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Maria & the cat

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a young girl named
Maria. Maria was kind and gentle, and everyone in the village loved her.

One day, Maria was walking through the forest when she came across a beautiful, sparkling
river. She had never seen anything like it before, and she was fascinated by the way the sunlight
danced on the surface of the water.

As Maria stood there, admiring the river, she heard a faint cry for help. She followed the sound
and soon came upon a small kitten, stuck in a thorny bush. Without hesitation, Maria climbed
into the bush and carefully freed the kitten.

The kitten was so grateful to Maria that it followed her home and became her loyal companion.
From that day on, Maria and the kitten went everywhere together, and they were the happiest
they had ever been.

As the years passed, Maria and the kitten, whom she named Luna, became the best of friends.
They did everything together and were inseparable.

One day, while they were out exploring the forest, they came across a clearing with a small pond
in the center. The water was crystal clear and the sun was shining down on it, creating a beautiful
rainbow effect.

Maria and Luna sat by the pond and watched as a family of ducks swam by. Suddenly, Luna let
out a loud meow and jumped into the water after the ducks.

Maria was horrified and immediately jumped in after Luna, despite not being a strong swimmer.
She managed to grab hold of Luna and pull her to safety, but in the process, she fell into the cold
water and began to struggle.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a strong hand reached out and pulled Maria to safety.
It was the town's blacksmith, a kind and gentle man named Jack.

Jack took Maria and Luna back to his forge, where he wrapped them in blankets and made them
a warm fire to sit by. He listened as Maria told him the whole story and couldn't help but laugh at
Luna's antics.

From that day on, Jack became a close friend of Maria and Luna, and the three of them spent
many happy days together exploring the village and the surrounding countryside. They remained
the best of friends until the end of their days.

The end.

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