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oleh Langston Hughes

Berpedana tegua pado mimpi

Karena Ka mimpi tmati
Hidup adoaLah seperi buruno bersauap
angidax bisa patah.
Ber peaan9 teguh pada mimpi
Kekika mimpi peroi
Hidup adalah Ladano yan9 tandus
benu dengan salju .

Diseussion Guestion for Preams.

h a t do uou thin« the poem dreame
is about ?
Dreams S about oneof many people wish and hope that become a
reason for survive in this worLc even their body was in

2Do uou 4uink dream can be realized ?

Yes. do but f it's vas not balance wit tte wars
will benotfin
3Do uou agree witf -anaston when he says hat Life is ine q
wingless bird
without dreams ? Oiscuss.
agree because witt. dream we can
Keep trying the best for Life arnd
we can Knaw what s our qoal in ttis Life so wittiout dreams we dont,

knOw hat 's our

goa for Life.

4How does a e poem mane you feel ?

f e e l quilty and sad

No.. Date
5 W h at do uou tink *he poct is saying Do you aqree

agree. itin« 4he-poe s -

2ove reasons
oet says is a t
have a dreams in our Life as a gaals i S0 we ean teep

qive up. Even it tte deame is different from the real:

erina and evr
feel alilL dissapainted but at Least uwe haue tried aur bes


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