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How Light Came About

Story by: Rene O. Villanueva

Illustrations by: James Abalos

In the beginning, the world

was in total darkness. In a
faraway village, there was a
child whose luminous eyes
were like two tiny fountains
of light. The child’s name was
Mutya*. She was the sole
source of delight of her
fellow villagers in the midst
of darkness.
Light was necessary in
order to survive. But light
could only be obtained from
the top of the highest
mountain at the edge of the
world. It had to be asked
from the Great Provider, who
would only give it to
someone pure of heart. So
far, no one had taken the
courage to make the journey
and ask the Great Provider
for light.
One day, Mutya surprised
the villagers when she
“If I may, I will be the one
to ask for light….”
That same day, Mutya
made the journey. She
plodded along the rugged
and slippery road. The
surrounding darkness made
the journey more difficult for
At last, Mutya reached the
edge of the world. She was
able to climb the peak of the
highest mountain. She knelt
and appealed to the great
Provider. “Oh, Great
Provider, give us light. Deliver
us from darkness. Help us
After a long silence, the
heavens roared and the
cluster of black clouds
“Your wish shall be granted,
Mulya. But you should use
the light only for a good
cause. Take good care of it,
treasure it.”
At once, light poured out
from the heavens. Mutya
caught it in palms.
Mutya hurried down the
mountain after she had
thanked the Great Provider.
But she had not gone far
when she was net by a
swarm of fireflies.
“Help us, Mutya. We only
have a little of our light left.
We are the ones who
illuminate the fields and
forests. Give us a little of your
light.” Mutya took pity on the
fireflies. She tossed some of
the light to them. They began
to sparkle and the forest lit
up. “Thank you, Mutya, thank
you.” The fireflies happily
flew way.
Mutya hurried on her way
home. She was crossing the
river when she heard the
hoarse voice of the moon. “
Help me, Mutya. My face is
getting dim. My light is
almost gone.”
Mutya extended some light
to the face of the moon,
which shone brighter. “Thank
you, Mutya, thank you.”
Filled with joy, the moon
bade Mutya goodbye.
Mutya was going down on
the hill when she heard
voices. She looked up and
saw fading stars. “Help us,
Mutya. Our radiance is
fading. Give us some light.”
Mutya remembered her
fellow villagers. “This light is
meant for the people in the
village. They are waiting for
me at home.”
“Have pity on us, Mutya. A
little light and we will become
radiant again.”
Again, Mutya gave away
some of the light. “Thank
you, Mutya, thank you!” The
stars rejoiced as they
glittered again in the

Mutya hastened in her

journey back to the village.
But before she could reach it,
she was met by the sun,
whose face was already
getting dark. Mutya wanted to
turn down the sun’s request.
But she took pity on the sun
and gave it some light. There
was little left of the light in
Mutya’s palms. “I have to be
home with my fellow
villagers,” she said to herself.
But as she hurried up, she
tripped and the light spilled
out of her grasp. Again, the
surroundings were cast in
darkness. When Mutya
arrived in the village, there
was no light in her palms.
“Forgive me. In my desire to
help others, I squandered the
light,” she said to her fellow
villagers. But the villagers
understood Mutya. They
hugged her and warmly
welcomed her back home.
While this was going on, one
of the villagers noticed a
swarm of the light
approaching. “My friends, the
fireflies!” Mutya cried. “Were
here to help you, Mutya!” the
fireflies said The villagers all
the more became glad when
they looked up into the
heavens. The moon was up
there, and so was a multitude
of stars. “We will help you,
Mutya!” And the heavens
brightened up. The happiness
of the villagers became
complete because when the
night was over, the sun
appeared. It signaled on the
sky the arrival of a brilliant
dawn. From then on, the
whole world was never
wanting in light again

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