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FIVE #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Explain it like I am Five years old. ... ;
Example Crap Code, Notepad on Puter COM ... ;
:a , start a.bat, goto a ... ;
This text is describing a simple Program called a "FORK BOMB
Wabbi Script".
In similar terms, it's a computer code that keeps starting a
program called
"a.bat" over and over again. This can make the compuer slow
down or crash,
because it creates a lot of copies of the same program, linux
is one line. ... ;
The text features a conversation between a psychiatrist named
Stephen Lykins and a person identified as Scott Barry. They
discuss a variety of topics, including a stranger showing up at
their door, handling mail mix-ups, and the importance of being
cautious about letting people into one's home.
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," including a
preface, introduction, and 24 protocols that detail strategies
for achieving power and control, such as economic wars,
despotism, totalitarian state, control of the press, and
instilling obedience.
The text highlights reasons to be critical of psychiatry,
pointing out harm caused by psychiatrists, violation of the
Hippocratic Oath, patronizing behavior, lack of scientific
basis, and the classification of psychiatry as quackery.
When humans die, they become telepathic ghosts or psychic
beings. The text dismisses
religious beliefs and asserts that there is no God, Satan,
Heaven, Hell, angels, or demons.
Stop using JEWGLE use Tor Web Browser and VPNS YOUR ISP Filters
YOUR Internet ... ;
SO Use TOR I2P DNS Tunneling SSH Tunneling Proxies VPNS
Archivers all those ... ;
Permacc Archivetodayorg are your friend and give you the real
internet ..... ;
2 years ago
the MOST essential business during the whole pandemic is the
farmer and we are NOW less than 1% of the population ;
Gang stalking- Demonic Spectrum clerk calls cops on myself and
a friend for not wearing a mask ... ;
When they did that to me at Loves I said return it and went to
the door back to my Motel Room to EF-ALL
and move on with life and watch some more HBO in my s*****
Motel Room with my D*** Dad .... ;
Intuitive Empath: Gang stalking is linked to human trafficking-
My out of town experiences drugged. ... ;
0 seconds ago
You know with MKULTRA I grew up making child porn and snuff
films with other adults as a kid. I saw in doctors offices
doctors sexually using girls in some Russian Quack clinic, I
saw people get poisoned and die in this one snuff film they
were producing, they videotaped people vomiting and blacking
out in this one snuff film that was being directed, also in
Psychiatry police will just snuff and kill people during psych
evaluations, I always conclude all search engines are ZIO
Communism is Jewish and Zionism is Communism Period .... ;
Karl Marx had Jewish Parents and was a Jew Period ... ;
Odom Manifesto Martians Summary and that is all ... ;
The text suggests that characteristics attributed to God in the
Bible actually resemble traits of Martians, who are depicted as
power-hungry and destructive. It argues that there is no God,
heaven, or hell, and that Earth is at risk of destruction by
Martians. The text then delves into the origins of the solar
system, detailing how it emerged from a molecular cloud and
formed planets through gravitational collapse. It explains the
early conditions of Earth and Mars, highlighting their
similarities in composition and development of atmospheres,
leading to the potential for biological life.
Then most modern doctors or shrinks will diagnose that as
Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia or Severe Psychosis ... ;
Psychiatry is the main cause of Homelessness, esp Medical
Psychiatry and its non statistical Unscientific Communistic
Jewish DSM Quacks Like a Duck
and a A*** V****** Speculum shoved up a rear end and we all
know this by now. Quackery No Contest.
Pyshiatry is ran by Liberal Democrat Communists, not Actual
Scientists such as Neurologists.
It is a front group for BIG PHARMA and Vaccines, So is NAMI, So
are all their groups.
The Nursing Homes, Group Homes, CPS, Elderly Homes, all abuse
Pharma Drugs, Foster Care,
Plus all of them "use people as sex slaves" "do all the human
trafficking" are involved in
Satanic Ritual Abuse within Freemasonry a Secret Society, B'nai
B'rith is the Jew Version,
The ADL is not protecting anyone but defending Pedophiles such
as Leo Frank who Raped-Murdered
a Fiteen Year Old, also they all do purjury and get away with
it aka Narcissistic Abuse by Proxy,
They all lie, Everyones Psych Notes are full of lies to do what
is called Organized Gang Stalking
or a Smear Campaign, they will tell your neighbors all your
personal info such as your SSN which
they will then open credit in your name and do other forms of
identity theft all done by the freemasons,
and then they all you end up doing is going to the bank and
fixing your stuff and you better not sound
like a crazy j*** and say that word gangstalking at a d***
bank, then you would loose your account LOL.
A psychiatrist at Providence St Peter in Olympia WA threatened
to kill me
by "verbally threatening" to pour bleach down my throat over
psych history notes he read?
Aparantly that shrink was a karen that got all butt hurt over
someones psych notes.
It is the same with karens that beat up First Amendment
Auditors or SWAT them ... ;
Again, they are Communists, Liberals, Democrats, Hate Free
Speech, Believe Deplatforming
works, Karents, SJW, Antifa, BLM, LGBTQ, I am not even partisan
and do not side with them,
Again they wore a mask and got vaccinated during COVID, and
believe Global Warming Man Made.
Again this one gets accounted as a NON ISSUE by society and my
only reccomendation
is that Psychiaty is not a real Medical Science it is
COINTELPRO and Quackery, they
do not care about their patients, switching shrinks would
probably help, but again
most of society would look at this as a non issue and that you
are a terrible person
who should have bleach poured down your throat by a
psychiatrist and is look at as a
joke, because hey, we trust shrinks even though the DSM is all
opinions and no statistics.
Again nobody is around to help, that is how this Zionist Run
Society just is.
The times I was in the Hospital on the way to the funny farm I
saw random women get
raped by police and get their brains bashed and lacerated and
get shot in the hospital
by police, basically the mentally ill was being snuffed out by
police and this never made
it to the press ever, The Internet covered non of it, I have to
use TOR Browser to the
unfiltered Search Engine Results, because ISPS censor the
Internet, A ZIO Controlled Internet.
A psychiatrist threatened that he's able to kick me out of my
home without their consent, despite the fact that I'm not a
criminal nor
involved with drugs. Is it good that I sent a complaint to his
boss, or
should I prosecute him?
J.A. Shapira
Lives in Winnipeg, MB5y
No psychiatrist has the ability to evict you from your parents
home without their consent. Even then, it depends on your age
and whether you’re an adult over the age of majority or a
minor. In some regions your parents can evict you if you are
over a certain age, yet still not legally considered an adult.

The only authority a psychiatrist may have related to this is

the ability to have you held for a psychiatric assessment if
they believe you’re a danger to yourself or others.

Of course, they can offer recommendations to your parents or

the court, but they cannot make these kinds of decisions.

Rather than complaining to their superiors, I would encourage

you to speak with your parents, an attorney or your local
agency responsible for governing and oversight of medical
professionals. If you truly feel your psychiatrist is not
looking out for your best interest, I would encourage you to
retain the services of a different psychiatrist. If you are a
danger to yourself or others visit your local emergency room or
dial 9–1–1.
If a psychiatrists makes a death threat to a patient you can
handle it of course
because you are used to Medical COINTELPRO and Stalking, and
you known what it is
Then other COINTELPRO involves over medicating, combining
cocktails, that leave you
Blind, Deaf, in a wheel chair, physically or mentally
handicapped, all from taking
high doses of psychiatric drugs, that is when it goes to far,
when you are handicapped.
So Far CCHR International and The Antipsychiatry Coalition are
Right about Psychiatry Not Being a Science and Being Quackery,
these so called
Psychiatists are supposed to be "Cordial" "Professional"
"Honest", etc, yet they
always do medical COINTELPRO, such as overmedicating patients,
combining medications
that harm patients, thus harming their kidney or liver or even
brain, then you get
shrinks such as Stephen Lykins of My State WA and Ajan Sattar
of My State WA that
always do things to patients such as Death Threats or
COINTELPRO again, I was given
a Death Threat by Ajan Sattar of Washington a Psychiatrist
threaten to kill me by
pouring bleach down my throat, these psychiatrists are not
doctors they are quacks
they literally threaten to kill their own patients by verbally
threatening to pour
bleach down their throat, I can take the criticism and death
threats I guess but
these people just do not use any science, the DSM says
statistical, but all it is
is mere opinions and no science, and when a shrink threatens to
kill a patient by
threating pouring bleach down their throught and other shrinks
combine meds that
could cause sudden death or leave them in a wheel chair with
brain damage then I
do not consider Psychiatry a Legitamate Medical Profession
especually with all the
COINTELPRO involved in psychiatry where a shrink could
overperscribe medications thus
thus harming the kidneys liver or brain, then cocktails that
land you in a wheelchair,
then threaten to kill their own patients by pouring bleach down
their throat over the
shrink being triggered by reading your psych notes as if it is
some soap opera. Again
Most of these psychiatrists if you do not have the same liberal
politics as them they
will verbally attack you and make death threats at you, I do
not understand any of why
they would do all this COINTELPRO and patients go from walking
normally to being over
medicated and put in a wheelchair and physically handicapped,
yet nobody even tells you
this except for a few whistleblowers on YouTube who work with
people disabled and in
wheel chairs simply because they took a cocktail of psychiatric
drugs, makes no sense.
My family argues and shit and one guy goes postal and breaks
shit every
single morning I hear glass shattering and other BS as usual
since I hate
my Brainwashed Family I really just have to deal with their
BS ... ;
I start my day with Coffee, not a health beverage but a shitty
stimulant that does not work, then add creamer which is the
fake wallnut kind, then I get myself water and add it to Thress
packs of
Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal, Microwave Thirty Seconds then I eat
the oatmeal,
then I get some water Seventeen Ounces from the cup I just
added coffee too,
then I Go on this stupid computer and see what is going on in
the world ... ;


Entertainment Station . Mount2

4 hours ago
In the northern states they use salt to combat ice on the roads
instead of sand. The salt slowly destroys the water supply
along with rivers and lakes. The so-called tree hugers don't
care. They worry about plastic bags getting in the ocean. But
New Yourk and New Jersey take barges of trash out in the ocean
and dump it daily. The tree hugers don't care. They the tree

hugers worry about cow facts destroying the ice at the poles.
They don't take into consideration volcanos in the poles
under the ice that melt it. The are just sheepale with very
low IQ's.
0 seconds ago
Primary water only works in certain areas, Military Vents are
full of contamination, Then you have rain water and Water from
the BIOSPHERE generated by Wall Electricity, then you just
distill it, ozonate it, check it with a TDS-3 Meter,
Contaminated water is why people don't do remote viewing
16 minutes ago
Most water systems are not on the Internet. This seems very
bizarre to me.

1 hour ago
You Must Be An Agent For Sayatan
Poor Spirit

2 hours ago
I bet it's all the vinyl chloride. I remember all those trains
crashing around fresh water streams. It wasn't a mystery if you
are paying attention.

2 hours ago
Hi, Bill
2 hours ago
Tedros is known for contaminated water what's he been up to
lately. He's been pretty quite
3 hours ago
That's why I have one of those water machines from home Depots
--Scott A. Barry ... ;
This is The First Footer EOF of this useless driveline
manuscript ... ;
This is The Second Footer EOF of this useless driveline
manuscript ... ;
This is The Third Footer EOF of this useless driveline
manuscript ... ;

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