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LIFE #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Okay so here is life on Earth, all it is is a botched

circumcision because of an accidental natalism birth.
Then it is Being Demonized for Twenty Years for being
white as your skin color and being in America.
Then it is Zionism, UCC, the Globalist Talmud.
Then it is Indoctrination for K-12 Public Schools.
Then it is Human Trafficking MKULTRA Uncle Sam's
Snuff Factory CIA Mossad Did 911, Patriot Act.
Then you have a mental breakdown and snap with
five mental hospital stays for questioning The
fake holocaust and claiming the opposite of religion
that humans become Telepathic Ghosts when they Die
and that Martainst Started Religion Odom-Manifesto.
Then you are warned by your family that if you ever
have a Sixth Mental Hospital Stay all of your
belongings and stuff will be destroyed and thrown
away in the landfill all of your clothing everything,
your family will disown you and you will have no
access to your bank account, birth certificate,
family or any of your paperwork, becuase the mental
hospital discharged you into homelessness and cut
up your wallet and everything in it to keep you
homeless with no bank account and nothing, and your
family lied to you the whole time and disowned you,
only needed you for extra money and that's it, because
they are narcissists and do not actually care about
you, also you are a waste of air and your life has
no purpose, because you are a white male with a
psych history aka a toxic male that means nothing.
Then you have your BS a** Kisser siblings that also
disowned you when they first grew up with you and
were the narcissists in the family that always took
advantage of you, tortured you, treated you like c***
when you got even and threw away all their video
games in the land fill for them see that and destroyed
their SSDS and HDDS and Flash Drives when they had
backup copies at their homeless shelter when they
were fake homeless, then you do not even care about
your siblings anymore, you would not even care if they
died and you really mean that also, and you are told
all the time by Voice to skull if you really did not
care you would STFU an V2K tells you to kill yourself
all the time, because you are a failure and your only
close call to death was when you wen to the funny farm
for the second time and a cop was going to bash your
brains during a mental eval and let you out of your
misery, but instead you flaked out and let the cop
live you instead of bash your brains during the
questionaire, then you finally were on your way to
the mental hospital, then other times you stayed there
you over heard in the psych eval room so many other
patients in that same hospital get their brains bashed
by the police, becuase they were mentally ill, some of
them got shot in the head, some got their brains bashed,
so you brainwashed Americans Love your TV, forget about
MKULTRA of the CIA and Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory and the
rest of the human trafficking programs ran by Government,
you see nothing works in society and ther is nothing positive
to life on Earth as Humans are only a genetic experiment of
the Twelve Alien Races and a Bastard Race that means nothing,
and Martians feel nothing are sexually deviant and are not on
our side in any way, so life is just that C*** then you die then
you are a Telepathic Ghost and religion is a Dumb Cult for Morons.
Also what is the point in The American Dream, A bunch of brainwashed
yankees and yuppies have the other option of better job security from
The Internet as it is a less volatile less taxxed source of income,
but the sheep do not know how to manage it or navigate it so they
the sheep do not know how to use the internet for Passive Income.
As they are brainwashed Lemmings they remain brainwashed in their
own ways and life is just vapid purposeless and meaningless.
So if you screw up again with a Sixth Mental Hospital Stay, your
family that disowned you will throw you out into homelessness,
throw away all your stuff, close your bank account, and you'll
loose everything when mental Hospital Staff Finally Cut up your
wallet and screw over all your paperwork and stuff when they do
their Medical COINTELPRO FBI c*** on you and you get used to it.
The Brainwashed Mindset wins, if you deny the holocaust everyone
your friends, your family will all disown you completely ... ;
Same goes with not wearing a mask or getting the COVID JAB ... ;
--Scott A**hole Barry, sudo passwd root ; nmap -Pn -O localhost ; ...
This is the Footer EOF of all of this Stupid ASCII Print ... ;

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