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What is cyberbullying? If a person is trying to bully or
harass someone else online -
for example on a social
Sometimes online bullying
and harassment is easy to
spot. Someone might post
Even being intentionally and
cruelly excluded from an
online group comes under
networking site - it is known rumors about you, make the banner of cyberbullying.
as online or cyberbullying. threats, pass sexual remarks,
share your personal Cyberbullying can be
Chances are that information or pictures with summed up as hurtful
you’ve either others without your consent peer behaviour that is
experienced or use hate speech. And being intentionally/
cyberbullying yourself other times, it might be deliberately done,
or witnessed this harder to tell if you’re repeatedly and with
happening to being cyberbullied. the intention of
someone you know. harming the other
cyberbullying If you’ve read rumors about a
Especially, if it is being done
by someone you know well.
person — via a phone,
computer or any
Hurtful peer behaviour that is
person online that were being For example, if you electronic device.
deliberately done, repeatedly
spread with the intention of continue to receive emails or
& with the intention of
humiliating this person — text messages from
harming the other person —
that’s a form of cyberbullying. someone even after you’ve
via a phone, computer or any
Most often, bullying starts asked them to stop. Or
electronic device.
offline (school, classes, someone repeatedly passes
playgrounds etc.) and then personal comments online
carries forward online as that make you
well. uncomfortable.
How does
cyberbullying impact
mental health?
It makes me
As we’ve discussed, Young people who have online. Bullying also
cyberbullying takes many been bullied, online and impacts other areas of a
forms — and because it’s offline, are much more person’s life, such as their feel sick & It scares me &
online, it can happen likely to have a lower sense academic performance.
worthless. takes away all
anywhere, at any time of of self-worth and my confidence.
the day or night, which can well-being. Being bullied is Research data tells us that
make it feel inescapable. linked to mental ill-health those experiencing
Exposure to such bullying conditions — for example cyberbullying are more
and harassment seriously depression — that are likely to experience suicidal
impacts one’s mental long-lasting. thoughts and behavior or
health and well-being. have thoughts of self-harm. It makes me
Research shows that hurt both physically
Cyberbullying can children and young people & mentally.
cause deterioration who are currently
in mental health. experiencing a mental
health problem are more
likely to have been bullied
How do others
my age respond to
It’s likely that you have There are a number of cyberbullying. Because
witnessed a peer or reasons why you may have when we don’t speak up
stranger being bullied chosen not to intervene in against these forms of
online. You could have cyberbullying. For example, abuse, violence, or
either observed this you might have been harassment -- we are
happening and not concerned about your own silently ‘normalizing’ such
intervened, defended the safety. You might have behavior.
person being cyberbullied been concerned that if you
or contributed to the intervened, you would Bystanders send a
bullying yourself. receive abuse or negative message to both
responses. Or, you might the person engaging in
Witnessing have not known what to bullying and the person

cyberbullying but say or how to intervene. being bullied — that the
not intervening is behavior is ok. And
called ‘bystander What you may not know, is overtime this ‘ups the

behavior’. that not intervening or frequency’ of such behavior
being a silent bystander, and the intensity of these
also adds up to acts.
If you, or someone you know, What are some steps
that I can take today?
is experiencing distress
related to cyberbullying or
otherwise, there are mental
health resources that you can If you or someone you know is being Report cyberbullying: The Ministry of AUTHOR:
A. Johannes
avail for free. bullied online, there are steps you/they Women and Child Development PUBLISHED
JUNE, 2020
can take to deal with the situation: launched a helpline
iCALL is a national, free ( to report
helpline in India that provides Reach out for help: If you are cyberbullying, online harassment, and
counselling via phone, email experiencing distress related to cyber defamation, particularly against

or chat to anyone in need of

4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
cyberbullying, reach out to someone women and children. Most colleges
emotional support, whom you trust — a friend, relative or and universities have a Women
irrespective of age, gender, maybe even an adult you trust — who Development Cell (WDC) that you can References:
sexual orientation or race, and can help you work through the contact to report cyberbullying.
transcending geographical situation. _cyberbullying_inquiry_full_report.pdf

distances while ensuring Protect your accounts: Don’t share

confidentiality. Use available technology and tools to your passwords with anyone, even your
cut off the bully: Most social media closest friends, and password-protect in-india
apps and services enable you to block your phone so no one can use it to 36.htm
someone else. They also enable you to impersonate you.
report inappropriate online behavior or
material. n-Response.pdf | | @mariwalahealth | +91 022 6648 0500

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