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A boy, with a messy hair was waking up in the

middle of a storm, his back hurt, but he was still
able to walk, he looked at the sky and he could see
the rain falling like stones at his face as the wind
whipped the place fiercely, then he turned his
gaze to the front and saw a smoke signal, he
began to walk towards the place through the
mud, ignoring the broken gold mask on the
ground and continuing on his way.

Passing through some trees and falling a couple of

times against the ground, he managed to reach
the place where the smoke originated, in front of
him lay his house burned to ashes.
He ran towards the ruins of those houses, passing
through the kitchen where they ate happily every
night and through the living room where he
played with his older sister.

He entered his parents' room where whenever he

was afraid they told him a bedtime story and
helped him to sleep. sleep.
Those who once were her father and mother were
now just two black mounds, her heart broke in
tune with the thunder, because she felt as if
lightning had struck her heart, she desperately
searched through the rubble for her sister, but
she couldn't find it. found nothing but his hand.

He could only hold it with his trembling hands

in disbelief, as he let out a cry to the sky as the
storm raged around him, in the midst of all that
pain, he could hear a bark from one of the rubble.
quickly, he began to look for the source of the
sound, until he found it, it was under some
beams and the bathtub, he moved the rubble that
he could and in the middle of the remains, he
could see his pet, prometheus, he could feel in his
heart , a ray of hope, it didn't matter if he got a
few cuts with the broken glass that was in the
rubble or if he had to spend all day in the rain to
get it out, he was not going to leave it there. As he
dumped the rubble, he could see all those
moments he had spent with his family, all those
smiles, all those sorrows, but no matter what,
there was always someone there for the other,
always a shoulder to cry on.

there was always a hug that comforted you, now,

there was only him and the ashes.
No hugs, no one to cry with or ask for help, just
him and his dog who he was desperately trying to
save, he felt his breath catch and it became more
difficult to breathe, his whole body weighed, but
he kept going and going, until finally.

He managed to get the dog out, but it no longer

barked, it no longer moved, but it still had a
pulse, desperate once again, trying to defy fate, he
took the puppy in his hands and looked in all
directions, until he managed to make out the city
that remained. crossing the forest.

With the dog in his arms, he ran with one bare

foot and with his clothes all torn, he ran between
the mud and the branches on the ground, but he
didn't care, he didn't care if he had to endure a
little more pain, he was going to arrive there, he
had already lost everything, he couldn't lose him
too, he couldn't, it was what was repeated in his
head. Crossing the river and running through the
stones, he could feel how the wind intensified, it
only took a blink to not pay attention to where
he was running and trip over a root falling down
the hill, rolled by branches, earth and wet leaves
and some caused slight cuts, when he finally
reached the bottom, he desperately searched for
Prometheus, only to see him on top of a rock, he
desperately dragged himself towards him but
could not take him with his trembling hands.

He put his finger to feel his pulse, but there was

nothing, he could only scream in desperation as
all the memories went through his head and the
tears fell over the dead body of prometheus while
hugging him, being aware that all of that was his
fault, it was not the fly mark on his back that
marked that day as a bad memory, what really
broke him that day was losing everything he
“I just..want to die.”

That was the mark of Beelzebub, a curse that

made everything that he loved die.

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