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Depression in

relation to emotional
Idan D.
How might depression at an

adolescent age affect one's
emotional maturity?

Questions To what extent does the

emotional process of going
CREDITS: This presentationthrough depression at a young
template was
created by Slidesgo, including
ageicons by
impact factors involving
Flaticon, infographics and images by Freepik
emotional maturity? Such as how
one might view themselves.
Table of contents
01 02 03
Context Emotional maturity Depression and teens
What is depression? How is emotional What is the relation between
depression and Middle schoolers?
maturity defined?

04 05 06
Analysis Awareness Your turn
In what ways can the How can we help? Share your thoughts on
two be connected? my presentation!
01 What is depression?
What is depression?
Depression is characterized by the appearance of feelings of
emptiness, sadness, alongside physical and rational changes
negatively. The way that these changes can be categorized as
depression is once the individuals have been feeling this way for
more than two weeks. Symptoms can include,
● Sleep difficulties
● Low mood
● Feeling guilt ridden, tearful, and hopeless
● Low motivation
● Difficulty in decision making
Who's affected by depression?
Percentage of adults aged 18 and over with symptoms of depression in the past 2 weeks, by
symptom severity and age group: United States, 2019

Depression can influence

anyone, at any age. Yet,
depression can be seen primarily
influence and impact the most
on individuals aged 18-29. Being
a staggering 21% of the
individuals who experienced
depression of all severity.
Depression rooting from
stressful events, making anyone
from any age group prone to
From the three perspectives
Biological Cognitive Sociocultural
Depression can be linked The cognitive theory The sociocultural theory of
to the biological talks about the psychology talks about the
perspective of connection between influence of your
psychology, or the way thinking and psychology. environment on one's
that it affects the brain, Depression through the thoughts and emotions.
through being linked cognitive lens can be Through this, depression
with causing an seen as any interaction, can be influenced through
imbalance of the thought, action, the strength of
relationships. It can either
neurotransmitter attitudes, and
help get through it, or
serotonin, responsible interpretation can
increase their depression.
for our happiness. increase depression.
2 Emotional maturity
What is emotional maturity?
What is emotional maturity?
Emotional maturity is the understanding of our feelings and how to respond to them. As
we grow up, and create better understandings of our environment and needs, we are able
to improve our emotional maturity. The greater our emotional maturity the more we are
able too...
● Relate to others in an authentic way
● Realize we are a part of a problem, and it’s solution
● Engage without shame, or guilt
● Increase our ability to,
○ Meet and deal with discomfort
○ Learn and be compassionate
○ Develop our talents and experience joy
Stages of development
This graph is a summary of the
Stage of theory of development,
Stage Life Frame Experience
dependence created by Erik Erikson. His
theory is separated into 8
Infant/Young I am not getting sections, explaining how as
1 Total dependence you grow up, how your
child enough
emotional maturity changes.
Young I am not good Breaking of As we grow and encounter
adolescence enough dependence new experiences, we recycle
through this development.
I am not being,
With time, we cycle through
doing, having, Autonomous
3 Young adult this development quicker and
learning, interdependence
growing enough quicker. The speed of
recovery from something
Inclusive being upset/difficult directly
4 Mature adult I am enough
interdependence correlates with someone's
emotional maturity.
Identity V.S Role confusion
Identity VS role confusion was one of the developing stages in Erikson’s theory. This
developmental stage explains the period of a human being going through the ages 12-19. In
other words, adolescence. During this stage, teenagers question themselves. Their identity,
their gender, their friends. This is a questioning period where teens may find themselves
confused or lost. Those who are successful in this stage,
are able to create a basic virtue called “Fidelity.” Those
who are committed to their relationships, those who
experience stability in different life areas.
Identity states
Identity diffusion: Identity foreclosure: Identity Identity
This is the childhood This is when individuals moratorium: achievement:
state where we are not are sticking to the role People in this stage are Once people found the
ready to commit to a parents, or society exploring different identity that works for
identity yet, or have yet gives them. These identities, but haven't them, they have
to explore different people don't go chosen one yet. This achieved identity
identities. Adults who through the complex state most teenagers achievement. Once
experience these are time when they try to find themselves in, and they have chosen the
seen as psychological find their own identity. don't leave it until early identity that suits
babies. Hopeless, They instead adapt to adulthood. Much like them, that individual is
looking for a purpose. what's easiest with changing styles, until able to commit to that
ought much thought. you find one that fits identity.
Visual that explains this theory
3 Depression in teens
What is the relationship between depression and teenagers?
What can cause teenagers to have
Brain chemistry Trauma Inherited traits
Changing Early childhood trauma. Depression is more
neurotransmitters can such as emotional or common when a
increase the likelihood of physical abuse, can
depression in middle relative also deals or
trigger depression.
schoolers. dealt with it.

Negative thinking Hormones

Depression is linked to Changes in hormones
feeling helpless, rather that naturally occur
than finding solutions to
can trigger depression
these problems.
How can it be diagnosed?
The ways that depression in teens can Symptoms can include:
be diagnosed is through conducting
psychological tests, as well as interviews
and meetings with the individual's
parents, teachers, and peers. The
severity and the risk of suicide
determined through these interviews.

The doctor might also look for

co-existing disorders that coincide with
depression. Such as anxiety, substance
abuse, bipolar disorder or psychosis.
4: Analysis
In what ways can the two topics be connected?
Depression and the Theory of
Depression can play an important role in the
identification of one's self. Depression can alter the
way an individual may look at themselves. It can create
body dysmorphia, where a person spends a lot of
energy into their looks. This can reflect on themselves
and their identity. This stage of development, as
explained by Erik Erikson’s theory, is to figure out
whom you truly are. If depression plays a major role in
your adolescent years, then that opportunity to
discover who you truly are is taken away from you if
you're not able to discover, and figure out whom you
truly are.
Learn more about body dysmorphia here
Repercussions of a failed
development stage
Each development stage is crucial for the next one to be able to occur, and to be able to achieve a
stable life and emotional maturity. If the adolescent stage of development was affected by
depression, and in turn the individual was not able to truly find themselves, this can have negative
outcomes. Some can include,
● Difficulties in commitment
○ A stable personality allows people to have better relationships
● Worse mental health and wellbeing
○ Research has linked a strong sense of well-being to a strong sense of identity.
● Weak sense of self
○ Role confusion has been found to lead to a weak sense of self
● Lack of confidence
○ A lack of identity can in turn lead people to have less confidence
To conclude:
Depression plays a major role and can determine one's emotional
maturity by altering their developmental stages. If altered, their
emotional maturity can decrease. Resulting in difficulties in
commitment, a weak sense of self and a lack of identity. These are all
factors that can be attributed and applied to emotional maturity.

To answer my beautiful question, depression at an adolescent age can

affect one's emotional maturity by altering their sense of self, and
5 Awareness
How can we help?
The repercussion of teen depression
A study conducted by the British Journal of Psychiatry that dates back to the 1980s, where
teenagers who struggled with depression during their adolescence were followed until
recently, showed that people who went through depression as a teen, were prone to
developing major depression, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders as an adult.

The researches who conducted this study, emphasize the importance of parents, teachers,
and adults in these kids' life being aware of what is happening. Early detections of
symptoms, intervention, and adult guidance can help move these teenagers through a
difficult time with ought any repercussions. The consequences of no intervention can
include, suicide, and overdose.
“For now” resources that can help
Betterhelp Online Therapy: Betterhelp offers you online therapy from
licensed professionals.

Teen Counseling Online Therapy: Through teen counseling, teens are able to
contact their therapist by way of calls, messages, and live chat.

Talk Space Online Therapy and Psychiatry: Talk space offers a 3rd party place to
discuss and talk about an individual's problems.
Work cited
“Biology of Depression - Neurotransmitters.”, 14 Mar. 2019,,neurotran

Block, Michael. “Identity versus Role Confusion.” SpringerLink, Springer US, 1 Jan. 1970,

Cherry, Kendra. “How People Develop an Identity or Cope with Role Confusion.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 22 June 2022,

Gotlib, Ian H, and Jutta Joormann. “Cognition and Depression: Current Status and Future Directions.” Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, U.S.
National Library of Medicine, 2010,,increase%20their%20risk

Harrisfs. “Adolescent Depression: A Look from the Developmental Perspective - Neuropsychology Walnut Creek, CA: Diablo Valley Neuropsychology.”
Neuropsychology Walnut Creek, CA | Diablo Valley Neuropsychology, 24 Sept. 2019,

Levels Stages of Maturity, Ego Dev., Needs, Motivation.

Parvez, Hanan, and Hanan Parvez( Author )Hi. “Identity vs. Role Confusion (with Examples).” PsychMechanics, 3 Feb. 2023,

“What Is Depression?” - What Is Depression?,

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