn/round. However, occasionally you will get an ​Event
result and you will flip another card and look for the Red Text on the front of the card for the

4. Random Target Generator​ - With this box you can get direction on which target the opponent's
unit will attack or move toward or engage during the battle or situation. .

5. Random Order Generator ​- ​These charts that can be found on each card side are the major
engine of the AI. ​ ​When enemies engage in battle there are objectives that need to be completed.
This simple order generator will make decisions for your AI opponent. At the top of each of the
tables on each card you will find headings that describe either specific units or specific types of
order behaviors. (Please note that playtesting will help to refine these actions to better fit their
situations) Each heading on the card is the top of the chart

The orders are below each heading. Here are the various order headings:
a. Vehicles​ - This category encompases the different vehicles or flying units.
b. Leaders​ - This category encompases leaders and heroes and any special units that you
may think are appropriate for this category.
c. Long Range 10+​ - This category is used for moving units that start the turn at least 10
squares away from any enemy (human player) units. This is not intended for vehicles.
d. Defending​ - This category is for use when the AI is in a battle scenario where the AI is in
a defensive posture. This can also be used when adjacent to an enemy unit.
e. Attacking​ - This category is for use when the AI is nin a battle scenario where the AI is in
an attacking posture.
f. LOS of Objective​ - This category is for use when the unit begins the turn with a clear line
of site (LOS) to an objective.
g. Within 3 Squares of an Objective ​- This category is for use when the unit begins its turn
within 3 squares of an objective. This objective can be in a line of sight (LOS) but it can
also be out of the units line of sight (N-LOS)
h. Holding Objective​ - This category is used when a unit is holding an objective or when
they are adjacent to an enemy unit.

6. Random AI Order Action Generator Tables​ ​- This Solo Card table will give you an idea of how
characters/units/leaders will behave in a combat situation. The Solo Card AI orders are
designed so that the AI opponent will behave differently depending on the battle situation or the
ranges involved. The Solo Cards are based on the premise that figures/units will behave in
predictable ways in certain situations.

To find out the orders for an AI unit,

1. Flip a card​ for each
figure/unit and find the
(#6)​ Order Heading fits
the unit's situation or
2. Find the highlighted box
under the appropriate
heading. ​This highlighted box is the base AI order without any situational
modifiers ​(#7)​. There are five different colors of orders for quick recognition and
will give you the ability to glance at the card to see the degree of aggression your
unit will have this turn. Here are the five different colors:
a. Blue​ ​- AI units will be more aggressive this turn and this is when the AI is
most dangerous and often reckless.
b. Green​ - AI units are aggressive this turn but more tactical.
c. Yellow​ ​- ​AI units are moderately aggressive this turn and will use defensive
cover more often.
d. Red ​- AI units are more defensive and will use cover.
e. Gray ​- AI units are completely defensive.
f. Beige -​ These are supply phase orders discussed in #8..
3. Find if your unit’s orders will be modified by the list of situational modifiers
(#7). ​Use the list of modifiers to see if the AI unit’s orders are modified and
adjusted by either moving up or down the order heading starting from the colored
box for that order heading.
a. For example: A unit within three squares of a hex would use the third
column on the card above which has a yellow box in the middle of the card
that reads “M2 obj + Fire” (order abbreviations will be in section 9). Let’s
say that this unit is suppressed. A suppressed unit will move down one
section in the column to the order below that reads “M2Cover + Fire”, this
would be the units final orders.
b. Example 2: A unit is attacking and under the Attack heading we find the
yellow colored box that says “Fire + Full move” and this is the unmodified
order. Now we look to see if any modifiers change this order and find that
this unit both the first unit for the AI to be activated and it is also a melee
unit, therefore, the order is moved up 2 boxes to the order box that reads
“Assault + Fire + move”. These new orders are the orders you would use for
this AI unit for this turn.
4. Carry out the final order box in the order of the options listed. ​If an AI unit
cannot carry out an option either due to abilities or the situation the AI unit would
read the next orders until the unit was out of actions. In the rare instance that the
AI unit cannot perform any of the orders listed, move down the column to the box
below and follow those orders.
a. Here are some of the abbreviations used on the cards:
i. Move to Cover = M2C, M2 Cover,
ii. Move to objective = M2 obj
iii. Move = M
iv. Move to Closest Cover = Closest C, CC
v. Move out of line of site of enemy = M-N-LOS
b. For example : A unit with a “Fire + M2Cover” order would first fire. In most
cases this would be the end of actions for this unit but let's say that this is a
unit with a fire and move ability. A unit with this ability would move to
cover and would fire at some point in its movement.

7. ​ Situational Order Modifiers ​ ​-

These modifiers will help the AI unit
adjust to the battle situation. Here is a
list of the modifiers used:
i. First unit activated - If this is
the first AI unit activated this
turn move the orders up 1 box to the next row.
j. Melee unit with assault range - Any unit that has the melee ability and is within assault
range moves the orders up one box to the next row.
k. Infantry Unit is hit or suppressed - Any unit that is damaged or has taken a hit (not
cumulative) moves down one box to the row below.
l. Any damaged armored unit - Any unit that is damaged (not cumulative) move down one
box to the row below.
m. 51% loss of stars (I’ll fix the picture in a later version) - When the AI has lost over half of
its order token stars move the order down one box to the row below.

8. ​Random Supply Move Generator​ -​ Flip a card to get a random move for the Supply Phase.
Notice that all supply orders are situational and that they are outlined in beige on each of the
cards as illustrated in the picture. This generator table will give units orders according to their
battlefield situation. If you find that a unit is not behaving in a way that is appropriate to the
tactical situation I encourage you to use the MYTHIC yes/no generator at the front of the card as
you come up with your own modifications to the units orders. Some of the abbreviations used
for the supply order row are:
a. M to obj = “move to objective”
b. AS = “move to attack support”
c. CC = “closest cover”

9. ​ (Optional) Suppressive Fire Orders​.​ ​After

flipping your cards, check to see if the color of the
order for the unit matches the color in the
suppressive fire order box. If the color is the same as the unit being activated then that unit will
choose to fire for suppression fire at its target. You may choose to play this with the additional
rule that suppressive units inflict a suppression marker on their target regardless if they hit or

Solo Black Reach Game Play
Game set-up - ​There are no special rules for game set up, equipment, placement of enemies at this
time. I use a random placement of units after I have placed all my units. Any ideas for this section
without being too complicated would be helpful.

Rule System Changes

1. Units with ​suppression capabilities​ will inflict a suppression marker on their target regardless
if they hit or miss.

Activation Chit Pull System

1. Use either colored cubes of various colors, numbered tokens, or other chits to build your
random order bag.​ Fill your chit pull bag with the following number of tokens for each
recruitment tile. You need to have either different colors or numbered tokens for each
recruitment tile.

2. Each recruitment tile gets activation chits that are put into the chit pull bag. Each recruitment
tiles cubes or chits need to be distinctive of that recruitment tile. ​Add the following cube/chit
for each recruitment tile:
a. +1 cube/chit per figure as a base
b. +1 cube/chit for every star
c. +2 cubes/chits for each vehicle
d. +1 for each support/heavy weapon (you can add more for key weapons)

3. When a unit is destroyed remove a corresponding chit/token from the game.

Activation Marker Sequence

1. The player who has the initiative places activation markers first.
2. At the start of every turn pull a number of chits equal to the number of Activation
Markers.​ In this variant you will use 1 bluff Activation Marker in addition to your other
markers. For increased difficulty you can increase the number of AI order tokens. ​An Activation
Marker is randomly distributed to a figure still active from that recruitment tile.​ Here are
some modifiers for placement in order of priority:
a. Figures that are on an objective or are adjacent to an enemy unit get priority
activation placement.
b. Figures that are not in cover should have a higher chance of gaining an activation
i. For example: If there are multiple units who could get the token you can use a d6
and give units on objectives or not in cover a +1 and whoever has the highest
number gains the Activation Marker. This is my method but you may have a better
system or you may just want to place the AI activation tokens as if you were
playing that side.
3. To find the #1 AI Activation Marker​ you need to start revealing activation markers farthest
from the foremost enemy marker and work your way forward flipping markers until you find
the correct number. Once you find the correct number stop flipping until the next activation.
Only flip hidden markers when looking for the number starting with the most distant marker.
4. If a bot unit with an unused activation marker is killed before it can be activated, the AI will use
the pull chit system to randomly determine which unit that has not already activated will
immediately get this unused activation marker this turn.

Next Steps:

I hope that these Solo Cards for Black Reach provide some inspiration for your future solitaire games.
Even as I put the finishing touches on this version of the Solo Cards I already have some changes in
mind for the next version. If there are enough suggestions or I find more ideas I hope to create a dozen
more cards or maybe some battle specific sets...who knows.

I would appreciate any feedback or questions you may have about this
Solo Card system. My thanks to Chad for his inspiration and for all of
those other gamers who share their passion projects with the rest of us.

See you on the battlefield!

Ray Gaer
BGG - Raygun1966
Email - ​
Paypal - ​

Here is a link to the cards on my drive for those who would like to make copies and modify the cards to
their liking..

A SPECIAL THANKS to the following playtesters for their contributions.

● BGG user ​Marc_P​ who’s guiding comments significantly improved this project.
● BGG user ​Sixthfloor​ who helped with fine tuning and suppression rules.
● I could not have done these cards without ​Craig Andrews​ and his significant solo work that is far
more comprehensive than anything I could imagine. Thank you for your incredible work Craig!
● Thanks to the enthusiastic BGG and Black Reach users who supported this effort with their
words of encouragement.

Cards are on the pages below

Front back
1​​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding
Narrowly YES NO YES
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault
No Event Suppressive Fire Leader
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire

Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target

M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov

½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire

M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective

Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Unit without activation goes to Overwatch
2​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding
YES Decisive NO YES
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

No Event Suppressive Fire Leader/closest fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire

Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target

M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov

½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire

M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective

Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: First unit that moves gets fire and move ability 1 turn
3 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding
YES NO Barely NO
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

Event Suppressive Fire strongest unit fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire

Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov

½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire

M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective

Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Remove a random order token from human player
4​​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding
YES Barely NO Narrowly YES
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

Event Fire For Effect strongest unit fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire

Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov

½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire

M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective

Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Remove 2 random suppression markers from Bot
​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 5​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault YES NO Decisive YES
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Fire for Effect Leader
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Unit without activation goes to Overwatch m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 6​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault YES Decisive NO Barely NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event fire for Effect Leader/closest
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
​Event: For this turn gain an additional order token m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 7 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault YES Barely NO Narrowly YES
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Suppressive Fire strongest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Remove a random order token from human player m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 8 ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault YES Barely NO Narrowly YES
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Fire for Effect strongest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Remove 1 random suppression marker from Bot m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

9​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
YES YES Barely NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

No Event Fire for Effect strongest unit
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C

Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Bot forces initiative to active a single unit first

10 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
NO YES NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

No Event Fire for Effect Weakest unit
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C

Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Cancel first random human action card (1-3 cancel) 6d

11 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
Narrowly YES Draw Prob. Not NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

No Event Suppressive Fire Weakest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Reroll a die roll and use the best result

12 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
barely NO NO YES Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

No Event Suppressive Fire Random unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS ​Event: Ignore hit result and replace w/ 2 suppression markers
​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 13​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault YES YES NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Fire for Effect strongest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Ignore a hit result and place suppression marker m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 14 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault barely NO YES NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Fire for Effect Weakest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Cancel first random human action card (1-3 cancel) 6d m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 15 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault barely NO NO NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Suppressive Fire Weakest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: 2 units next to officer can move 2, still have actions m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 16 ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault DECISIVE NO NO YES
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
No Event Suppressive Fire Random unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Inspired troops all bot units +1 melee for this turn m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

17 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
NO Narrowly YES NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

Event Fire For Effect Leader/closest
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Remove 1 damage to vehicle, replace as suppression

18 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
Narrowly YES Narrowly YES NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

Event Suppressive Fire Weakest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Bot returns 1 hit unit to its unharmed side

19 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
Decisive YES Draw probably Decisive NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

Event Suppressive Fire Closest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: Bot returns 1 hit unit to its unharmed side

20 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not ​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj
Decisive YES Decisive YES NO Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault

fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold

Event Suppressive Fire Random unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS Event: 1 bot unit without orders activates at end of activations
​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 21 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault NO Narrowly YES NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Event Suppressive Fire Leader
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Units in support give a +2 bonus (instead of +1) m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 22 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault NO YES NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Event Suppressive Fire Weakest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: bot returns 1 eliminated inf. unit to deployment zone m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 23 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault Decisive YES YES Decisive NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Event Fire for Effect Closest unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Bot units will use orders 1 level higher this turn m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

​ Attacking​ LOS of Obj Within 3 of Obj Holding Obj 24 ​ ​ Probably Unsure Probably not
Assault/ Fire /move Assault + Fire Assault + Fire Fire + Assault Narrowly YES Decisive YES Decisive NO
fire + Move 2 cover Fire + M2Cover Fire + assault +M Fire + Hold
Event Fire for Effect Random unit
Fire + full move Move + Fire M2 obj +Fire Fire + Closest C
Vehicles Leaders Long Range 10+ Defending
M2 Cover + Fire M 2 obj + Fire M2Cover + Fire Closest C + Fire Assault + Fire Assault + Fire + forward Move + Fire Fire + assault
Move +closest target
M-N-LOS + Fire M-N-LOS + Fire M2Cover + Fire Move Back Cov
Assault + Fire Fire/Move2cover Forward Move + fire Fire@ Cls Target
M to best fire pos. move to obj/cC Move to obj/AS hold objective
½ Move + Fire Fire + M2 Cover Move+ Fire M2CCover + Fire
First unit activated or Melee unit within assault range---> up 1 row
Unit is Hit (wounded) or Suppressed---------------------------> down 1 row Fire + ½ Move M2 Cover + Fire M2 closest Cover Full move Back
Damaged Armored unit or Loss of Over 51% of Stars------> down 1 row
Event: Bot units will use orders 1 level lower this turn m to obj/AS move to support full move forward M to Cover/ AS

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